IonWorks Barracuda Automated Patch Clamp System

IonWorks Barracuda Automated Patch Clamp System IonWorks Barracuda Automated Patch Clamp System

<strong>IonWorks</strong> Quattro <strong>System</strong>A high-throughput system for electrophysiological screening> Population <strong>Patch</strong> <strong>Clamp</strong>technology> USED FOR DIRECTED SCREENS,HIT CONFIRMATION, SAFETYPROFILING, PHARMACOLOGY> Easy set-up and operation> Complete turnkey solutionVoltage-gated ion channels represent a largelyuntapped portion of the drug target market.Until recently, voltage-gated ion channels havebeen studied using either conventional patchclamp techniques or indirect higher throughputmethods, which include assays such as radioligandbinding, ion flux or fluorescent indicators ofmembrane potential or intracellular calcium.Although these methods have high throughput,they lack direct voltage control and cannotdrive ion channels to specific conformationalstates. Therefore, the informational content ofthese screens is not as biologically relevant asconventional patch clamping.The throughput of conventional patch clampingis extremely low, which creates a severe bottleneckin the follow-up of HTS assays from the indirecttechniques. To address this bottleneck, MolecularDevices introduced the <strong>IonWorks</strong> Quattro <strong>System</strong> in 2005. The system offers higherthroughput than conventional patch clamping,making it perfect for secondary screening of hitsfrom HTS, primary screening of directed libraries,early safety profiling and pharmacology assays.POPULATION PATCH CLAMP TECHNOLOGYThe <strong>IonWorks</strong> Quattro <strong>System</strong> utilizes a new<strong>Patch</strong>Plate substrate with Population <strong>Patch</strong><strong>Clamp</strong> (PPC) Technology that contains multiplerecording sites per well. (See Figure 1.) Themeasured ion channel current from each wellis an ensemble-average of a population of cells.With PPC Technology, well-to-well variability isdramatically reduced. (See Figure 2.) In addition,the success rate of obtaining a current measurementfrom each well utilizing the new <strong>Patch</strong>PlatePPC Consumable is nearly perfect (> 95%). Asa result, subsequent IC 50 determinations arehighly consistent (Figure 3) with robust Z'factors. Hence the throughput of the <strong>IonWorks</strong>Quattro <strong>System</strong> is increased four-fold over the<strong>IonWorks</strong> ® HT <strong>System</strong>—already the highestthroughput electrophysiology screening systemon the market. The cost per data point isalso significantly reduced by more than 50%compared to the <strong>IonWorks</strong> HT <strong>System</strong>. The<strong>IonWorks</strong> Quattro <strong>System</strong> with Population <strong>Patch</strong><strong>Clamp</strong> Technology is yet another innovative andrevolutionary advance in ion channel screeninginstrumentation from Molecular Devices.

Introducing the <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress ® Plus <strong>Automated</strong>Parallel <strong>Patch</strong> <strong>Clamp</strong> <strong>System</strong>Current-clamp upgrade kits now available for<strong>Patch</strong>Xpress <strong>System</strong>s• Monitor resting membrane potentials in the absence and presenceof test compounds• Inject current to modify membrane potentials or to elicit actionpotentialsMeasure action potentials in excitable cells includingstem-cell cardiomyocytes and neurons• Detect action potentials during data acquisitionAction potential recording on the <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress Plus<strong>System</strong> from nodal stem-cell cardiomyocyte.Measure Action Potential Durations (APDs) in DataXpress®Analysis Software• APDs can be measured based on user selectable parameters(APD 30, APD 50, etc.)FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES.The trademarks mentioned herein are the property of Molecular Devices, LLC. ©2012 Molecular Devices, LLC. Printed in U.S.A. PN 0120-1546.B

<strong>Patch</strong>Xpress 7000A <strong>System</strong>An automated parallel patch clamp system> conventional patchclampquality data> tight giga-ohm seals> fast solution exchange> assays voltage- andligand-gated ionchannels> dataxpress softwarefor data managementand analysisThe <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress ® 7000A <strong>Automated</strong> Parallel<strong>Patch</strong> <strong>Clamp</strong> <strong>System</strong> directly records ion channelactivity in a true whole-cell patch-clamp screeningassay, dramatically improving throughput incomparison to manual methods. When used atfull capacity as a screening tool, the <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress7000A <strong>System</strong> can test over 500 compounds inan eight-hour day—an increase in patch-clampthroughput more than two orders of magnitude!A Fully Featured, Research-Capable<strong>Patch</strong>-<strong>Clamp</strong> WorkstationThe <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress ® 7000A <strong>System</strong> is both ascreening system and a fully-fledged, flexible,basic research electrophysiology workstation.For ion channel screening, there is simply nocomparison. The system’s capabilities includeoptional multi-drug or multi-concentrationapplications on a single cell, with sophisticatedstimulation and recording protocols. The highperformancefluidics system automaticallyapplies compounds with exchange rates on theorder of 10–15 ms.The software running the instrument monitorsthe success of each washout—and optionallysupports application of a new compound only ifthe baseline current returns to a user-set threshold.Test compounds are only applied to successfullypatch-clamped cells, thereby eliminating compoundwastage. With the <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress system, you candecide whether to apply many compounds to asingle cell or to apply only one compound and usea sequence of detailed voltage protocols.Seriously Tap into Ion Channel Targetsfor the First TimeThe <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress ® 7000A <strong>System</strong> opens up a hugepool of highly “druggable” ion channel targets to thedrug discovery industry. The exclusive SealChip 16planar electrodes from AVIVA BioSciences, at theheart of the <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress system, give the systemits edge. These are backed up by robust, accurate,and highly configurable amplification and fluidicssystems.Whether you need a screening or researchtool, high-quality data is absolutely essential.Otherwise, costly false positives and/or negativeswill still be a problem. The <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress 7000A<strong>System</strong> provides high-quality patch-clamp data—backed by over two decades of experience as theworld-leader in electrophysiology hardware andsoftware.

