environmental degradation as a cause of conflict in - Steiner Graphics

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indirect rule’, i.e. tribal leadership, becomes a necessity for at least the presenttime in remote areas such as Darfur. As the system proved to be successful in thepast, there is no reason to believe it will not succeed now in areas where tribalismand tribal values still predominate. However, for reintroducing an effective triballeadership, several steps need to be taken:• the system must be depoliticized i.e. not to be used to bring support to theKhartoum Government.• its role must be principally focused on maintaining law and order and thesettlement of disputes among followers, and not taking side with the KhartoumGovernment, thus losing the political neutrality among the disputants.• tribesmen possessing firearms must be disarmed.• native administrators will need to receive material and moral support fromthe government for the role they play on its behalf, and not for the politicalgain that they are bringing to the government of the day.• native administrators, who become outstanding in the new role, must bematerially and morally rewarded by the government.The role played by the other institutions, i.e. the Sufi tariqa, the khalwa, thejudiyya and the political party, in cementing communal ties must also be acknowledged,hailed and encouraged.78

ReferencesBakheit, Jaafar M.Ali. 1985. ‘Native Administration in the Sudan and it is Significancefor Africa’ in Hasan, Y. Fadl ed., Sudan in Africa, the University of KhartoumPress, University of Khartoum.Bashar, Zuhair Mohamadi. 2003. Mechanisms for Peaceful Coexistence among TribalGroups in Darfur (in Arabic), an MA thesis, IAAS, University of Khartoum.Beck, Kent. 1966. ‘Nomads of Northern Kordofan and the State: From Violence toPacification’, Nomadic Peoples, N.38.Braukamper, Ulrich. 2000. ‘Management of Conflicts Over Pastures and Fields Amongthe Baggara Arabs of Sudan Belt’, Nomadic Peoples, vol.4, Issue I.Othoman, Haroub. 2000. Summary Report, Learning from Conflict Resolution in Africa,Arusha , 21-23Mohamed, Adam A. 2002. ‘Intergroup Conflicts and Customary Mediation: Experiencesfrom Sudan’, African Journal on Conflict Resolution, No I.‘The Rezaigat Camel Nomads of Darfur Region: From Co-operation to Confrontation’,Nomadic Peoples, (forthcoming).Wadi, A.I. 1998. Perspectives on Tribal Conflicts in the Sudan, IAAS, University ofKhartoum.Palmer, Monte. 1998. Dilemmas of Political Development, An Introduction to thePolitics of the Developing Areas, 2nd ed., F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc.Rosenthal, Frantz. 1958. Ibn Khaldoon, The Muqqadimah, 3 vols., Pantheon Books.Interviewees1. Southern Darfur State Governor (Wali), Salah Ali Al-Ghali.2. Major general (police) Attaib Abdul Rahman Mukhtar, Minister ofSocial Welfare, S. D. State.3. Ahmed Al-Sammani Al-Bashar, Fellata tribal leader (Nazir).4. Al-Nur, Daood Khairallah, retired educationist and native of Bani Halba.5. Huda Abdallah Mastur, member of S.Darfur State’s, Women Association.6. Instructors and students of Nyala University, attending a discussion forum23.7.2003.79

‘<strong>in</strong>direct rule’, i.e. tribal leadership, becomes a necessity for at le<strong>as</strong>t the presenttime <strong>in</strong> remote are<strong>as</strong> such <strong>as</strong> Darfur. As the system proved to be successful <strong>in</strong> thep<strong>as</strong>t, there is no re<strong>as</strong>on to believe it will not succeed now <strong>in</strong> are<strong>as</strong> where tribalismand tribal values still predom<strong>in</strong>ate. However, for re<strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g an effective triballeadership, several steps need to be taken:• the system must be depoliticized i.e. not to be used to br<strong>in</strong>g support to theKhartoum Government.• its role must be pr<strong>in</strong>cipally focused on ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g law and order and thesettlement <strong>of</strong> disputes among followers, and not tak<strong>in</strong>g side with the KhartoumGovernment, thus los<strong>in</strong>g the political neutrality among the disputants.• tribesmen possess<strong>in</strong>g firearms must be disarmed.• native adm<strong>in</strong>istrators will need to receive material and moral support fromthe government for the role they play on its behalf, and not for the politicalga<strong>in</strong> that they are br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g to the government <strong>of</strong> the day.• native adm<strong>in</strong>istrators, who become outstand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the new role, must bematerially and morally rewarded by the government.The role played by the other <strong>in</strong>stitutions, i.e. the Sufi tariqa, the khalwa, thejudiyya and the political party, <strong>in</strong> cement<strong>in</strong>g communal ties must also be acknowledged,hailed and encouraged.78

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