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wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

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Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version113Wembley High Road 12Development should also support the objectiveof creating a link to encourage movement toand from the new Wembley re-developmentvia the White Horse Bridge and theforthcoming Wembley City Boulevard.The council's objective is to transform theWembley Link area into a sustainable mixeduse community. This would be best deliveredthrough developing the concept for cafés,restaurants and bars and <strong>app</strong>ropriate retailalong the frontage, potentially with office abovethese, and residential above this, where<strong>app</strong>ropriate. Student accommodation or hotelwould also be <strong>app</strong>ropriate within this site.Development proposals should include activefrontages.Land will be required at Wembley Triangle forroad widening on redevelopment of the site,as shown on the Proposals Map.In the longerterm, if there was comprehensivere-development on this site, the council wouldseek to acquire this <strong>small</strong> portion of land tofacilitate additional junction improvementsbeyond those already identified for WembleyTriangle as part of existing permissions.Part of Site W4 is in a Local Flood Risk Zone(LFRZ) in the Wembley Stadium CriticalDrainage Area (CDA) which has several areasof surface water flooding affecting propertyand critical infrastructure. Brent’s SurfaceWater Management Plan (SWMP) identifiesmitigation measures for the LFRZ whichinclude road side rain gardens, detentionbasins and re-profiling ground levels.Measures to alleviate surface water floodingwill be required as part of the development ofthis site.Indicative Development Capacity - 890 unitsJustification12.19 The existing units are located within aprime position between the emerging Wembley Cityand the existing town centre. They currentlypresent, however, a disparate environment and alow quality townscape. A high qualityredevelopment, having regard for other localproposals, will contribute to the regeneration ofWembley at a prominent site within the towncentre. New retail activity and vitality will help tosecure the regeneration of the existing town centrein the light of activity around the Wembley Stadium.New affordable offices can provide localemployment and enterprise opportunities. The sitebenefits from excellent public transport accessibilitywith a selection of rail and bus services withinwalking distance12.20 Development along the Wembley ChilternEmbankments needs to have careful regard toexisting dwellings. It should be subject to anassessment of the nature conservation value of theembankments and include mitigation measures forits loss, including public access and a green linkthrough the site.Co<strong>plan</strong>d School and Brent HouseContext12.21 The site comprises Co<strong>plan</strong>d School,including a <strong>small</strong> northern part of the playing fields,together with the adjacent Brent House officebuilding and car park.12.22 More detailed <strong>plan</strong>ning guidance for thesite is contained within the Wembley Link SPDadopted in July 2011.Planning History12.23 Outline <strong>plan</strong>ning consent (LPA ref:02/2699) forSite W 5Co<strong>plan</strong>d School and Brent House(4 hectares)Mixed use development on the High Roadfrontage with new / rebuilt school to the rear.The ground floor on the High Road frontageshould be commercial retail development,potentially including a medium sized food store(<strong>app</strong>roximately 6000m²) with associated carparking. Residential development either aboveor adjacent to the retail should include a highproportion of family housing.

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