High-Throughput Parallel <strong>Patch</strong>-<strong>Clamp</strong>(Figure 1)16 simultaneous and parallel recordings increasethroughput over conventional patch-clamp methods.Voltage-Gated Ion Channels (Figure 2)K v 1.1 potassium channel currents with (A) raw data and(B) P/4 linear leak and capacitance subtracted data. PanelC shows the I-V relationship from both experiments.Data courtesy of Drs. Jia Xu and Antonio Guia (AVIVABiosciences).Ligand-Gated Ion Channels (Figure 3)GABA-activated currents in a 1 b 2 g 3 GABA A receptors.All responses were recorded from the same cell with fourminutes of continuous washout between concentrations.SealChip 16 Consumable (Figure 4)High-performance acquisition andanalysis softwareThe <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress Commander Software provides16 scope windows for live views of recordings in all16 channels (Figure 1), as well as “chart-recorder”windows for viewing on-line statistics, such as peakamplitude over time. The system comes standardwith a wide-screen monitor for easy viewing of thesewindows. DataXpress ® Data Management AndAnalysis Software is available for fully configurable,macro-driven analysis, including time courses, I-Vgraphs, dose-response curves and much more.Integrated and intelligent fluidicsThe integrated and intelligent fluidics of the<strong>Patch</strong>Xpress ® 7000A <strong>System</strong> facilitate drugapplication during recordings. Viability testingautomatically determines the cells that haveachieved whole-cell clamp conditions. Testcompounds are added only to viable cells,eliminating waste of precious materials. Washoutof the chamber is also supported. Rapid solutionexchange and small volumes of test compounds(approximately 50 µL) keep costs down andthroughput high, while disposable tips eliminatecross-contamination. The <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress 7000A<strong>System</strong> records both ligand- and voltage-gatedion channels (Figures 2 and 3) and also supportscumulative dose-response experiments.Single-use 16-channel substrate<strong>Patch</strong>Xpress ® 7000A <strong>System</strong>s use exclusive AVIVABioSciences’ SealChip 16 planar electrodes. (SeeFigure 4.) This patch clamp substrate is designedfor compound addition from above and providesvery high whole-cell recording success rates. TheSealChip 16 electrode consists of 16 planar patchclamp holes of about 1 µm diameter each, alignedon a single strip 4.5 mm apart. The recording ofeach chamber is controlled independently, drivenby the progress of the individual cell. A well aboveeach hole holds 50 µL to 100 µL of externalsolution, while a much smaller compartmentunderneath each hole holds internal solution. Alltogether, each SealChip 16 electrode looks like asingle column in a 384-well plate. This disposableelectrode array promotes zero cross-contamination.As with a conventional patch-clamp, theSealChip 16 electrodes are disposed after each usebecause debris from a patch clamped cell preventssubsequent gigaseal formation.Amplifiers:Consumables:patchxpress 7000a system8 x 2 independent channels;proven Multi<strong>Clamp</strong> 700Amplifier technologySealChip 16 planar electrodesGeneral SpecificationsDimensions (in.): 66 (H) x 58 (W) x 30 (D)Dimensions (cm): 168 (H) x 147 (W) x 76 (D)Weight: 500 lbs. (227 kg)Ordering Information<strong>Patch</strong>Xpress 7000A <strong>Automated</strong> Parallel <strong>Patch</strong>-<strong>Clamp</strong> <strong>System</strong>Part Number: PATCHXPRESS 7000A> <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress 7000A instrument> PC with Windows XP operating system> <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress commander operating software andmanuals> DataXpress software server PC with WindowsXP operating system> DataXpress software client> Vacuum pump and air compressorSealChip 16 consumablePart Number: 1-SEALCHIP 16-K> (16) per case> Store at 4°CPipette tipsPart number: 9000-0958 (sterile)Part number: 9000-0959 (non-sterile)> (24) racks of 96 tips, 50 μLDataXpress 2 Database SoftwarePart Number: 1-6195-0001Sales Offices> USA & Canada +1-800-635-5577> Brazil +55-11-3616-6607> China (Beijing) +86-10-6410-8669> China (Shanghai) +86-21-6887-8820> Germany +49-89/96-05-88-0> Japan (Osaka) +81-6-6399-8211> Japan (Tokyo) +81-3-5282-5261> South Korea +82-2-3471-9531> United Kingdom +44-118-944-8000Check our web site for a current listing of ourworldwide distributors.www.moleculardevices.comFOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES.The small AVIVA SealChip 16 planar electrode is theheart of the <strong>Patch</strong>Xpress 7000A <strong>Automated</strong> Parallel<strong>Patch</strong>-<strong>Clamp</strong> <strong>System</strong>, providing its very high whole-cellrecording success rates.Technical SpecificationsPerformance SpecificationsAccess resistance (R a ): < 5 MΩMembrane resistance (R m ): > 200 MΩFluidics: Independent 16-channel washprobe with integrated pipettorThe trademarks used herein are the property of Molecular Devices, Inc. or theirrespective owners.Specifications subject to change without notice.Molecular Devices | 1311 Orleans Drive | Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA | Email:©2010 Molecular Devices, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. 6/10 #0120-1403B

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