Traditions Annual Report 2003-2004.indd - Junipero Serra High ...

Traditions Annual Report 2003-2004.indd - Junipero Serra High ...

Traditions Annual Report 2003-2004.indd - Junipero Serra High ...

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Sixty YearsofTraditionIn September, 1944, Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School opened its doors with a faculty of five anda student body of eighty-six freshman and sophomore boys. Established by Archbishop Mitty as theArchdiocesan high school to provide for the Catholic educational needs of the boys of San MateoCounty, it was named in honor of Padre Junípero <strong>Serra</strong>, the Apostle of California, and was the firstCatholic high school west of the Mississippi to be staffed entirely by diocesan priests. The ReverendVincent I. Breen was assigned as the first principal of Junípero <strong>Serra</strong>, which was originally located atColumbia Drive and the Alameda de las Pulgas in San Mateo, now the site of St. Bartholomew’s parish.A constantly growing student body in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s made it imperative toexpand the facilities on the old site or to find a new location and build a larger school. In 1952, thepresent twelve and one-half acre site was purchased by the Archdiocese from the San Mateo GymkhanaClub, and the Reverend Edward R. Allen was appointed the new principal to guide the school duringthis time of rapid expansion and building. There were 576 students and a faculty of 21 in 1955, whenclasses began at the new campus on West Twentieth Avenue in San Mateo. The new facility provided forthe continued growth of Junípero <strong>Serra</strong>.In 1986, <strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> embarked on a program to renovate the entire physical plant to ensurethat the school would be able to meet the needs of its students and of the community of San MateoCounty. <strong>Serra</strong>’s Capital Campaign, which began in 1999, is providing for major renovations, greaterfinancial support for students, and improving the benefits offered to faculty and staff.The campus and the faces of Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> may have changed over the past sixty years, but ourmission has remained the same. We continue to develop the gifts and talents of each student and fostergospel values in an environment of academic excellence and mutual respect. A graduate of Junípero<strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School is a mature Christian who lives a life of faith and service and who, like BlessedJunípero <strong>Serra</strong>, finds Christ in and brings Christ to the people with whom he lives, works and serves.†Cover Photo:Dedication of <strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School - 1944(Original site @ Columbia Drive & the Alameda de las Pulgas)Archbishop Mitty (Center)Father John Scanlon, Pastor of St. Gregory’s (Right of Archbishop Mitty)Monsignor Tom Cummins, Pastor of St. Catherine’s (Left of Archbishop Mitty)Honor Guards:St. Joseph’s Military Academy, Belmont, California(present site of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church)

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004PRINCIPAL’S LETTER4As we begin our 60 th year of service, weremain steadfast in our mission — to provide ourstudents the finest college preparatory educationpossible and, more importantly, to assist them intheir moral, emotional and spiritual development.This mission is alive and well at <strong>Serra</strong>!<strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School is very healthy academically,socially and spiritually. Our building program iswell under way. Our enrollment is at an all timehigh and our waiting list has never been longer. Atthe same time, the number of students who needfinancial aid has also never been higher. With yourhelp we are able to continue our mission to helpstudents become men of faith and service. Withyour help we will continue to educate leaders whowill make a difference for the good in our world.Last fall each of the Religion classes went toCarmel Mission to learn about Fr. <strong>Serra</strong> and hismission to bring the love of Christ to a peopleoppressed by centuries of abuse and mistreatment.In the chapel, we had a prayer service and I toldthe freshmen that Fr. <strong>Serra</strong>’s mission is now theirs.I motioned to his burial site and told the youngmen that although Fr. <strong>Serra</strong>’s body was laid torest almost 200 years ago, his spirit must live onin them. I continued by saying that a true <strong>Serra</strong>Padre is one who is called to bring the love ofChrist to a world marked by injustice, hatred andviolence, is one who begins this work at school bytreating his classmates and himself with respect,and most importantly is a man who bases his lifeon the Gospel of Christ — a gospel of faith, hopeand love.I am proud to report that our students live outthis call every day.Fr. <strong>Serra</strong>’s favorite saying was “SiempreAdelante!” which means, “always move forward!”<strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School is moving forward, andbecause of your assistance, we will continue todo so. On behalf of our students, I want to extendmy sincere gratitude to those whose namesappear in this <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Sincerely,Lars LundPrincipal(L to R) Ryan Palermo, Trevor Ames

FUNDRAISINGDESIGNATION<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School is the Archdiocesan Catholic school educatingthe young men of San Mateo County. We are an academic high school witha strong college preparatory curriculum. Our mission is to develop the giftsand talents of each student and to foster Gospel values in an environment ofacademic excellence and mutual respect.Endowment19.2%Athletics3.3%School Vehicle1.8%Operations1.1%Faculty Enhancement1.3%Academic Resource0.3%7Scholarship3.9%Building Fund68.9%

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004PARENTPLEDGEPROGRAMIn the past several years, monies raisedfrom the Parent Pledge Program havedirectly impacted our educationaltechnology fund, and have funded stateof-the-artclassroom projectors andsophisticated media use labs.8Most recently, this money has beendirected to the Building Fund, funding thenew football field and track. In the future,the Parent Pledge Program will helpreshape the face of our campus, helpingus realize our dream of making <strong>Junipero</strong><strong>Serra</strong> the “destination school” for SanMateo County.<strong>Serra</strong>’s ParentPledge Programallows us to setour goals high!Tommy McMahonThe parents listed on the following pagescontributed to the Parent Pledge Programduring this fiscal year. We couldn’tprovide the programs we do without thismuch-needed support!

