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Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version149Appendix B: Glossary 19Affordable HousingHousing, whether for rent, shared ownership oroutright purchase, provided at a cost consideredaffordable in relation to incomes that are averageor below average, or in relation to the price ofgeneral market housing.Amenity SpaceExternal amenity space comprising gardens (privateand communal), roof terraces and balconies shouldnormally have some sunlight, and should normallybe directly accessible from a room other than abedroom. The ground level amenity space shouldbe mainly grassed and landscaped. For familyhousing and category 1 elderly person’saccommodation, amenity space should mainly beprovided in the form of gardens (in the latter casewheelchair accessible <strong>plan</strong>ting bays should beprovided).Areas of Low Townscape & Public RealmQualityPriority design areas where a higher level ofpositive design policy and development control isrequired to ensure improvement of areas whichcurrently have a low quality of architecture andlandscape.Blue Ribbon NetworkMayor's spatial policy which includes the Thames,the canal network, the other tributaries, rivers andstreams within London and London's open waterspaces such as docks, reservoirs and lakes. Itincludes culverted (or covered over) parts of rivers,canals or streams.Brownfield Sites (see also previously developedland)Previously developed urban land. Governmentstrategy is to maximise new development onBrownfield sites.Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)As set out in the Planning Act 2008, it is a levyallowing local authorities to raise funds from ownersor developers of land undertaking new buildingprojects in their area. The rates are set locally andare charged on new developments on the basis of£ per square metre. It would normally be chargedon developments which result in a net increase ofmore than 100sqm on a site, or the creation of oneor more new dwellings.Density (Housing)The number of dwellings per net residential area,normally measured in Habitable rooms per hectarebut sometimes by dwelling per hectare.Development PlanIt sets out the objectives, policies for developmentin an area. Prior to the commencement of thePlanning Compulsory and Purchase Act 2004,London boroughs were required to prepare aUnitary Development Plan for their areas under theTown and Country Planning Act 1990. The LondonPlan now forms part of Brent’s Development Plan.Family HousingA self- contained dwelling that is capable ofproviding 3 or more bedrooms.Green ChainsThese are areas of linked but separate open spacesand the footpaths between them. They areaccessible to the public and provide way- markedpaths and other pedestrian and cycle routes.Industrial Business Park (IBP)Strategic Industrial Locations that are particularlysuitable for activities that need better qualitysurroundings including research and development,light industrial and higher value general industrial,some waste management, utility and transportfunctions, wholesale markets and <strong>small</strong> scaledistribution. They can be accommodated next toenvironmentally sensitive uses. These are areasof linked but separate open spaces and thefootpaths between them. They are accessible tothe public and provide way- marked paths and otherpedestrian and cycle routes.Key DiagramThe diagrammatic interpretation of the spatialstrategy as set out in the Core Strategy. (As distinctfrom a Structure Plan Key Diagram prepared toexplain its policy content).Kyoto ProtocolThe Kyoto Protocol signed in 1992, was designedto take the United Nations Framework Conventionon Climate Change (agreed in 1992) aspiration ofstabilising greenhouse gas emissions a step further.It was the first ever international treaty to set legallybinding emission reduction targets on developedcountries that have ratified it. Developed countriesagreed to targets that will reduce their overallemissions of six greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide,

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