Report - UNDP Russia

Report - UNDP Russia

Report - UNDP Russia


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Immigration by young and highly skilledworkers since Soviet times has made thepopulation of northern resource-mining regionsbetter educated than the national average.Populations in some other fuel & energy sectorregions with large regional centers also haveabove-average levels of education. But theadvantages are usually concentrated invocational secondary education, as in otherindustrial areas of the country. Results of labormarket sampling by Rosstat show that in 2007the largest part of the workforce in most fuel &energy regions had vocational secondaryeducation, and workforces in other fuel & energyregions (Orenburg Region, Komi Republic andBashkortostan) were dominated by people withvocational elementary education (Figure 2.4).Tomsk and Samara Regions stand out by havingworkforces, which are dominated by employeeswith higher education, mainly because Tomsk isa leading university center in Siberia and theurban agglomeration of Samara and Togliatti,with two million inhabitants, has a very welldevelopedhigher education system. In neithercase is the dominance of well-educatedemployees a result of the regions’ specializationin oil business.Data for whole regions do not reflect theskill level of people employed in the fuel &energy sector. The oil & gas industries are notvery labor-intensive, and employment in the coalindustry has declined significantly during thetransition period. In most regions with a largeshare of fuel resource production, the share ofemployment in extraction industries is only 1-3%of the total. Shares are higher in Sakhalin and theKomi Republic (5-7%) and in Kemerovo Region(10%), and are highest in the northernautonomous districts, where the share ofemployment in extraction industries amounts to16-27% (because the economies of these districtsare single-industry).These figures show that conditions in thefuel & energy sector have major impact onemployment in single-industry oil & gasproducing districts and in Kemerovo Region. Inother regions the state of the labor market isdetermined by a wider range of factors.Resource-mining territories in northern andeastern parts of the country suffer more fromunemployment because they have largenumbers of single-industry towns andsettlements, where the service sector isunderdeveloped and few new jobs are created.Figure 2.4Share of employees with various levels of education, % (based on Rosstat sampling in 2007)Higher education, incl. unfinished Vocational secondary Vocational elementary General secondary General basic4035302520151050Tomsk RegionSamara RegionKhanty-Mansi Autonomous DistrictTyumen RegionRF national averageKrasnoyarsk TerritoryRepublic of TatarstanAstrakhan RegionYamal-Nenets Autonomous DistrictNenets Autonomous DistrictRepublic of UdmurtiaKomi RepublicPerm TerritoryKemerovo RegionOrenburg RegionSakhalin RegionRepublic of Bashkortostan35

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