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Wembley Area Action Plan - Proposed Submission Version107Open space, sports and wildlife 1111.16 Detailed requirements for providing orimproving public access to nature conservation isset out in the site proposal W 3 Chiltern Line CuttingNorth in the Wembley High Road chapter and siteproposals; W 25 Amex House, W 26 Watkin Roadand W 27 Euro Car Parts in the Wembley EasternLands chapter.The River Brent and Wealdstone Brook11.17 The River Brent and the Wealdstone Brooknatural open spaces have an important role inproviding open space provision, increasingbiodiversity and reducing flood risk. They providea natural landscape in an urban setting and offera different type of open space in Wembley. Theenhancement and improvement of these naturalopen spaces will contribute towards combating thedeficiency in the provision of open space inWembley.11.18 The River Brent is a Site of Borough NatureConservation Importance Grade I and theWealdstone Brook is a Site of Borough NatureConservation Importance Grade II. The River Brentopen space is poorly connected to the surroundingarea and is under used. Opportunities to improvelinks and naturalise the River Brent will beconsidered through the development managementprocess. The Brent Feeder, which is partlyculverted underground, is owned and managed bylandowners across the AAP area. It is essentialthat the Feeder is maintained <strong>app</strong>ropriately.Historically the Wealdstone Brook has beencanalised and culverted along its length to makeway for development. Future regeneration shoulduse the opportunity to restore the natural rivercorridor by partial naturalisation.11.19 The Wealdstone Brook is a Site of BoroughNature Conservation Importance Grade II.Historically the Wealdstone Brook has beencanalised and culverted along its length to makeway for development. The Wealdstone BrookRestoration Study contains proposals for theimprovements and restoration of the WealdstoneBrook. The proposals include the partialnaturalisation of the Wealdstone Brook, tree<strong>plan</strong>ting to identify its location, a brook side walk,and ecological improvements. These proposals areaccompanied by an indicative costing for each oneput forward. Future regeneration should use theopportunity to restore the natural river corridor bypartial naturalisation.11.20 Improvements to the River Brent and theWealdstone Brook would help meet therequirements of the Thames River BasinManagement Plan and the need to improve waterquality. Under the Water Framework Directive(WFD), rivers and river bodies are assessed ontheir water quality. The assessment classified theRiver Brent as having a poor ecological status andthe Wealdstone Brook as having a moderate status.The WFD has set the objective for these to achievea good status or good potential by 2027.11.21 The London Rivers Action Plan includesrestoration projects for the Wealdstone Brook andRiver Brent. Two of these projects are withinWembley and any improvements to the riversshould be in line with this <strong>plan</strong> and the Brent RiverValley chapter of Natural England’s publicationLondon’s Natural Signatures.WEM 42River Brent and Wealdstone BrookThe council will work in partnership with theEnvironment Agency and use developmentcontributions to aid the restoration of the RiverBrent and the Wealdstone Brook. Thedevelopment of sites adjacent to theWealdstone Brook should undertake theopportunities to provide amenity space,improve biodiversity, public access, and seminaturalisation. Development proposalsadjacent to the River Brent and WealdstoneBrook should contribute to the naturalisationof the river have regards to its natural settingand enhance biodiversity.11.22 The flood risk policy in the Climate Changechapter should be referred to in conjunction withthis policy. In addition the detailed requirements ofsites located in close proximity to the WealdstoneBrook are set out in site proposal W 21: 21- 31Brook Avenue in the Wembley Park/Empire WayCorridor chapter and site proposals: W 25 AmexHouse, W 26 Watkin Road and W 27 Euro CarParts in the Wembley Eastern Lands chapter.

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