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150Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version19 Appendix B: Glossarymethane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons,perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride) by 5.2%below 1990 levels over the period 2008-2012.Major Proposal10 or more residential units, 1000sqm (or more)gross commercial space, also includes new schoolsand hospitals.Major Retail DevelopmentDevelopment for retail use which provides for morethan a purely local service such as a superstore(over 2,500sqm).Major Town CentresThey are the principal centres in a local authority’sareas which function as important service centres,providing a range of facilities and services forextensive catchment areas.National Planning Policy FrameworkPublished in March 2012, it sets out thegovernment's <strong>plan</strong>ning policies for England andhow these are expected to be <strong>app</strong>lied. It must betaken into account in the preparation of local andneighbourhood <strong>plan</strong>s, and is a materialconsideration in <strong>plan</strong>ning decisions.Open SpaceOpen space is land, airspace, or a body of wateror a combination of these elements which isrelatively free of buildings and/or surfaceinfrastructure. It can be both public or private. Thebroad range of open spaces that may be of publicvalue include: parks and gardens; natural andsemi-natural urban greenspace; green corridors;outdoor sports facilities; amenity greenspace;provision for children and teenagers; allotments,community gardens, and city farms; cemeteriesand churchyards; accessible countryside in theurban fringe areas; and civic spaces, including civicand market squares, and other hard surfaced areasdesigned for pedestrians. There is a generalpresumption against the loss of open space, andit will therefore be protected from in<strong>app</strong>ropriatedevelopment. In<strong>app</strong>ropriate development in thiscontext is defined to be any development harmfulto the use or purpose as open space.Opportunity AreasAreas designated in the London Plan as offeringopportunities for accommodating large scaledevelopment to provide substantial numbers of newemployment and housing, each typically more than5000 job and/ or 2500 homes, with a mixed andintensive use of land and assisted by good publictransport accessibility.Planning PermissionFormal <strong>app</strong>roval given by a local <strong>plan</strong>ning authorityfor Development requiring <strong>plan</strong>ning permission,usually valid for three years for a full permission orthree years for an outline permission in whichdetails are reserved for subsequent <strong>app</strong>roval.Play SpaceA dedicated safe area for children and youngperson's to play. New housing developments withfamily sized accommodation should provideexternal communal children play space, eitherthrough new provision or enhancement of existingfacilities as <strong>app</strong>ropriate in relation to the scale ofthe family sized accommodation.Public RealmPublic realm is the space between and withinbuildings that are publicly accessible, includingstreets, squares, forecourts, parks and openspaces.Preferred Industrial Locations (PIL)Strategic Industrial Locations that are particularlysuitable for general industrial, light industrial,storage and distribution, waste management,recycling, some transport related functions, utilities,wholesale markets and other industrial relatedactivities.Public Transport Accessibility Levels (PTAL)PTAL, as adopted by TfL, indicate public transportaccessibility represented on Map 6.2. They assistboroughs in assessing <strong>app</strong>ropriate parkingprovision. The PTAL score ranges from 1 (verypoor) to 6 (excellent). ‘Good’ public transport isdefined by TfL as being PTAL levels 4 and above.Section 106Is the section under the Town and Country PlanningAct 1990 provides for the creation of ’PlanningObligations’. A Planning Obligation is a legalundertaking entered into in connection with a<strong>plan</strong>ning permission under Section 106 of the Townand Country Planning Act 1990. Such obligationsmay restrict development or use of land; requireoperations or activities to be carried out in, on,under or over the land; require the land to be used

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