Mr. and Mrs. Federico AbadMr. and Mrs. Hany Abdel GawadMr. and Mrs. Akram AbdelmessihMs. Renzi AbedaniaMr. and Mrs. Raymond T. AdamsMr. and Mrs. Darryl AdamsonMr. and Mrs. Oscar AfjeiMr. and Mrs. Issa AhoMs. Maria AldaneseMr. and Mrs. Leonardo AlejandroMr. and Mrs. Andre AlfaroMr. and Mrs. David AlfaroMr. and Mrs. Nasser AliabadiMr. and Mrs. Mark G. AliotoMr. and Mrs. Leslie AllenMr. and Mrs. Wm. AllgroveDr. and Mrs. Jerold F. AlvaradoMr. and Mrs. Sam A. AmatoMr. and Mrs. Matesh AminMr. and Mrs. Romeo V. AmparadoMr. and Mrs. Joseph AndereggMr. and Mrs. Larry AndersonDr. and Mrs. Brian AndrewsMs. Yvette D. AndrighettoMr. and Mrs. Peter AnezinosMr. and Mrs. Edward AngMr. and Mrs. Leroy G. AngMr. and Mrs. Roberto AngelesMr. and Mrs. Matthew J. AngellMr. and Mrs. Cecil O. AnsonMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. AnthonyMr. and Mrs. Admon ArajMr. and Mrs. Thomas ArataMr. and Mrs. George ArmaninoMr. and Mrs. David M. ArmsMr. and Mrs. Stephen G. ArsenaultMr. and Mrs. Carlos AubainMr. and Mrs. Alberto AurellanoMr. and Mrs. Edward Avakoff, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Kerry BachMr. and Mrs. Thomas BacioccoMr. and Mrs. Paulo V. BackMs. Elizabeth BaggettaMr. and Mrs. C. Scott BaileyMr. and Mrs. Steven BakerMr. and Mrs. Karl BakhtiariMr. and Mrs. Patrick BarrettMs. Regina M. BarryMr. and Mrs. Ernesto E. BartenfeldMr. and Mrs. Scott BassettMs. Julia BauerMr. and Mrs. William BauerMr. and Mrs. Aladino Bautista IIMr. and Mrs. Armando BautistaMr. and Mrs. Ricky BeamanMr. and Mrs. McDonald J. BeanMr. and Mrs. Philip E. BecerraMr. and Mrs. Raymond M. BellMr. and Mrs. Wenceslao A. BendebelMr. and Mrs. John BentleyMr. and Mrs. Gregory BeratlisMr. and Mrs. Richard BergamaschiMr. and Mrs. Mark BerkvamMr. and Mrs. Edward BerryMr. and Mrs. Phillip BertettaMr. and Mrs. Russell BertettaMr. and Mrs. John D. BertoldiMr. and Mrs. James BertramMr. and Mrs. Reyjelan BesonaDr. and Mrs. Claudio A. BetMr. and Mrs. Michael G. BiddleMr. and Mrs. Frank BizzarroMr. and Mrs. David W. BlankMr. and Mrs. Thomas L. BlankMr. and Mrs. Robert E. BlasingMr. and Mrs. Richard BocciMr. and Mrs. Gary W. BoettigheimerMr. and Mrs. William T. BohlkenMr. and Mrs. Charles Bonnici, Jr.Ms. Susan BoorasMr. and Mrs. Sarwan BoparaiMr. and Mrs. David BorgMr. and Mrs. Donald C. BorgMr. Michael R. BorgMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BortolottoMrs. Louise BoschettoMr. and Mrs. Michael BoschettoMr. George BoubalosMr. and Mrs. Jerry BoyleMr. and Mrs. Laurance G. BragatoMr. and Mrs. James H. BrandtMr. and Mrs. Michael BrazilMr. and Mrs. Sven BrehmerMr. and Mrs. Stephen M. BrickleyMr. and Mrs. Robert BrignoliMr. and Mrs. Barry BrillantesMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. BroderickMr. and Mrs. Cornelius BrosnanMr. and Mrs. Douglas BrowningMr. and Mrs. John S. BrunamontiMr. and Mrs. Ryszard BrusiloMr. and Mrs. Mason S. BrutschyMr. and Mrs. David P. BruzzoneDr. and Mrs. David L. BubenheimMr. and Mrs. Ranulfo C. BuenoMr. and Mrs. Ivan BuljanMs. Kimberly BullardMr. and Mrs. Timothy Buller9(L to R) Kevin Townsend, Aven Wright, Kareem Barghouti, Alex Tartaglia

