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Download report for 2011 (PDF format) - Telenor

Download report for 2011 (PDF format) - Telenor


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For the 10 th year in a row, <strong>Telenor</strong> Group has been named oneof the top per<strong>for</strong>mers on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes(DJSI), which is the world’s most comprehensive annual analysisof corporate sustainability per<strong>for</strong>mance. <strong>Telenor</strong> Group’s overallscore has improved from last year. This is the 10 th consecutiveyear <strong>Telenor</strong> has maintained its position as a member of the DowJones Sustainability World Index, in the mobile telecommunicationssector.<strong>Telenor</strong> d.o.o. is included in the global initiative <strong>for</strong> linking sociallyresponsible companies with United Nations agencies, the commercialsector, governments and civil society. This largest globalvoluntary initiative, called the UN Global Compact, was created<strong>for</strong> the purpose of promoting ten universally accepted principleson the protection of human and labor rights, preserving the environmentand the struggle against corruption.<strong>Telenor</strong> is the two-time winner of the Virtus Award, presented bythe Balkan Community Initiatives Fund (BCIF) to companies contributingto the social good in Serbia. In <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Telenor</strong> receivedthe award <strong>for</strong> long-term partnership between the corporate andnonprofit sector, <strong>for</strong> its cooperation with the UNICEF Office in Belgrade.The <strong>report</strong> presents social, environmental and commercially responsibleprojects by <strong>Telenor</strong> d.o.o. and the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation,realized in <strong>2011</strong>.The photographs included in this publication were taken in thecourse of actions involving <strong>Telenor</strong> d.o.o. or the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation,or were taken from <strong>Telenor</strong>’s archives or those of its partners.This <strong>report</strong> is printed in a limited number of copies, on recycledpaper, in line with the Corporation’s ef<strong>for</strong>t to protect the environment.For more detail about <strong>Telenor</strong>’s responsible business practice visitwww.telenor.rs/info/cr.Report onSustainable BusinessOperations <strong>for</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

Content6Introduction by <strong>Telenor</strong> CEO:Trust as a Pillar and Motive8Responsible EmployerBusiness Based on Assurance1622Policy on the Environmentand its Resources5 Years of Social Contribution22We Removed Barriers36Supporting the Arts42Award49

6/7TRUST AS A PILLAR AND MOTIVEIntroduction by <strong>Telenor</strong> Serbia CEOTrust asa Pillar and Motive5years of <strong>Telenor</strong>’s dedication to its employees,partners and users have been guided by internalrules, external expert advice, laws and internationalstandards. Our company is interested insociety, vulnerable social groups, youths and their professionaladvancement, culture and art, and environmentalprotection.<strong>Telenor</strong> collaborates with prominent and influential institutionsand organization with the aim <strong>for</strong> our assistanceto reach those that it is intended <strong>for</strong>. This is why more than50 of our projects in <strong>2011</strong> were realized with partners suchas UNICEF, the Serbian Ministry of Interior and the Ministryof Health. We also collaborated with universities, culturalinstitutions with a long tradition, such as the National Theatrein Belgrade, as well as smaller groups such as the “…Iz kruga” women’s organization, which is fighting againstviolence against women with disabilities. We provided immediateassistance by activating humanitarian numbers inorder to help resolve the consequences of natural disastersand other adversities in Serbia and around the world.Allow me to name several significant projects from thepast year. The first of these is related to our company’s unwaveringcommitment to the safety of the services that weprovide on the Internet. Namely, with the aim of preventingaccess to Internet websites with elements of sexual abuseof children, <strong>Telenor</strong> has implemented filters that preventvisiting these websites, and provided modern computerequipment and software to the Serbian Ministry of InteriorCyber Crime Department.Last year specially trained mediators established adatabase on the Roma community in Serbia, which is nowavailable to state institutions in charge of their integration.Our collaboration with UNICEF and the Serbian Ministry ofHealth on this strategic project, called Enable, will continuein the following years.I proudly point out that in <strong>2011</strong> the SGS Belgrade certificationcompany confirmed our systematic approach toenvironmental protection, through the implementation ofthe ISO 14001 international standard, i.e. the EnvironmentalManagement System. Among these activities I wouldalso emphasize the equipping of the First Basic Court inBelgrade with boxes <strong>for</strong> recycling paper and the donationby our company to Belgrade – the <strong>Telenor</strong> Park at theNebojša Tower.In 2012 we will be consistent in our responsible approachto society and we will strive to remain the leader incorporate responsibility in Serbia.Kjell-Morten JohnsenCEO <strong>Telenor</strong> d.o.o.

8/9RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYERResponsibleEmployerOur company is a dynamic highly-professionalenvironment with continuous advancementsin employee protection and investment.The interest that <strong>Telenor</strong> company has<strong>for</strong> the general welfare of employees is primarilyempirical, based on our good practice,through which we have demonstrated that alarge company can successfully implementrecommendations of the highest internationalinstitutions, such as the United Nations, toachieve international standards and respectSerbia’s positive law.

