Report - UNDP Russia

Report - UNDP Russia

Report - UNDP Russia


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Resulting estimatesfor energy intensity of GRPThe biggest geographical grouping in <strong>Russia</strong>with high energy consumption per unit of productionis Central Siberia, a region stretching from Chita toKemerovo and including Altai Territory, in the south,and extending to Yamal-Nenets District, in the north.These regions use huge amounts of energy forproduction of coal, aluminum, nickel and natural gas(high energy use in the natural gas industry is mainlyat compressor stations on gas pipelines). By contrast,regions, which produce oil, and also timber regions(mainly the north-west taiga zone) turn out to be veryenergy efficient in the current system of prices andtariffs. All of the eastern Urals is very energy intensive,as might have been expected. Regions with lowestenergy efficiency in the west of the country areclustered around the central Caucasus and form across-shape in the centre of European <strong>Russia</strong> (Figure8.4.1)Figure 8.4.1Energy consumption per million roubles of GRP(without net taxes) in 2008 (% of the average for<strong>Russia</strong>)Less than 80%80 – 105%105 – 130%130 – 155%More than 155%Figure 8.4.2Changes in energy consumption per unit of GRPin 2008 +/- % of 2007Trends in energy consumptionper unit of GRPIn the period following 2000, energyconsumption grew or fell only slightly in regions thatproduce oil and natural gas, with the exception of thesouthern Urals. In the rest of the country energyconsumption during the growth years formed amosaic pattern, suggesting that causes of change inenergy consumption were different in each region.However, in the first year of the crisis therewas a clear break: the energy intensity map for 2008(Figure 8.4.2) shows reductions across the whole ofthe European-Urals agrarian zone without exception.From -28% to -10%From -5,5% to -10%From -0,5% to -5,5%From +5% to -0,5%From +5% to -37%However, the industrial centers of Siberia and theNorth West not only stopped increasing their energyefficiency but saw an increase in energy intensity ofGRP.Combined criteria of high energy efficiencyof GRP and improving trends indicate three clearregional winners, which are Rostov, Tver and Kaluga(Table 8.4.1).158 National Human Development <strong>Report</strong> in the <strong>Russia</strong>n Federation 2009

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