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-200410Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. BurrinMr. and Mrs. Peter M. BusalacchiMr. Kurt Busch and Ms. Katharine CrickMs. and Janette CabauatanMr. and Mrs. Lorenzo CajucomMr. and Mrs. Gary CakebreadMr. and Mrs. Armando CalderonMs. Leslie CaldwellMr. and Mrs. Peter CalliesMrs. Connie Camero-DavisMr. and Mrs. Federico E. CamposMr. and Mrs. Humberto CamposMr. and Mrs. Paul A. CannizzaroMr. and Mrs. Vicente CardenasMr. and Mrs. Bruce M. CarsonMr. and Mrs. Richard CarterMr. and Mrs. Robert Cartwright, Jr.Mr. Domonico CasazzaMr. and Mrs. John C. CaselliMr. and Mrs. John P. CastechMrs. Valerie CatheyMr. and Mrs. Frank S. CavaliereMr. and Mrs. Jack G. CeccottiMr. and Mrs. Socorro CejaMr. and Mrs. James F. CelentanoMr. Arn CenedellaMr. Greg Chagaris & Anthea StratigosMr. and Mrs. Dennis ChamMr. and Mrs. Bayardo J. ChamorroMr. and Mrs. Anthony Y. ChanMr. and Mrs. Yen ChenMr. and Mrs. Surjit ChhokarMr. and Mrs. Dominick ChirichilloMr. and Mrs. Seung ChoMr. and Mrs. David ChristensenMr. and Mrs. Robert ChristmanMr. and Mrs. Charles CiardiMr. and Mrs. Charles CihakMs. Deanna CirimeleMr. and Mrs. Peter I. CittadiniMr. and Mrs. Don R. CiucciMrs. Kathleen CoccellatoMr. and Mrs. James ColeMr. and Mrs. R. Griffin ColemanMr. and Mrs. Craig CollinsMr. Thomas ConleyMr. and Mrs. Michael ConnerMr. and Mrs. Philip ConstantinoMr. and Mrs. Anthony CooperMr. and Mrs. Charles F. CooperMr. and Mrs. Angelberto CortezMr. and Mrs. Allen CowleyMr. Edward CoxMr. and Mrs. John W. CreechMr. and Mrs. David CrightonMr. and Mrs. Anthony CrisafiMs. Lydia Crisologo-VosburghMr. and Mrs. Carl CullinsMr. and Mrs. John R. CuneoMr. and Mrs. Charles CwiekaMr. and Mrs. Conrad B. DacanayMr. and Mrs. Jose DacorroMr. and Mrs. Shaker Dahud(L to R) Jeremiah Masoli, Ed Berry IV, Jim Parque, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. DalBroiMr. and Mrs. Joseph DalyMr. and Mrs. Robert DanieleMr. and Mrs. Eli DariMr. and Mrs. Russell DaultonMr. and Mrs. J. Kevin DayMr. and Mrs. Jagdish DayalMs. Kimberly de CossioMr. and Mrs. Steve de FigueiredoMr. and Mrs. Charlie De GuzmanMr. and Mrs. Jose De La RosaMr. and Mrs. David De MartiniMr. and Mrs. Noel de OcampoMiss Eileen DeasyMr. and Mrs. Julius DeKelaitaMr. and Mrs. Joseph Del RosarioMr. and Mrs. Michael DelaurentiMr. and Mrs. Edgardo DelgadoMr. and Mrs. Carlo T. DeLucaMr. and Mrs. James DeMartiniMr. and Mrs. Richard DeMartiniMr. and Mrs. William L. DeMartiniMr. and Mrs. Daniel DeNardiMr. and Mrs. Eric DentlerMr. and Mrs. Juan J. DiazMr. and Mrs. Ronald DiMaggioMr. and Mrs. David A. DiniMr. and Mrs. James DiPaolaMr. and Mrs. Michael DohertyMr. and Mrs. Gregg M. DomanicoMr. and Mrs. Edward DotyMr. and Mrs. Dennis DoughertyMr. and Mrs. Wm. Trent DouglasMr. and Mrs. Oscar DubonMr. and Mrs. Milenko DugandzicMr. and Mrs. Brian P. DunleavyMr. and Mrs. Kevin E. DunleavyMr. and Mrs. Patrick R. DunnMr. and Mrs. Michael DuttoMr. and Mrs. Ronald EchandiMr. and Mrs. Austin EdgingtonMr. and Mrs. Tom T. EdwardsMr. and Mrs. Dain EhringMr. Ronald EichenbaumMr. and Mrs. Andrew C. EliopoulosMr. and Mrs. Gary ElsenbroichMr. and Mrs. Roy W. EricksonMr. and Mrs. Joseph W. EttelMr. and Mrs. Hal EubanksMr. and Mrs. David A. EvansMr. Ronald S. ExleyMr. and Mrs. Mark FainaMr. and Mrs. David FalkMr. and Mrs. Glenn W. FarrellMr. and Mrs. Corey FaulknerMr. and Mrs. Robert