10/11RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYERRespectful Employer withHigh Expectations and VisionOffices at the <strong>Telenor</strong> HQ in BelgradeWe developour employees<strong>Telenor</strong> employs 1,404 persons* between the agesof 21 and 61, with an equal proportion of female andmale employees. Employees ages 31 to 50 account <strong>for</strong>the highest percentage – 83%: 66% are ages 31 to 40,and 17% are ages 41 to 50. More than half of the employees,56%, hold higher education degrees (42% -university degrees, 14% college degrees).All our employees abide by the “<strong>Telenor</strong> Code ofConduct” – from the Senior Management to personsacting on behalf of the company. <strong>Telenor</strong> has also developeda style of internal communication, called the<strong>Telenor</strong> Way.Working at <strong>Telenor</strong> should be a pleasure becauseemployees should be bound by promises, respect andinspiration. Such a style of conduct is also applied incommunication with users, partners and clients.<strong>Telenor</strong> asserts human dignity, health, safety, protection,devotion, freedom of choice, open competition,confidentiality of personal in<strong>for</strong>mation and respectingprivacy. We do not approve of discrimination on anygrounds, <strong>for</strong>ced labor, child labor, sexual or other <strong>for</strong>msof harassment, or conflict of interest.The Mobility Program is dedicated to development of<strong>Telenor</strong> Serbia employees, through their assignments inother <strong>Telenor</strong> companies and vice versa. In recent years thenumbers in these two groups have become balanced.Last year <strong>Telenor</strong> improved its program <strong>for</strong> studentinternships in the field of communications, finance, engineering,marketing and human resources; these now lastup to a year and are paid. To date they have included 48students: 28 interns up to three months, and 20 up to oneyear.In <strong>2011</strong> our employees had a wide range of trainings tochoose from, ranging from professional to general corporateadvancement, including: communications, leadership,teambuilding and computer use trainings.123corporate trainings,totaling547hours, with1,457participants118attendants took part in5external trainings, i.e.123hours of professional training*As of 31 December <strong>2011</strong>

12/13BUSINESS BASED ON ASSURANCEBusinessBased onAssurance<strong>Telenor</strong> Group, in all the markets that it operatesin, applies the so-called Business Assuranceapproach. This implies operation followingthe principles of universal civilizational valuesand strictly abiding by ethics, moral, law, internationalconventions, as well as the ISO 14001(environmental management) and OHSAS 18001(occupational health and safety) standards, Serbia’spositive law, rejecting prohibited businesspractice and unfair competition. <strong>Telenor</strong>’s policyin this complex domain is covered by the Code ofConduct and Supplier Conduct Principles.

14/15 BUSINESS BASED ON ASSURANCERejection of Unsafe Working Conditionsand Environmental PollutionBased on the internal management system of evaluation,control and monitoring, a ten-member Business Assuranceoperating group assesses the areas of highest riskin the corporate chain: from within <strong>Telenor</strong> itself to its partners.Our team is linked to other local operating groups, inmarkets where the <strong>Telenor</strong> Group operates.It is our intention to maintain the following achievements:- absolute implementation of the law- environmental protection, 0-tolerance towards on-thejobinjuries, 0 violations of human rights- continuous development of corporate documents thatwill improve health, safety and environmental standards- creating an employee and supplier culture in this area- cooperation with suppliers with the aim of continuous optimizationof the supply chain.Our first task was to inspect and improve procedureswithin the company, and the second was to improve cooperationwith suppliers. Responsible business practice in thesupply chain is continuously controlled through:- self-assessment questionnaires (SAQ)- announced and ad-hoc visits to suppliers- additional reference pre-qualification criteria <strong>for</strong> suppliers- semi-annual supplier risk assessment- accident <strong>report</strong>ing procedure- the contractual <strong>for</strong>m of the Agreement on ResponsibleBusiness Conduct with each <strong>Telenor</strong> supplier.Due to our cooperation with numerous constructionand assembly services suppliers we have developed a comprehensivesupervision of on-the-job safety <strong>for</strong> employeesat <strong>Telenor</strong> and at the contractors, as well as a system of<strong>report</strong>ing irregularities and/or significant discrepancy inoperation.Several procedures were revised at <strong>Telenor</strong>, along withthe risk analysis, and employees received intensive trainingon safe driving, especially off-road, they were subjected tomedical exams in accordance with their job description, andmammography. We additionally printed brochures abouton-the-job safety and precautionary measures <strong>for</strong> certaintypes of jobs. In addition to regular training, all employees<strong>2011</strong>11 inspections at <strong>Telenor</strong> offices, regional centers and warehouses3 discrepancies; corrections agreed with employeesalso underwent electronic training on health and safety.This involved the line manager as a mentor, through whichwe raised the management’s awareness and responsibilitytowards employees. The Business Assurance team supervisesthe implementation of laws and other legal normsin these fields at <strong>Telenor</strong> d.o.o and continuously developsthem, with the following indicators:quality changes to <strong>report</strong>ing and controls of the line organization and the accidents0 accident rate maintained in <strong>2011</strong>0 high-, mid- or low-level risk accidents at the company4 inspections at <strong>Telenor</strong> offices, regional centers or warehouses<strong>2011</strong>2010201 suppliers signed the Agreement on Responsible Business Conduct27 field inspections; 5 discrepancies; corrections agreed with suppliers2 slight on-the-job injuries of people engaged on <strong>Telenor</strong> contracts3 low-risk accidents in the supply chain0 high- or mid-level risk in the supply chain109 positive ratings on supplier risk evaluation79 suppliers signed the Agreement on Responsible Business Conduct20 field inspections; 0 discrepancies; corrections agreed with suppliers2 on-the-job injuries of people engaged on <strong>Telenor</strong> contracts: 1 fatal, 1 with slightphysical consequences0 high- or mid-level risk in the supply chain113 positive ratings on supplier risk evaluation20100 discrepancies; corrections agreed with employeessystem of 0-tolerance of on-the-job injuries introduced and <strong>for</strong>malized, as well as theaccident <strong>report</strong>ing system0 on-the-job injuries0 high-, mid- or low-level risk accidents at the companyIn 2012 we are determined to remain the leaders increating a culture of health and safety in the telecommunicationssector – in its supply chain, and not to tolerateprohibited business practices, not to have a single injuryon the job, and <strong>for</strong> there to be negligibly few accidents inthe supply chain. This is why in the first half of 2012 we willorganize electronic on-the-job health and safety training<strong>for</strong> all suppliers. It is <strong>Telenor</strong>’s ambition to continue itsabsolute intolerance of injuries on the job, to consult employeeson these and health matters, and to maintain theaccident level, as well as improve working conditions at thecompany.

