wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

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124Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version13 Comprehensive Development AreaThe Apex House and Karma House sites aresuitable for hotel or residential development,providing commercial uses such as affordablework space on the ground floor. In spite of theextant permission on Karma House a courtyardtype development, as illustrated in theWembley Master<strong>plan</strong>, is favoured for the site.The site is in flood zones 1 and 2. Allproposed development will require a detailedFlood Risk Assessment (FRA), in accordancewith Section 6.7 of the Brent Borough SFRA.The ‘sequential <strong>app</strong>roach’ at site level shouldbe <strong>app</strong>lied to steer more vulnerabledevelopment such as residential, and hoteluses towards areas of lowest risk within thesite; area from north west to south. Densityshould be varied to reduce the number ofvulnerable units in high risk areas. Furthersite-specific details are set out in thesequential test assessment for the WAAP.Indicative Development Capacity (if residential)- 85 unitsJustification13.47 A well-located site outside the designatedSIL. Two relatively low-grade industrial buildingswith ancillary offices which could be redevelopedat substantially higher densities.1 Olympic WayContext13.48 1 Olympic Way is a prominent, refurbished14 storey office building at the northern end ofOlympic Way close to Wembley Park station and,consequently, with excellent public transportaccess. The proximity of Wealdstone Brook at therear means that it is in flood zone 2.Planning History13.49 None relevant.Site W 161 Olympic Way(0.68 hectares)This site lies within the Strategic Cultural Areawhere leisure, tourism and cultural uses areparticularly encouraged.Any redevelopment of the existing offices isexpected to follow the form set out in themaster<strong>plan</strong> in order to maintain Olympic Wayas an internationally recognised processionalroute to the stadium. Redevelopment shouldre-provide office floor space.The site is in flood zones 1-3. All proposeddevelopment will require a detailed Flood RiskAssessment (FRA), in accordance with Section6.7 of the Brent Borough SFRA. While thecouncil considers that developing the siteprovides wider sustainability benefits to thecommunity that outweigh flood risk, a‘sequential <strong>app</strong>roach’ at site level should be<strong>app</strong>lied to steer more vulnerable developmenttowards areas of lowest risk within the site; tothe north. None of the proposed uses arecompatible with flood zone 3b. Density shouldbe varied to reduce the number of vulnerableunits in high risk areas. A minimum 8 metresbuffer zone must be provided for the waterwayand development should contribute to there-naturalisation of Wealdstone Brook. Furthersite-specific details are set out in thesequential test assessment for the WAAP.The council would wish to improve the settingof the Wealdstone Brook and the tree beltthrough the north of the site. Opportunities tosemi-naturalise the Brook and provide forpublic access will be sought on anyredevelopment of the site. Redevelopmentproposals must be accompanied by a floodrisk assessment.Development of this site should contribute toan upgrading of the northern part of OlympicWay including the underpass to Wembley Parkunderground station.A <strong>small</strong> area of land on North End Road isrequired, as shown on the Proposals Map, andin Appendix C, to allow the road to bere-opened at the junction with Bridge Road.

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