E. FaussnerMr. and Mrs. Paul J. FavettiMr. and Mrs. Barrett J. FavroMr. and Mrs. Jacob FerdonMr. and Mrs. Steven FermiMr. and Mrs. Jack F. FerrariMr. and Mrs. Dean A. FerreiraMr. and Mrs. Russell FerreiraMr. and Mrs. Craig FerrellMr. and Mrs. Armando FerrerMr. and Mrs. Matthew FeuerMr. and Mrs. John H. FinleyMr. and Mrs. Anthony FinocchiaroMr. and Mrs. Ronald FiorMr. and Mrs. Paul G. FisherMs. Theresa FisherMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. FlahertyMr. and Mrs. Robert S. FlemingMr. and Mrs. Adan FletesMr. and Mrs. Sam FloresMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. and Mrs. Tuckey C. FoneMr. and Mrs. Mon S. Fong-ChanMr. and Mrs. Ronald FornesiMr. and Mrs. Dominic F. Foti

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. FoxMrs. Margene FraguliaMr. and Mrs. Glen J. FrankMr. and Mrs. Ron FranksMr. and Mrs. Thomas FrenchMs. Pamela FurnariMr. and Mrs. Stephen A. FuselierMr. and Mrs. David GaglianiMr. and Mrs. Henry GalindoMr. and Mrs. Matthew GallegosMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. GallettaMr. and Mrs. Richard J. GallettaMr. and Mrs. Roberto GalverMr. and Mrs. Michael T. GalvinMr. and Mrs. David L. GamacheMs. Dahlia GarciaMr. and Mrs. Manuel J. GarciaMr. and Mrs. Bradley W. GaribaldiMr. and Mrs. James GaribaldiMr. and Mrs. Marc R. GaribaldiMr. and Mrs. Grant GavasseMr. and Mrs. Andrew M. GeddesMr. and Mrs. Avgerinos GelatosMr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. GemoraMr. and Mrs. Donald GeytonMrs. Patricia GhalyMr. and Mrs. John GhilarducciMr. and Mrs. Richard GianniniMr. and Mrs. William J. GilmartinMr. and Mrs. Kevin GilmoreMr. and Mrs. Mikhail GilulaMr. Steven GimnicherMr. and Mrs. Gary P. GinocchioMr. and Mrs. Stephen GiordanoMr. and Mrs. Allen GiovannettiMr. and Mrs. Robert GiraudoMr. and Mrs. John GlikbargMr. and Mrs. Samuel H. GluckMr. and Mrs. Stephen GogolMr. and Mrs. James GoldingMr. and Mrs. Carl GoldstoneMr. and Mrs. Gregory F. GomesMr. and Mrs. Exeguiel E. GonzalezMr. and Mrs. Regan GoodinMr. and Mrs. Dean GossMr. and Mrs. Surinder P. GoswamyMs. Mary Jane GovaertsMrs. Cynthia M. GozunMr. and Mrs. Steven GrabianowskiMr. and Mrs. Roy C. GreenMr. and Mrs. Walter A. GreenMrs. Gail GreggMs. Marie GriffinMr. and Mrs. Mark F. GriffinMr. and Mrs. Michael GroganMr. and Mrs. Ivan GrosshauserMr. and Mrs. Juan GuerreroMr. and Mrs. Walter GuevaraMr. and Mrs. Charles N. GustMr. and Mrs. William R. GutgsellMr. and Mrs. Charles K. GuttasDr. and Mrs. Joseph F. HaggertyMr. and Mrs. Steve HallgrenMr. and Mrs. Christian HallquistDr. and Dr. Charles W. HaltermanMr. and Dr. William HamerskyMr. and Mrs. Brian HamiltonMr. and Mrs. Jack HammelMrs. Janet HamptonMr. and Mrs. Jon S. HandleryMr. and Mrs. Dennis R. HansenMr. and Mrs. Patrick F. HarkinMr. and Mrs. Nathan S. HarmsMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. HarringtonMr. and Mrs. Gregory W. HartMs. Susan HartMr. and Mrs. John HartyMr. and Mrs. Gary L. HeagyMr. and Mrs. Thomas HealyMr. and Mrs. Marc B. HebertMr. and Mrs. Victor HebertMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. HeckMr. and Mrs. Alex HendardyMr. and Mrs. Michael R. HendrixMr. and Mrs. Stevan HenrioulleDr. and Mrs. Stephen R. HenryMr. and Mrs. Richard HenzeMr. and Mrs. Donald