16/17POLICY ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND ITS RESOURCESPolicy onthe Environmentand its Resources<strong>Telenor</strong> has a systematic approach to environmentalprotection in Serbia. This is why in this field,through the Environmental Management System,we focus on abiding by Serbian law and the ISO14001 international standard. Through campaignswe also strive to raise employee awareness ofthe necessity to preserve the environment, whilethrough external campaigns and in communicationwith suppliers we influence the environmentalawareness of the general public and our associates.

18/19POLICY ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND ITS RESOURCESStep Closer toGood Environmental PracticeTogether with our partners we developed the <strong>Telenor</strong>Eco Park with solar lighting, on an area of 400 square meters,near Nebojša Tower in Belgrade. We thus donated toBelgrade a green oasis and contributed to raising publicawareness of the importance of a healthy environment. Theproject was awarded with Green Star by the Ecotopia Fund,<strong>for</strong> the best socially responsible campaign in <strong>2011</strong>.<strong>Telenor</strong>’s environmental manager in actionAdditionally, in partnership with the First Basic Court inBelgrade, the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation equipped eleven courtfacilities with bins <strong>for</strong> recycling paper. The Turn the Page– Recycle campaign is compatible with <strong>Telenor</strong>’s goal ofsustainable development, because it is systemic and it hasalready been joined by other judiciary bodies. The revenuefrom the processed paper will be invested in sports equipment,promoting a healthy lifestyle of Court employees, aswell as helping vulnerable groups, especially the underprivilegedand children.<strong>Telenor</strong> employees’ children work on the eco-parkWe have joined the celebration of global environmentaldays, such as Earth Hour, on March 26, and Earth Day, April22, with appropriate actions. For Earth Hour we turned offall the lights and illuminated advertisements on our officebuilding and at larger shops in Serbia. On Earth Day we collaboratedwith the Supernatural movement on a celebrationat our Green Corner, at the Jevremovac botanical garden inBelgrade, where we recorded citizens’ wishes <strong>for</strong> Earth, andhanded out mobile applications with instruction on how theycan contribute to the preservation of its resources.Parallel to that, between March and December <strong>2011</strong> weencouraged our employees and visitors to the <strong>Telenor</strong> buildingto behave responsibly towards nature, through ecoposterswith various themes. We visually and verbally drewattention to the necessity to recycle paper, plastic, aluminum,batteries and electronic waste. During the spring, summerand winter season we encouraged employees to plant atree, to clean the filters in their air-conditioning units, to savewater and electricity, to walk or ride their bicycles. Each individualposter contained a comprehensibly calculated saving<strong>for</strong> the environment and the household budget, which wasthe consequence of responsible behavior in this domain.In 2010 <strong>Telenor</strong> started implementing the ISO 14001Environmental Management Standard, in order to reducethe negative impact on the environment within which it operates.In <strong>2011</strong> our systematic approach was confirmed bythe SGS Belgrade certification house.Since 2008 we have been monitoring energy consumptionat our facilities, in the telecommunications network and<strong>for</strong> travel. <strong>Telenor</strong>’s priority is to contribute to lower energyconsumption and lower carbon dioxide emission, based onsectoral analyses.Compared to 2010, <strong>Telenor</strong>’s energy consumption in<strong>2011</strong> was up by 6.3%, and carbon dioxide emission was up by8.2%. This is mainly the consequence of the company’s constantgrowth, and the development of the telecommunicationsand retail network.

20/21POLICY ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND ITS RESOURCESEnergy Consumption (GWh)Waste sorted <strong>for</strong>further processing in <strong>2011</strong><strong>2011</strong>2010Travel 5.1Telecommunications network 30.3Facilities 5.96Travel 5.13Telecommunications network 27.66Facilities 6.12The total consumption of energy by the telecommunicationsnetwork in <strong>2011</strong> was 30.3 GWh. The average consumptionper radio bearer was reduced by 10% comparedto consumption in 2010.Last year we renewed our entire vehicle fleet, whichnow consists of vehicles with modern engines, guaranteeinglower fuel consumption and lower emission of harmfulgases. This way the average fuel consumption per vehiclewas reduced by 12.8% compared to 2010.One of the consequences of <strong>Telenor</strong>’s operations is asignificant quantity of waste, which the Company separatesand prepares <strong>for</strong> recycling, in accordance with the law. 92%of the total waste in <strong>2011</strong> was sent to be recycled.Industrial batteries:229.66 tElectrical andelectronic waste:12.82 tCarbon Dioxide Emission (t)Average Fuel Consumption per Vehicle (liter)Waste Management in <strong>2011</strong><strong>2011</strong>23,746.42201021,953.49<strong>2011</strong>1,513.9020101,736.69Generated waste305.22 tRecycled Waste279.41 tWood:9.39 tMetal:1.48 tIn <strong>2011</strong> our facilities consumed a total of 5.96 gigawatt-hoursof energy (GWh). The average consumption perfacility was 0.101 GWh, which was a reduction of 14% comparedto consumption in 2010.Modern Internet and mobile telephony tools have allowed<strong>Telenor</strong> to reduce the number of airplane flights by120 in <strong>2011</strong> – and to reduce the mileage by 9.8%.PartnersCables:2.78 tFurniture:2.34 tAverage Energy Consumption per Facility (GWh)Airplane Flights (km)Belgrade City ParksCity of Belgrade Secretariat <strong>for</strong> Environmental ProtectionRingier Axel Springer publishing company<strong>2011</strong>0.10120100.118<strong>2011</strong>909,226.0020101,007,762.00RTV B92Supernatural movementStudents of the University of Belgrade Faculty of BiologyVlade Divac, Žarko Paspalj (Olympic Committee of Serbia)Plastic:6.15 tPaper/Cardboard:12.95 tWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF)

22/235 YEARS OF SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONYears of SocialContributionThe most diverse segment of the <strong>report</strong> on <strong>Telenor</strong>and <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation projects in Serbia lastyear indicates that its social activity is wide-ranging.Our expertise and support in the <strong>for</strong>m of telecommunicationsand handsets was received bycitizens from many social groups in Serbia. Theseare to a great extent projects that we have beensuccessfully realizing based on our own ideas andthose that we have joined as a corporation thatrecognizes society’s long-term needs. This is whyour partners have been state institutions, the UNI-CEF office, as well as the third sector in Serbia.

