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wembley-plan-app (small) , item 9. PDF 8 MB - Meetings, agendas ...

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110Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version12 Wembley High Road12.1 Wembley High Road forms a vitalconnection between the new Wembley Master<strong>plan</strong>areas and Wembley town centre. At the same timeas the development within the Master<strong>plan</strong> areabuilds out, the High Road link will be developed ina way which provides an improved public realmand pedestrian environment, and reducing theeffects of through traffic. By doing this, pedestrianmovement will be facilitated between the stadiumarea and attractions within the existing town centre,thereby retaining the vitality and viability of the towncentre. The route needs to accommodate a numberof different movements along its length, includingmovement of spectators for Wembley eventsbetween Wembley Central and Wembley Stadium.12.2 To support these objectives, the easternsection will be developed for street cafés andrestaurants, and high quality retail and leisurefacilities, with more local retail and local attractionsbeing offered along the western stretch. Preferencewill be given to development which supports theobjectives of maintaining vitality and developing avibrant town centre, as they will benefit from thegood quality public transport access and space forpeople afforded by the improvements to publicrealm.Wembley West EndContext12.3 The western end of Wembley town centreis not subject to the same development pressuresas the master<strong>plan</strong> area, but is a designatedOpportunity Area, and is seen to be key to thecontinued improvement of the town centre. Due tothe complexity of the site, the change in levelsbetween the High Road and Montrose Crescent(up to two storeys) and the multiplicity of ownership,a series of development schemes have not beenprogressed, resulting in steady decline over anumber of years.12.4 Wembley West End site has aSupplementary Planning Document to supportdevelopment on the site at the junction of WembleyHigh Road and Ealing Road. Although the site isnot the only potential for regeneration, it is the nextmajor potential development site within the towncentre.12.5 The council considers this area to besuitable for a mixed use redevelopment scheme,incorporating new residential and retail uses. Thiswill develop the site as a key gateway to the towncentre and create sufficient development tostimulate the regeneration of the west end ofWembley High Road, complementing thedevelopment of Central Square.Planning History12.6 No relevant <strong>plan</strong>ning history exists for thissite.Site W 1Wembley West End(0.8 hectares)This site is suitable for comprehensive mixeduse development including retail or other towncentre uses and residential. A replacementtown centre car park and amenity/open spaceshould be provided. The development shouldimprove and diversify Wembley's retail offerand include active frontages to Wembley HighRoad and Ealing Road.Land for a bus lane and an improved footwayis required along Wembley High Road toprovide better pedestrian access along theHigh Road to Wembley Central Station.Provision for pedestrian access between theHigh Road and Ealing Road should either beprovided along the alignment of the High Roador Ealing Road, or be incorporated within theground floor design for any new developmenton this site. The provision of improvedhighway access by providing easier turningmovement left from High Road into EalingRoad should be built into the developmentdesign, and potential use of the land behindthe development to provide increased capacityat the Montrose Crescent car park, serving thewestern gateway to the town centre.Indicative Development Capacity - 250 units

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