HeonDr. and Mrs. Donald R. HermansenMr. and Mrs. Brian HerzogMr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. HillMr. and Mrs. Clive HintonMr. and Mrs. Winston HomMr. and Mrs. Dennis G. HomerMr. and Mrs. Gary HornMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. HovanMrs. Jeannie HuMrs. Abigail HubbardMr. and Mrs. Steven R. HumrichMr. and Mrs. Arsenio S. HuquerizaMr. and Mrs. Virgil HutchinsonMr. and Mrs. Craig M. HutchisonMr. and Mrs. Donald HutchisonMr. and Mrs. Thomas G. IannoneMr. and Mrs. Domenic C. InferreraMr. and Mrs. Donald K. InouyeMr. and Mrs. Paul M. IsaacsMr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Isidro11(L to R) Ryan Svendsen, Ben Bubenheim

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004(Devin Moore)12Mr. and Mrs. Thomas JahnMr. and Mrs. Edgardo Q. JapitanaMr. and Mrs. Robert JaureguiMr. and Mrs. Mack C. JepsenMr. and Mrs. Parkash JhuraniMr. and Mrs. Gregory D. JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Michael JohnstonMr. and Mrs. Philip JohnstonMr. and Mrs. C. Niven JonesMr. and Mrs. James JordanMr. Paul Juarez & Kathleen RoscherMr. and Mrs. Mitchell JuricichMr. and Mrs. Manhal JweinatMr. and Mrs. Randall C. KaeferMrs. Priya KamathMr. and Mrs. Jin K. KangMr. and Mrs. Alan KarcichMr. and Mrs. Peter KarnigMr. and Mrs. Chris KasarisMr. and Mrs. Kinya A. KawamotoMr. and Mrs. Mark S. KearneyMs. Maria KehresMr. and Mrs. John K. KellMr. and Mrs. John KellenbergerMr. and Mrs. Robert F. KelleyMr. and Mrs. Brian M. KellyDrs. Paul & Nancy KellyMr. and Mrs. Michael T. KentMr. and Mrs. Martin KeyserMr. and Mrs. Andrew G. KidwellMr. and Mrs. Timothy P. KilleenMr. and Mrs. Gilbert KingMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. KirkendallDr. and Mrs. John KisMr. and Mrs. Kent KitagawaMr. Andrew KlaseMr. and Mrs. Mark KlunisMr. and Mrs. Helmut KoehlerMr. and Mrs. Akito KogaMr. and Mrs. Josip KomarMr. and Mrs. Richard KossMr. and Mrs. Michael C. KovalichMr. and Mrs. David L. KramarMr. and Mrs. Robert KroonMr. and Mrs. Jai KumarMr. and Mrs. Frank KwanMr. and Mrs. Jerry KwokMr. and Mrs. Wai-Keong KwokMr. and Mrs. Joseph W. LanamMr. and Mrs. Gerald F. LandholtMrs. Arlene LaRockMr. and Mrs. Terry J. LarsonMr. William LarsonMr. and Mrs. James E. LatimerMr. and Mrs. Bob LauricellaMs. Debby LavezzoMs. Kathy O. LavezzoMr. and Mrs. Richard J. LavezzoMr. and Mrs. Ron F. LavezzoMr. and Mrs. Augustine LawMr. and Mrs. Joseph LazzaraMr. and Mrs. Jay LazzaroMr. and Mrs. Martin LeahyMr. and Mrs. James LeanesMr. and Mrs. David A. LearyDr. and Mrs. James LeClairMr. and Mrs. Sean LeddyMr. and Mrs. David LeeMr. and Mrs. Dennis LeeMr. and Mrs. Gordon LeeMr. and Mrs. Hyun LeeMr. and Mrs. Jin LeeMs. Elaine LeighlitnerMr. and Mrs. Jose R. LeonMr. and Mrs. Alexander LeonioMr. and Mrs. Paul LeraMr. and Mrs. Anthony LeutzaMr. and Mrs. John C. LevinMr. and Mrs. Raymond LewMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. LeydenMr. and Mrs. Robert E. LienMr. and Mrs. Dayue LiuMr. and Mrs. Charles W. LofgrenMr. and Mrs. Steven P. LombardiMr. and Mrs. Ronald S. LonginottiMr. and Mrs. Antonio LopezMr. and Mrs. Luis E. LopezMr. and Mrs. Reynaldo LopezMr. and Mrs. Donald LothropMs. Jeanine LoughlinMs. Maria Lourdes LachenalMr. and Mrs. Tony LuciaMr. and Mrs. Kevin