24/25 5 YEARS OF SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONSustainable Projects<strong>for</strong> the Progress ofLocal CommunitiesThe <strong>Telenor</strong> Serbia CEO, the UNICEF Serbia director and the SerbianMinister of Health at the official signing of partnership contractDonations inProducts and ServicesApplication of core competence in social responsibility:The <strong>Telenor</strong> company has launched and supportedstrategic socially responsible projects which have involvedvarious teams in cooperation with different partners, butit also contributes to society through the initiatives of the<strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation.In its five-year history, the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation has providedassistance to underprivileged and vulnerable strata ofSerbia’s citizens, as well as youths, with the aim of providing<strong>for</strong> their educational and professional development in circumstancesof highly-dynamic progress of modern society.The Foundation also contributes to the decentralization ofart, culture, science and art in Serbia, as well as general environmentaldevelopment.We create transparent and public partnerships withstate institutions and nonprofit organizations, following atwo-level procedure, as required by our Statute. Competentteams assess and select ideas that have been sent in, accordingto clearly defined criteria, which are then submittedto the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation Board of Directors. The Board thendecides, at regular annual sessions, which ideas will receivesupport. Our partners are required to submit to the Board apublic <strong>report</strong> about their progress and a detailed summaryof the results.The <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation Board of Directors consists ofsix prominent people whose work has been socially verifiedin practice: five members, two of whom are employedby <strong>Telenor</strong>, and advisor Dina Johnsen, a photographer withsixteen years of experience in the publishing industry andinvolvement in culture affirmation projects in Russia. TheFoundation Board is chaired by Kjell-Morten Johnsen, CEOof <strong>Telenor</strong> d.o.o. In addition to other fields, he built his careerin fixed-line and mobile telephony (<strong>Telenor</strong>, VimpelCom,Golden Telecom). Another <strong>Telenor</strong> member of the board isSandra Štajner, CCO, who built her career in communicationsboth in corporations and as an independent consultant locallyand abroad. The members of the Board with the highestacademic titles are Prof. Dr. Branko Kovačević, Chancellorof the University of Belgrade, and Prof. Dr. SlobodanG. Marković, associate professor at the Faculty of PoliticalSciences and senior associate at the Institute <strong>for</strong> EuropeanStudies in Belgrade. The Board member from the media sectoris Veran Matić, founder and editor-in-chief of TV B92. TheFoundation managing director since its founding has beenAna Krstić, who was entrusted with these duties because ofher long and abundant professional experience in the field ofcorporate social responsibility and international relations.In <strong>2011</strong> the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation launched and supportedmore than 20 projects, and collaborated with more than 30partner organizations.RSD 27,445,436.77 65%Corporate philanthropy:RSD 8,130,828.66Operating costs*:RSD 6,826,297.19TOTAL: RSD 42,402,562.6219%16%* Including taxes, publication production, project promotional activities

26/27 5 YEARS OF SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONThe <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation managing director, a Belgrade City Council memberand the Assistant Mayor of Belgrade surf the Internet in the parkTowards Comprehensive Roma Integrationthrough TechnologyMediator visiting Roma settlementEnable – Our Services<strong>for</strong> Social GoodThe Povezivanje project is the result of our collaborationwith UNICEF and the Ministry of Health, with the aim ofcontinuous long-term improvement of the general, health,administrative, legal and telecommunications literacy ofthe Roma community in Serbia.Through portable computers with <strong>report</strong>ing and dataentrysoftware, telephones, Internet and intensive training- contribution of our Company - healthcare mediators fromthe Roma community have been able to communicate muchmore efficiently between themselves and with the Romas(last year 105,495 people were visited). Be<strong>for</strong>ehand 60 mediatorsunderwent training at our Belgrade offices by <strong>Telenor</strong>experts on how to use the provided equipment and programs,and UNICEF instructed them on public health, prevention ofcontagious diseases, healthcare and insurance rights, registeringchildren in Roma families and communications skills.Last year the Roma mediators created a database thatis used by all relevant state institutions dealing with integrationof Roma people.According to the words of Serbian Minister of HealthZoran Stanković “The support that the Ministry of Healthhas received through the Povezivanje project has helpedthe mediators in a number of ways to do their job withgreater quality and efficiency.”.<strong>Telenor</strong> has used the term “Enable”, this economicaland internationally recognized label <strong>for</strong> its concepts ofprojects <strong>for</strong> long-term social contribution through telecommunicationsservices. The results are continuouslyvery good. Namely, last year again saw an increase in thenumber of cities where free Internet access was availablein public parks. Also from the beginning of 2009 to the endof <strong>2011</strong> the Povezivanje project resulted in the registrationof 960 Roma settlements, their structure, and healthcarerecords were created <strong>for</strong> their residents. This encompassed33,086 families, i.e. 115,241 persons.Networking in the ParkAs of last summer free Internet browsing and emailare available in Belgrade, Subotica, Požarevac, Lazarevac,Aranđelovac, Niš, Zaječar and Loznica.In the past four years we have helped Serbia’s citizensaccess the Internet, buy providing free access in 29 Internetparks in 16 cities throughout Serbia, with ten located inBelgrade. They function year-round or with a break duringthe winter. We are proud of this idea because we were thefirst to come up with it in the Western Balkans.Between 1 April 2010 and 31 December <strong>2011</strong>, 75 mediatorsfrom 60 cities throughout Serbia received training;7,367 persons received personal and identity documents;12,212 children and 1,381 grown ups were vaccinated;1,514 pregnant women and new mothers were examined;13,234 adults were assigned a doctor, according to genderand age; 3,238 children were enrolled in school; families whorequired hygiene education were visited 168,054 times.VACCINATED:13,593 personsENROLLED IN SCHOOL:3,238 childrenEXAMINED:1,514 pregnant womenand new mothers

