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wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ... wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

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44Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version4 Urban Design & Place MakingTall Buildings in Wembley4.72 A range of policy documents have beenproduced that provide indicative building heightsexpected by the council. The Wembley Masterplanidentifies a range of locations for tall buildings (over30m) including 3 locations for buildings of 15-20storeys (approx 45-75m). The Wembley Link SPDadvocates a fresh approach to building heightswithin the town centre whereby a number of tallerbuildings will be considered at key locations - noneof which should be higher than at Wembley CentralSquare.Picture 4.38 Wembley Central SquareDevelopment4.73 Recent planning consents, as well asexisting tall buildings, provide a context forassessing where new tall buildings may beappropriate. In order to provide a thoroughassessment of the area, it was considerednecessary to undertake the production of a strategyfor tall buildings, 'Tall Buildings in Wembley' in orderto provide a rigorous and co-ordinated approachto building heights. This document forms the basisfor the policy below and should be read inconjunction with the Area Action Plan.4.74 The principal conclusions of the TallBuildings Strategy are:Much of the scope for tall buildings hasalready been utilised with a number of majorapplications already approved or underconstruction.The focus for tall buildings should be restrictedto key nodes and around the pedestrian spinebetween Wembley High Road and WembleyPark Station due to its accessibility,topography and the location of existing andconsented tall buildings.Areas designated as ‘appropriate’ will still berequired to demonstrate how they do notnegatively impact on key views of the Stadiumas set out in WEM 6.Areas designated as ‘sensitive’ may havesome scope for a tall building, but due toadjacent properties, site assembly or locationof the site (orientation, etc.) will require furtherwork to establish an appropriate form ofdevelopment.Protection of views of the Stadium shouldfocus on local views and the role of theStadium in enhancing local identity.4.75 In line with WEM1, the council requiresplanning applications for tall buildings affectinglisted buildings and buildings of architectural meritto demonstrate how proposals will conserve theirsignificance and setting.WEM 5Tall BuildingsTall buildings will be acceptable in a limitednumber of locations within the AAP area,where they can demonstrate the highestarchitectural quality. Where tall buildings areproposed in areas designated as ‘appropriate’and ‘sensitive’ the council will require thesubmission of a key views assessment toaccompany planning applications proposalsmust also fully demonstrate their impact onkey views of the Stadium. Any application fora tall building within Wembley will be requiredto submit a three dimensional digital model ina format specified by the council.

Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version45Urban Design & Place Making 4AAP BoundarySites Inappropriate for Tall BuildingsSites Sentitive to Tall BuildingsSites Appropriate for Tall BuildingsMap 4.4 A Strategy for Tall Buildings

Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version45Urban Design & Place Making 4AAP BoundarySites In<strong>app</strong>ropriate for Tall BuildingsSites Sentitive to Tall BuildingsSites Appropriate for Tall BuildingsMap 4.4 A Strategy for Tall Buildings

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