LucidoMr. and Mrs. Lawrence LumpkinsMr. and Mrs. Robert R. LyshornMr. and Mrs. Carlos MacielMr. Paul MacLeodMr. and Mrs. Severiano MadlambayanMr. and Mrs. Carlos MagatMr. and Mrs. Sergio MaggiMr. and Mrs. David MagnusonMr. and Mrs. Dale MaharajMr. and Mrs. Patrick MaierMr. and Mrs. Jozo MajicMr. and Mrs. John F. MalaspinaMr. and Mrs. John A. ManginiMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ManteganiMr. and Mrs. Tomas MarianoMr. and Mrs. Michael MarinoMr. and Mrs. Gregory A. MarkoulisMr. Martin and Ms. DayritMr. and Mrs. Juan MartinezMr. and Mrs. Luis MartinezMr. and Mrs. Rigoberto MartinezMrs. Carmen Martinez-TurnerMr. and Mrs. Gualdino A. MartinsDrs. Alan & Nancy MarxMr. and Mrs. Michael MarymeeMr. and Mrs. Bart MasarieMr. and Mrs. Richard MathewsMr. and Mrs. Louis MatteucciMr. and Mrs. Brian McAlindonMr. and Mrs. Rodger McBrideMr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarthyMr. Kenneth McCarthy, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCollumMr. and Mrs. Richard McConnellMr. and Mrs. Aidan McCrackenMr. and Mrs. David J. McElearneyMr. and Mrs. Oliver McElhoneMr. and Mrs. Michael J. McGrathDr. and Mrs. Michael S. McGrath

Mr. and Mrs. Ian K. McInnisMr. and Mrs. Peter McIsaacMr. and Mrs. Jeff McKayMr. and Mrs. Geoffrey A. McKeeMr. and Mrs. Michael R. McKennaMr. Philip McLeod & ShawnChristiansonMr. and Mrs. Peadar McLoughlinMr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McMahonMr. and Mrs. Brian McNamaraMr. and Mrs. Robert MeagherMr. and Mrs. Gregory MegowanMr. and Mrs. Othmar MeierMr. and Mrs. L. Stephen MelnickiMr. and Mrs. Arvin MenchavezMr. and Mrs. Oscar MerloDr. and Mrs. Robert MessingMr. and Mrs. Douglas MetlingMr. and Mrs. Robert MeyMr. and Mrs. Arthur A. MichelettiMr. and Mrs. Donald MillerMr. James MillerMr. and Mrs. Thomas MillerMs. Ann MinahanMr. and Mrs. James MintoMr. and Mrs. William E. Mitchell, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William H. MitchellMr. and Mrs. Gideon G. MohlerMr. and Mrs. Napoleon MojicaMs. Lisa MolieriMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. MonaghanMr. and Mrs. Leopoldo MonneyMr. and Mrs. Joffre MonteroMr. and Mrs. John R. MoodieMr. and Mrs. David L. MooreMr. and Mrs. Gary MooreMr. and Mrs. Gregory A. MoquinMr. and Mrs. Patrick R. MoranMs. Laura MorarosMr. and Mrs. Robert MoreheadMr. and Mrs. Eli MorowitzMr. and Mrs. Damian MorrisMr. and Mrs. Steve MortensenMr. and Mrs. Brian T. MortonMr. and Mrs. Arnie MostonMr. and Mrs. Michael MoxleyMr. and Mrs. Walter O. MurciaMr. and Mrs. John MurphyMr. and Mrs. Mario S. MustoMr. and Mrs. Stephen MuttoMr. and Mrs. Faramarz NaderiDr. and Mrs. George NakanoMr. and Mrs. John NardiMrs. Louise NatoliMr. and Mrs. Juan F. NavarroMr. and Mrs. Naresh NayakMr. and Mrs. Keet NerhanMr. and Mrs. Ronald D. NessonMr. and Mrs. Marco E. NevadoMs. Lori NicolsonMr. and Mrs. Anthony R. NicosiaMr. and Mrs. El NishiiwaMr. and Mrs. Paul A. NoceMr. and Mrs. Steven E. NoeMr. and Mrs. James NordmanMr. Matthew NorrisMr. and Mrs. Ali NosratiMr. and Mrs. Arnulfo NuiqueMr. and Mrs. Michael C. O’ConnellMr. and Mrs. Mark G. O’ConnorMr. and Mrs. Matthew P. O’ConnorMr. Daniel O’LearyMr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’LearyMr. and Mrs. Benedict O’MahoneyMr. and