28/295 YEARS OF SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONThe Core Network and VAS Planning manager, CR coordinator in <strong>Telenor</strong> Serbiaand the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering present the“Prof. Dr. Ilija Stojanović“ Award to one of the best graduatesFree Internetand Tablet Computers <strong>for</strong> ScienceSafe – <strong>Telenor</strong>’s innovationagainst cyber crimeIn 2005 <strong>Telenor</strong> in Norway was one of the first mobileoperators in the world to directly protect Internet access inits operation, by applying special filters. The other membersof the Group have followed this model, with the companyin Serbia being included last year.Contributing to Online SafetyAt the beginning of last summer, we signed an agreementwith the Serbian Ministry of Interior, as the first andonly operator in Serbia, on a strategic cooperation in orderto introduce filters <strong>for</strong> blocking access to illegal websiteswith elements of child sexual abuse. <strong>Telenor</strong> users thatattempt to access website of this type from their mobiletelephone or computer are <strong>for</strong>warded to our “Stop page”.There have been 116 such cases since the beginning of therealization of the project. At the same time, the SerbianMinistry of Interior Cyber Crime Department submits <strong>Telenor</strong>a list of sites that the Ministry of Interior and Interpolhave determined to contain illegal material.According to Interior Minister Ivica Dačić “the struggleagainst this <strong>for</strong>m of crime comes second, after terrorism,with the Cyber Crime Department achieving significantresults in its three-year operation, despite modestequipment.” It is the opinion of <strong>Telenor</strong> CEO Kjell-MortenJohnsen that having allowed children quick and easy Internetaccess, via computer or mobile telephone, <strong>Telenor</strong> isalso responsible <strong>for</strong> their safe virtual communication. Thisis why Johnsen pointed out that the company that he headsconsiders telecommunications “a sector that can contributeto the reduction of online sexual abuse of children.”He has said that this agreement with the Serbian Ministryof Interior is the first step by individual operators and theindustry in this direction.Support through Services,Equipment and CompetenceAs an IT and telecommunications corporation, it is in<strong>Telenor</strong>’s interest <strong>for</strong> a greater portion of Serbia’s populationto master them, especially youths and children. Namely,educating this segment of society is in the focus of ourattention. <strong>Telenor</strong>’s determination to transfer its abundantprofessional experience stems from this attitude and ouroperations. A higher level of their IT and telecommunicationtraining is very significant in this respect because it allows<strong>for</strong> the faster and more efficient adoption of knowledge andskills.At the end of <strong>2011</strong>, the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation Award“Prof. Dr. Ilija Stojanović”, which was established in 2007,was presented to the best graduate students from the Departmentof Telecommunications, the authors of the beststudent papers at the TELFOR <strong>2011</strong> conference, and theauthor of the best professional paper published in an internationaljournal.The award winners were graduates Zdravko Zubacfrom the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,Dušan Cvetković from the University of Niš, Facultyof Electronics, and Siniša Suzić, from the University of NoviSad, Faculty of Technical Sciences.The best student papers were Comparison of Five Antennae<strong>for</strong> WBAN Application, by Aleksandra Krneta fromthe Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade; DigitalGuitar Tuner, by Miodrag Stanojević and Miloš Bjelić fromthe Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade; and Implementationof LC Codes on TelosB Plat<strong>for</strong>m, by JelenaMilošević from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in NoviSad.The most important professional paper published internationallywas Efficient Analysis of Large Scatterers byPhysical Optics Driven Method of Moments, by MiodragTasić and Branko Kolundžija.

30/31 5 YEARS OF SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONThe Serbian Minister of Culture, In<strong>for</strong>mation and In<strong>for</strong>mation Society,the Stari Grad Municipal Mayor, and Princess Jelisaveta, during the Art TourDetails from the open-air Art Tour in BelgradeModern Telecommunications Equipmentand <strong>Telenor</strong> Competence <strong>for</strong> the Faculty ofElectronics in NišDuring last year’s continuation cooperation betweenthe Faculty of Electronics in Niš and the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation,a donation of new equipment <strong>for</strong> modernizing teachingand more efficient authoring of scientific papers wasmade to the student Laboratory <strong>for</strong> Telecommunications.Furthermore, a computer with the latest Intel Core i7 processorwill be of use to doctoral students <strong>for</strong> complex numericalcalculations, modeling and simulation of telecommunicationssystems.A technical expert from <strong>Telenor</strong> explained to the studentsthe development of mobile networks and the possibilityof introducing advanced LTE technology, so that theymight gain clear insight into the application of theory.Electronic PISA Testing<strong>for</strong> the First Time in SerbiaAudio and SMS Guide <strong>for</strong> National MuseumWorks in Streets of BelgradeAudio and SMS Catalogue<strong>for</strong> Pavle Beljanski CollectionLecture by the Technology strategy and coordination area managerin <strong>Telenor</strong> Serbia at the Faculty of Electronics in NišWe loaned the Serbian Ministry of Education Science40 portable computers so that 1,000 students at 50schools in Serbia could take trial tests during May, part ofa global education study that is carried out every threeyears.Knowledge from PracticeLast May, at the Union University Faculty of ComputerScience in Belgrade, as part of the IT Open Days seminar,<strong>Telenor</strong>’s Technology strategy and coordination area managerpresented the topic “Mobile Network Evolution – fromVoice to Data” in an accessible and practical manner, to 40of the best students in Serbia.During the summer of <strong>2011</strong> the general public, especiallyyouths, had the opportunity, to see 33 reproductions of paintingsby local and international artists from the National Museum,which is presently undergoing renovation. The paintingswere displayed along Knez Mihailova Street and Čika LjubinaStreet, as part of the Art Tour project. Our company contributedan audio guide to the project (available by dialing a telephonenumber), so that those interested could gain more in<strong>for</strong>mationabout the displayed paintings. Furthermore, our users couldlearn more about the works and authors by SMS, as well asdownload photos of the works from the <strong>Telenor</strong> WAP portal.The patron of the Art Tour project was Princess JelisavetaKarađorđević, and it was realized thanks to our strategic partnershipwith the National Museum, the Stari Grad municipalityand the Hewlett-Packard Company.During October and November <strong>2011</strong> an exhibition ofthe Novi Sad-based Pavle Beljanski memorial collection,titled The Pavle Beljanski Collection: Again in Belgrade, washeld at the Army Culture Center in Belgrade. The exhibitionconsisted of 68 pieces by 32 Serbian Art Nouveau paintersand Serbian sculptors from the first half of the 20 th century.<strong>Telenor</strong> made it possible <strong>for</strong> members of the audienceto learn about the work of collector and patron Pavle Beljanski,his trust and memorial, by dialing a telephone number,while in<strong>for</strong>mation about the collection was also availablevia SMS.As the exhibition was also intended <strong>for</strong> persons withimpaired sight, since it was possible <strong>for</strong> them to tactilelylearn about the sculptures, <strong>Telenor</strong> donated two specialaudio devices that provided them with audio in<strong>for</strong>mationabout the exhibition.

