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116Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version13 Comprehensive Development Area13.1 This section deals with sites within the mainregeneration area around the Stadium west of theindustrial estate and east of Empire Way/WembleyHill Road/Wembley Park Drive. It comprises ofabout 40 hectares of land and buildings and mostof the new development in Wembley is focusedhere and a number of sites are already built-out,under construction or have <strong>plan</strong>ning consent. TheStadium itself, including its operation particularlyon event days, has a major influence on hownearby sites can be developed. All of these sitesare within the Wembley Growth Area. The siteswithin this comprehensive development area havebeen further divided up into distinct districts.LAND AROUND WE<strong>MB</strong>LEY STADIUMSTATION/HIGH ROAD LINKContext13.2 These sites present one of the morechallenging issues relating to the regeneration anddevelopment of Wembley - how to effectively linkthe High Road and Town Centre to the Stadiumand surrounding development sites. This link isvital to ensure that event day pedestrian traffic canbe properly accommodated at both WembleyCentral and Wembley Stadium stations and toproperly integrate new town centre developmentto the east with the High road. All the sites arewithin the defined town centre and the WembleyGrowth Area. Many of the sites are in the StrategicCultural Area in which major leisure, cultural andtourism uses are encouraged.13.3 The Land Around Wembley Stadium Stationsite includes a number of potential developmentareas which are under different ownerships. This,together with the irregular shapes of some of thedevelopment sites constrains potentialdevelopment.13.4 There is potential to re-align South Way toenable a larger development parcel including boththe LDA Land and Mahatma Gandhi House.13.5 A key requirement for the site is to ensurethat it forms one of the gateways to the newdevelopment and stadium while integrating it withthe existing town centre and high road.13.6 As developments progress in the immediateand wider area, road junctions adjacent to this siteare likely to come under pressure. Therefore, it willbe necessary to identify and safeguard suitableland to widen the road at the bridge and improvethe junction layouts at Wembley Triangle andbetween South Way and Wembley Hill Road.South Way Site adjacent to WembleyStadium StationPlanning History13.7 Outline <strong>plan</strong>ning permission (LPA ref:04/0379) granted in 2004 for mixed-useredevelopment to include:Business and employment uses: up to21,747sqmRetail and Food and Drink: up to 7,475sqmResidential apartments: up to 43,160sqm (upto 495 units)Community cultural and leisure facilities: upto 12,961sqm13.8 The proposal also included new stationfacilities at Wembley Stadium Station including anew bridge and platform access, and a new publicsquare.13.9 Phase 1 of the work, which provided a newtown square and a new pedestrian bridge link, "TheWhite Horse Bridge", over Wembley StadiumStation with new stairs and lifts to platforms, wascompleted in 2006. The rest of the site remainscleared and vacant.13.10 Alternative proposals to that detailed abovewill considered equally acceptable by the councilproviding that they are inaccordance with the siteproposal below and with other policies in the Plan.Site W 6South Way Site adjacent to WembleyStadium Station(1.29 hectares)The location of this site means that it is ideallysuited for major mixed use development, witha limited scale of development on the southside of White Horse Bridge. A retailcomponent will be important in providing a linkbetween the High Road and Wembley Park

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