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14Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version2 Strategic Planning ContextRegeneration Context2.2 In 2004 the London Borough of Brent grantedoutline <strong>plan</strong>ning permission to Quintain.2.3 Estates and Development plc for a majormixed-use regeneration scheme covering 17hectares of land surrounding the new WembleyStadium. Much of the <strong>app</strong>roved scheme calledQuintain Stage 1 is still to be delivered, includinginfrastructure required by <strong>plan</strong>ning obligationsattached to the phased delivery of the development.2.4 In 2011 permission was granted for a secondstage of mixed-use redevelopment to provide upto 160,000m² of floorspace in the area north ofEngineers Way, from Olympic Way to EmpireWay.It is likely now that the main focus for theQuintain regeneration will remain to the east of theStadium and Olympic Way. The focus ofdevelopment to date has been to the west of theStadium.2.5 In addition to the major regeneration beingbrought forward on the Quintain development, thereare a number of other large scale developmentsunderway across the Wembley area. Permissionhas been granted for hotels, residentialdevelopment, student accommodation, retail andeducational facilities, all of which will continue themomentum of change in the area.Housing2.6 New homes will be built near to maintransport hubs such as Underground and railstations. Good transport links means that higherdensities can be supported. Homes in much of thearea will be part of mixed use schemes aboveactive ground floor uses. A large area will becomea new residential district supplying a substantialproportion of family housing, including dwellings atground level. At least 25% of all new homes willbe family sized, with three bedrooms or more, and10% will be wheelchair accessible, or easilyadaptable for wheelchair users. The borough hasa target that 50% of new homes should beaffordable. Student accommodation will alsofeature in the area.Jobs2.7 New jobs will be created across a range ofsectors including retail, offices, hotels, conferencefacilities, sports, leisure, tourism, creative industriesand educational facilities. Offices and hotels areproposed around Olympic Way. The Wembleyindustrial estate will continue to be protected forbusiness uses. There will be a <strong>small</strong> release ofland from the Strategic Industrial Land designationand a realignment of that boundary to Second Way.Shops2.8 Retail floorspace will be located in anextended Wembley town centre which will connectthe existing centres of Wembley and WembleyPark. The new designer outlet centre, next to theHilton hotel, includes around 85 shops, restaurantsand cafés, and a nine screen cinema. A newpedestrian and cycle priority boulevard will createa link through the heart of the growth area to a newshopping street north of Engineer’s Way.Leisure2.9 Additional leisure facilities will help create adestination for visitors to complement the existinguses such as the stadium, refurbished WembleyArena and Fountain TV studios. New uses includea new multiplex cinema. Leisure, tourism andcultural uses will be located in the town centre orin the Strategic Cultural Area near the Stadium.Civic Centre2.10 Brent’s new Civic Centre when open willbring together the many services of Brent Councilunder one roof, incorporating a state-of-the-artmodern library and a range of civic and communityspaces. The new Civic Centre will be located onEngineers Way, adjacent to Arena Square andWembley Arena and will be an important destinationfor local people. It will provide the impetus andopportunity for further public services to locate hereand could help stimulate a high quality officemarket.Nature2.11 New open spaces, landscaping and aminimum of 1,000 trees will be delivered as part ofdevelopments. The council will also seek there-naturalisation of the River Brent and Wealdstone

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