32/33 5 YEARS OF SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONStudents from Bor at the <strong>Telenor</strong> Serbia HQtalking to women employed at the CompanyActive senior citizens in Sokobanja<strong>Telenor</strong> Celebrates Girls in ICT Daywww.olimpijada3d.orgThe best students from the “3. oktobar” Primary Schoolin Bor visited <strong>Telenor</strong> last year as part of the encouragementat an early age to choose a career in ICT, which is celebratedthe last Thursday in April. The students visited ouradministrative building and the operational control centerin order to directly gain insight into the complexity of an ICTsuch as <strong>Telenor</strong>. In talks with women employed at our companythey learned that our employment policy is gendersensitive and got in<strong>for</strong>mation about career opportunitiesin our field. The girls from Bor also showed the self-confidenceto learn about the field in their further education,which in our public opinion is mainly reserved <strong>for</strong> the maleportion of the population.Effective Assistance <strong>for</strong> Persons with DisabilitiesVictims of Violence<strong>Telenor</strong> female managers sharingtheir experiences with the girlsWith the help of computer equipment provided lastyear by the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation, the Belgrade-based nongovernmentalorganization “…Iz kruga” has created a moderndatabase of all its beneficiaries, which will be madeavailable to three other associations in Novi Sad, Kragujevacand Niš. The SOS hotline used by persons with disabilitieswho are victims of violence, to contact this organization<strong>for</strong> help, has been expanded with an additional sixtelephone lines. This way instead of one call, six women willbe able to take calls at the same time.The “…Iz kruga” civic association is the only organizationthat registers violence against women with disabilitiesin Serbia, and it has been providing psychosocial supportand free legal aid to its beneficiaries <strong>for</strong> 15 years.Towards Successful AgingThanks to <strong>Telenor</strong> the organizers of the 4th Olympiadof Sports, Health and Third-Age Culture in Sokobanja hadInternet access, which improved computer classes <strong>for</strong> elderlypersons from 76 municipalities in Serbia. With this assistancewe helped narrow the generation gap in Serbia.Contribution to Ethical Reporting on ChildrenJournalists Mirko Rudić, Marija Obrenović and SašaStojković received an award at the end of <strong>2011</strong> <strong>for</strong> professionalmedia <strong>report</strong>ing on the social inclusion of most vulnerablechildren. The journalists received a UNICEF award, and <strong>Telenor</strong>awarded them an Internet modem and a one-year subscription,while our Foundation presented them each with a laptop.The panel of judges consisted of representatives of the media,the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, UNICEF and <strong>Telenor</strong>.

34/355 YEARS OF SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONAssistance <strong>for</strong> Underdeveloped RegionsLast year we once again supported the competitionorganized by the Places in the Heart Fund, which receivesvarious ideas <strong>for</strong> actions from organizations in smaller communities.Our financial support and free one-year InternetA representative of the A Step Forward association from Kruševac receivesan award from the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation managing directorActivation of Humanitarian NumbersHelps Disaster Victims and Those Most in NeedThrough humanitarian SMS where every <strong>Telenor</strong>user in Serbia could send aid we helped the victims ofthe catastrophic earthquakes in Kraljevo and Japan andthe floods in Novi Pazar, the building of a Doctor’s Towerhome in Belgrade <strong>for</strong> parents of children suffering fromcancer, among others; we helped raise money <strong>for</strong> therelocation of children from the shelter run by the Institute<strong>for</strong> Education of Children and Youths in Belgrade,helped the hungry in Africa, supported the Battle <strong>for</strong> theBabies campaign by the B92 Fund <strong>for</strong> providing incubators,supported soup kitchens in Kosovo in the campaignby the Eparchy of Raška and Prizren, and joinedthe campaign <strong>for</strong> the Shelter <strong>for</strong> Children and Youths, bythe Belgrade Center <strong>for</strong> Youth Integration.subscription went to the A Step Forward association fromKruševac, <strong>for</strong> the project Daycare Center <strong>for</strong> Children andYouths at Risk. Through this project the association raisedawareness in its environment and pointed out the importanceof paying attention to the issue of children at risk.<strong>Telenor</strong> <strong>for</strong> Better Media Presentation of ActivismĐorđe Milić from the “Josif Pančić” Scout organizationin Niš last summer won the third prize, a one-year Internetsubscription, in the photo competition <strong>for</strong> the photo “EcoStep”. The competition was part of the photo selectionwithin the Visibly Better campaign organized by the Institute<strong>for</strong> Sustainable Communities. The campaign aimed toimprove media presentation of activism and solidarity inour society. Three hundred photos that were sent in werejudged by an expert panel of judges.By activating16 humanitarian numbersin <strong>2011</strong> we raised almostRSD 8,000,000which was spent on resolvingsocial issues in Serbiaand worldwide.