Mrs. Louie B. OamarMr. and Mrs. Zachary ObedinMr. and Mrs. Galileo OlmosMs. Leslye OlsonMrs. and Mrs. Robert L. PachecoMr. and Mrs. Leo T. PagtaconanMr. and Mrs. Mark PalermoMr. and Mrs. Michael C. PallasMr. and Mrs. Robert PaluMr. and Mrs. Nillson PanMs. Estella PangilinanMr. and Mrs. Mark PappasMr. and Mrs. Daniel R. PardiniMr. and Mrs. Ignatius PassantinoMr. and Mrs. Bharat PatelMr. and Mrs. Dan PayaMr. and Mrs. Elmer B. PayongayongMr. and Mrs. Froilan PecsonMr. and Mrs. Robert G. PedersenMs. Marcella PeekMr. and Mrs. Henry PeguerosMr. and Mrs. Peter PelettaMr. and Mrs. John PeneMr. and Mrs. Paul E. PeoplesMr. and Mrs. Donald PerriMr. and Mrs. Ricardo PimentelMrs. Joy M. PitcherMrs. Cathy PlevinMr. Juan Pocasangre & Ana BolanosMr. and Mrs. Bernard PoggettiMr. Richard PolettiMr. and Mrs. Frederick PoliMr. Ronald PollastriniMr. and Mrs. William Porter, IIIMr. and Mrs. William J. PortmanMr. and Mrs. Steven M. PowellMr. and Mrs. Donald PowersMr. and Mrs. James C. PowersMr. and Mrs. Alex PraszkerMr. Freddy ProanoMs. Patricia ProanoMr. and Mrs. Robert ProfacaMr. and Mrs. Michael QuiliciMr. and Mrs. Romulo U. QuinesMr. and Mrs. Robert V. QuinnMr. and Mrs. Michael RaddieMr. and Mrs. Ronald J. RakMr. and Mrs. Jahangir RamezanbeigiMr. and Mrs. Arturo RamirezMr. and Mrs. Meinardo RamirezMs. Nubia RamirezMr. and Mrs. Matt RamseyMr. and Mrs. Robert W. RamseyMr. and Mrs. Christopher J. RandallMr. and Mrs. Brett RankinMs. Shawn RattoMr. and Mrs. Joel RayalaMr. and Mrs. Michael ReardonMr. and Mrs. Wayne RedburnMr. and Mrs. John RegalMr. and Mrs. Matthew ReidyMr. and Mrs. Robert C. RettenbacherDr. Noe ReyesMr. and Mrs. Randolph P. RhodesMr. John RiceMr. and Mrs. James H. RichardsonMr. and Mrs. William J. RieflinMr. and Mrs. James RobertsMr. and Mrs. James RobertsMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. RobertsMr. and Mrs. Stephen RobertsMr. and Mrs. John RobertsonDr. and Mrs. A. Joseph RockmoreMr. and Mrs. H. Daniel RogersMr. and Mrs. Rodolfo RoqueMr. John RossiMr. and Mrs. Gregory RubensMr. Herminio RuideraMr. and Mrs. Donald A. RuppMr. and Mrs. Joseph RyanMr. and Mrs. Thomas RyanMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan13(Ryan Day)

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-200414Mr. and Mrs. Joseph SaadeMr. and Mrs. Brian SabeanMr. and Mrs. Richard E. SacherMr. and Mrs. Joseph SahyounMs. Nina M. SakelariosMr. and Mrs. George T. SalamehMs. Gloria SalazarMr. and Mrs. Vincent SalemiMr. Robert SalomonMr. and Mrs. Vincent G. SammutMs. Janice San FilippoMr. Steven E. San FilippoMr. and Mrs. Anthony R. San JoseMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. SanchezMr. and Mrs. Gabriel L. SanchezMr. and Mrs. Rosendo SanchezMr. Gary J. SandersMr. and Mrs. Bernardino A. SantosMr. and Mrs. Florencio N. SantosMs. Ma. Teresa SantosMr. and Mrs. Robert SargentMr. and Mrs. David SatterwhiteMr. and Mrs. Brent F. ScafaniMr. and Mrs. Michael J. ScanlonMr. and Mrs. Werner H. ScheierlingMr. and Mrs. Glen SchembariMr. and Mrs. James A. ScherbaMr. and Mrs. Bruce SchlesingerMr. and Mrs. Eric C. SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Arthur W. SchultzMr. and Mrs. William F. SchwarzMr. and Mrs. Philip SchwenkMr. and Mrs. Anthony T. ScolesMr. and Mrs. Jefff ScottMr. and