Report - UNDP Russia

Report - UNDP Russia

Report - UNDP Russia


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Address to readersThe 2009 National Human Development<strong>Report</strong> (NHDP) for the <strong>Russia</strong>n Federation,entitled ‘Energy Sector and SustainableDevelopment', outlines issues associated with aprime concern in <strong>Russia</strong> today, which isdevelopment of the fuel & energy sector. Theauthors provide a detailed analysis of thesituation, make forecasts and study the optionsfor overcoming current negative trends in supplyand consumption of energy resources.The energy sector currently supports allother parts of the <strong>Russia</strong>n economy, consolidatesconstituent entities of the <strong>Russia</strong>n Federation andhas major impact on formation of the country’smain social and economic indicators. In order forthe sector to develop, meet modern challengesand provide sustainable development of thecountry’s economy, the government isconducting a policy that aims to maximize theefficiency of energy resource utilization and thepotential of the energy segment.Energy preparedness and environmentalsafety, as well as energy and budget efficiencyare the cornerstones of long-term governmentenergy policy. A key condition for achieving themis formation of an adequate, modern regulatorysystem, which could provide stability, as well asa proper legal environment and dynamicdevelopment of both the energy market and thefuel & energy sector.Despite different approaches of variousnations to the future of the world energy industrythe international community, headed by the G8,has worked out an effective mechanism forresolving these complex issues throughdiscussion. Its principles were clearly defined inthe G8 St.Petersburg Declaration: diversificationof energy transportation routes, increase ofenergy efficiency, market transparency,development of renewable energy sources andcreation of national management institutions forenergy efficiency.An important step will be change of<strong>Russia</strong>’s technical control legislation in order toincrease energy efficiency and environmentalsafety of such industries as power generation,construction, transportation, and housingutilities. Power efficiency indicators will becomemandatory requirements of the new technicalcontrol system.Utilization of existing technical andstructural potential for improved energyefficiency will enable greater balance betweenproduction and utilization of energy resourcesand significantly reduce greenhouse gasemissions without compromising high rates ofeconomic growth. These goals will requirecreation of adequate incentive mechanisms topromote energy efficiency among powervendors and consumers.I am absolutely convinced that the 2009National Human Development <strong>Report</strong> for the<strong>Russia</strong>n Federation will be of interest and help toa wide variety of politicians and officials,scientists and journalists, as well as to all thosewho are concerned about the development of<strong>Russia</strong>’s energy industry.Sergey I. ShmatkoMinister of Energyof the <strong>Russia</strong>n Federation4 National Human Development <strong>Report</strong> in the <strong>Russia</strong>n Federation 2009

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