36/37WE REMOVED BARRIERSWe RemovedBarriersOne of the reasons <strong>for</strong> establishing the <strong>Telenor</strong>Foundation was to help vulnerable groups in Serbia,among others. Last year we continued to supportpersons with various disabilities in their developmentand meeting their special needs. We were onthe ground – from the Special Olympics in Athens,to the Home <strong>for</strong> Blind and Visually Impaired Personsin Pančevo, and the National Theatre in Belgrade.

38/39WE REMOVED BARRIERSInvolvement in theCampaign <strong>for</strong>Prematurely Born BabiesHelping Children withMalignant DiseasesOfficial opening of new houses at the Home <strong>for</strong> Blind andVisually Impaired Persons in PančevoWe joined the Battle <strong>for</strong> the Babies campaign, organizedby the B92 Fund, with the aim of raising funds <strong>for</strong> theprocurement of 100 modern incubators <strong>for</strong> prematurelyborn babies, necessary <strong>for</strong> healthcare institutions throughoutSerbia, primarily the Institute <strong>for</strong> Neonatology in Belgrade,which cares <strong>for</strong> the largest number of these infants.<strong>Telenor</strong> also opened a humanitarian number through whichour users could support the national campaign by sendingan SMS from September <strong>2011</strong> until January 2012.We joined the project “Psychosocial Assistance andSupport <strong>for</strong> Children with Cancer and Their Families”, organizedby the Zvončica association in Belgrade. This organizationprovides psychosocial, financial, educationaland advisory assistance to children living with malignantdiseases and their families. We helped finance a year longengagement of medical and educational staff, as well asthe IDE art group, which organized creative workshops.Contribution toIndependent Living of Blind andVisually Impaired PersonsIn Pančevo we fully equipped six houses <strong>for</strong> visuallyimpaired persons, where 36 persons will live independently.They will still be under the care of the Home <strong>for</strong> Blind andVisually Impaired Persons in Pančevo, whose beneficiariesthey have been so far, but they will live in 64-square meterhouses that are located on the premises of the Home.With the aim of continuing activities focusing on thistarget group, we established a partnership with the Associationof Students with Disabilities in Novi Sad, providingpart of the audio literature <strong>for</strong> blind and visually impairedstudents at the University of Novi Sad.<strong>Telenor</strong> Serbia CCO at the Institute <strong>for</strong> Neonatology in Belgrade

40/41WE REMOVED BARRIERSEliminating Barriers at theNational Theatre <strong>for</strong>Persons with DisabilitiesParticipants in the Special Olympics in AthensBelieving that we are helping blind and visually impairedpersons develop and proving them with opportunities<strong>for</strong> fulfilling cultural needs, we have adapted thebuilding of the National Theatre in Belgrade, our strategicpartner.Now the Main Stage at the National Theatre and theRaša Plaović Stage have audio description equipment, providedby our Foundation. This equipment translates visualtheatric art into audible media in real time and can be usedby five persons simultaneously on the Main Stage, and tenpersons on the Raša Plaović Stage.Furthermore, we have completely renovated one ofthe toilets on the Raša Plaović Stage in order to adapt itto the needs of persons with disabilities. Plans also call <strong>for</strong>the adaptation of the toilets on the Main Stage <strong>for</strong> personswith disabilities.For Social Visibility ofPersons with DevelopmentalDisabilitiesIn <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Telenor</strong> continued its cooperation with the Center<strong>for</strong> Quality Education on the Social Club <strong>for</strong> Children andYouths with Developmental Disabilities in Kragujevac, as wellas with the Stari Grad Center <strong>for</strong> Assisting Persons with DevelopmentalDisabilities, on the Living Together Info Center, byextending their free subscription to <strong>Telenor</strong> Internet, with theaim of improving and modernizing their working conditions.<strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation OutfittedSerbian Special OlympiansSports activities <strong>for</strong> persons with mental disabilitiesare a way <strong>for</strong> them not to neglect physical health, and consequentlytheir general wellbeing. This is why our partner,the Special Olympics of Serbia athletic association, has involvedthem since 2002. We provided sports equipment <strong>for</strong>the team of 46 athletes and their 15 coaches to competein the Special Olympics in Athens in football, basketball,swimming, athletics, table tennis, and bocce. This teamwon a total of 15 medals.Audio equipment <strong>for</strong> blind and visually impaired persons atthe National Theatre in Belgrade

42/43SUPPORTING THE ARTSSupportingthe ArtsIn <strong>2011</strong> the <strong>Telenor</strong> Company and <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundationsupported art and cultural institutions ofnational importance. We have also establishedpartnerships with small art groups, whose expression,document and space include modern technologies.

44/45SUPPORTING THE ARTSThe Unseen Beauty –Photo-monograph of theNational Theatre inBelgradePhoto-monograph of the National TheatreThe production of the photo-monograph is the brilliantoutcome of a long-standing strategic partnershipbetween the <strong>Telenor</strong> Foundation and the National Theatrein Belgrade, modeled after <strong>Telenor</strong>’s cooperation with theBolshoi Theatre in Moscow and the National Theatre inOslo. This time photographer and photo-monograph authorDina Johnsen, an advisor to the <strong>Telenor</strong> FoundationBoard of Directors, presented the spirit of this theatre, thestars of its drama, opera and ballet, in a 140-page luxuriousbook. By flipping through the pages it is possible tovisually “read” the originality of Konstantin Kostjukov,Ašhen Ataljanc, Predrag Ejdus, Ljiljana Blagojević, NatašaNinković and others, and it represents a genuine estheticexperience. Johnsen’s lens also sheds artistic light on thenumerous artisans at the national theatre.The long-term far-reaching cooperation with the NationalTheatre also led to the elimination of barriers thatprevented blind and visually impaired persons from followingtheatre per<strong>for</strong>mances. Consequently the NationalTheatre became the first theatre in the region to adapt itsstages to this audience. For more details on this project seethe Socially Vulnerable Groups section.Part of the National Theatre ballet ensembleShoemaker shop at the National Theatre

46/47SUPPORTING THE ARTSArtwork by Ivana Ivković, part of the <strong>Telenor</strong> Collection ofSerbian Contemporary ArtDo Your Best –2012 <strong>Telenor</strong> Art CalendarArtwork by Vesna PešićOn the eve of every New Year <strong>Telenor</strong> prints art calendars.This year we collaborated with artists ManeRadmanović and Jordan Cvetanović, who headed a teamof gifted young artists – Vesna Pešić, Monika Lang andNebojša Cvetković. Their works on the topic of <strong>Telenor</strong>’ssponsorship of the Olympic team of Serbia, as well as pastOlympic achievements by our athletes, were printed with aDisplacements –Internet Art Per<strong>for</strong>manceThe Displacements virtual per<strong>for</strong>mance is the result of ourpartnership with the KIOSK plat<strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> contemporary art.The focus is on holographic projection, i.e. the onlineopportunities <strong>for</strong> per<strong>for</strong>mance art. Namely, this project investigatedart potentials of modern technologies – video,audio, streaming, Skype, chats – with the purpose of creatingartwork, its content and the place where it is created.From geographically remote locations artists create live,on the Internet, using holographic projections, while thephysically present audience experiences the display simultaneously.The artistic ambition of the KIOSK plat<strong>for</strong>mis also exhibited in the archiving of per<strong>for</strong>mances.We sponsored this art group’s appearance at thePrague Quadrennial, the global exhibition of per<strong>for</strong>mancedesign and space, which is organized as national pavilionsand has been taking place <strong>for</strong> four decades. We then presentedthe work of these artists to the public in Belgrade.These were holographic boxes by Ana Sofrenović, DalijaAćin, Igor Stangliczky, Manja Ristić, Siniša Ilić and BojanĐorđev, Dragan Mileusnić and Željko Serdarević.Dalija Aćin’s holographic box has become part of <strong>Telenor</strong>’scollection of Serbian contemporary art, which lastyear was expanded by artwork worth more than one milliondinars.Artwork by Nebojša Cvetkovićprint run of 5,500 copies. The calendar was also availablein the <strong>for</strong>m of mobile a application and can be downloadedfrom our website. Detailed in<strong>for</strong>mation on this venture isalso available on our WAP portal.In the words of Mane Radmanović, the project’s creativedirector, “the main artistic idea of the calendar isempowerment of the individual in order to achieve personalgoals in 2012. This is why every month has its keyword,its slogan and precise in<strong>for</strong>mation on the achievementsof our athletes at the Olympic Games. The reverseof each page briefly explains the keywords – how not tosink in 2012 when you need to do your best!”

48/49AWARDAward<strong>Telenor</strong> representatives atthe Virtus Award ceremonyA Company’s Virtue Is Assessed by SocietyLast year <strong>Telenor</strong> received its second Virtus Award, a prestigiousaward presented by the Balkan Community InitiativesFund (BCIF) which has been presented <strong>for</strong> the pastfive years to companies <strong>for</strong> contributions to the social goodin Serbia. We received the award <strong>for</strong> strategic partnershipwith the local UNICEF Office and <strong>for</strong> the Povezivanje project,as one of the segments of this partnership, where theSerbian Ministry of Health was also one of the partners.

Report onSustainable BusinessOperations <strong>for</strong> <strong>2011</strong>PublisherThe <strong>Telenor</strong> FoundationFor the PublisherSandra ŠtajnerEditorial team:Ana Krstić (Editor in Chief)Katarina Panić (Executive Producer and collaborator on thesegment 5 years of Social Contribution)Ivana Vranjican (Policy on the Environment and its Resources)Marija Marković (Business Based on Assurance)Vanja Kisić, Jelena Subotički, Miroslava Drapšin(Responsible Employer)AssociatesAna KulićSlađana JovanovićJelena IgnjatićGoran StuparVladimir MirkovArt DirectorMane RadmanovićTexts and Serbian Language EditingSandra ŠarePhotosDina JohnsenIvan ZupancDušan AtlagićMilana JeremićTranslationVuk TošićPrintAltanovaPrint Run300Contact<strong>Telenor</strong> FoundationOmladinskih brigada 9011070 Novi Beogradwww.telenor.rs/info/crfondacija@telenor.rsCIP - Каталогизација у публикацијиНародна библиотека Србије, Београд658.1:621.391(497.11)”<strong>2011</strong>”SUSTAINABLE buisness operations<strong>report</strong> <strong>2011</strong> / [texts Sandra Šare ;translation Vuk Tošić]. - Belgrade :<strong>Telenor</strong> foundation, 2012(Beograd : Altanova). - 49 str. :fotogr. ; 26 cmBelgrade, 2012Izv. stv. nasl.: Izveštaj o održivomposlovanju <strong>2011</strong>. - Tiraž 300.ISBN 978-86-88921-03-91. Šare, Sandra [уредник]a) Теленор (Београд) - <strong>2011</strong>COBISS.SR-ID 189643788ISBN 978-86-88921-03-99 788688 921039


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