Mrs. Michael ScottMr. and Mrs. Gregory P. SegroveMr. and Mrs. Jerry SelvitellaMr. and Mrs. Vernon F. SelvyMr. and Mrs. Rogaciano O. SerapioMr. and Mrs. Anthony M. <strong>Serra</strong>noMr. and Mrs. Mark SevieriMr. and Mrs. David SheehanMr. and Mrs. Romel A. ShihadehMr. and Mrs. Hiroyuki ShimizuMr. and Mrs. John R. ShipmanMr. and Mrs. Salvador SibucaoMr. and Mrs. David SidotiMr. and Mrs. Maciej M. SiekierskiMr. and Mrs. Michael J. SignoriMs. Cecilia SilvaMr. and Mrs. John J. SilvaMr. and Mrs. Raymond P. SimonettiMr. and Mrs. Jaywant SinghMs. Ellise M. SiscaMr. and Mrs. Richard J. SkinnerMr. and Mrs. John SkucasMr. and Mrs. Mark F. SlackMr. and Mrs. Mark SliwkowskiMr. and Mrs. John R. SmikahlMr. and Mrs. Neil S. SmithMr. and Mrs. Terrence M. SmithMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. SobczakMs. Maria SolimanMr. and Mrs. Cornelius C. SorianoMr. and Mrs. James SpencerMr. and Mrs. William D. SpencerMr. and Mrs. Steve SpinaMr. and Mrs. Jimmy S. SpinaleMr. and Mrs. Craig J. StagnaroMr. and Mrs. Frederick E. StammMr. and Mrs. Ronald StarichaMr. and Mrs. Ralph StarkMr. and Mrs. Richard StatlerMr. and Mrs. Stephen B. StatzMr. and Mrs. Philip R. StegmanMr. and Mrs. Wesley H. StelterMr. and Mrs. Michael StephensMr. and Mrs. Wylie StevensonMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. StevesMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. StewartMr. and Mrs. William F. StewartDr. and Mrs. Bernard J. SteyerMr. and Mrs. Stephen C. StirlingMr. and Mrs. Martin StockerMr. and Mrs. Alexei StolboushkinMs. Carol StoneMs. Karen StonerMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. and Mrs. Vanson SuenMs. Laurie SullivanMr. and Mrs. Ray SullivanMr. and Mrs. Robert SullivanMr. and Mrs. David I. SvendsenMr. and Mrs. Kyle SwantonMr. and Mrs. James SweeneyMr. and Mrs. Michael P. SweeneyMr. and Mrs. Issa SweidanMr. and Mrs. Scott W. SymeMr. and Mrs. Saeed TalaiMr. and Mrs. Patrick A. TalmadgeMr. and Mrs. Robert TamMr. and Mrs. Mosese TameilauMr. and Mrs. Ricardo M. TanMr. and Mrs. Stuart TartagliaMr. and Mrs. Leonard TaylorMr. and Mrs. Harold K. TeaniMr. and Mrs. Donald TeixeiraMr. and Mrs. Albert J. TenBruggencateMr. and Mrs. James TerranovaMr. and Mrs. Brad ThamMr. and Mrs. B. C. ThomasMr. and Mrs. George ThomasMr. and Mrs. Gerald T. ThomasMs. Rouselyn ThomasMr. and Mrs. James B. TiltonMr. and Mrs. Lawrence TimkoMr. and Mrs. David TirazonaMr. and Mrs. Bruce TognettiMr. and Mrs. Terry P. TomMr. and Mrs. Gordon TongMr. and Mrs. James K. ToomeyMr. and Mrs. Mark TorstromMr. and Mrs. Don W. TransethMs. Andrea TravisanoDr. and Mrs. Louis J. TricerriMr. and Mrs. John TuiasosopoMr. and Mrs. Joseph TungMr. and Mrs. Edward F. TurdiciMr. and Mrs. Maverick T. TuufuliMr. Roy TwittyMr. Craig UpsonMr. and Mrs. William F. UrichMr. and Mrs. Eric UsherMr. and Mrs. Bruce UtterMr. and Mrs. Sergio B. Valderrama, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael ValenciaMr. and Mrs. Wilfredo ValleMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Van EssMr. and Mrs. Dwight Van MeterMr. and Mrs. Federico VelosoMrs. Madeleine P. VeneklaseMr. and Mrs. Robert E. VergaMr. and Mrs. Richard A. VerlanicMr. and Mrs. Gary VielbaumMr. and Mrs. John M. ViglizzoMr. and Mrs. Milton VilelaMr. and Mrs. Leonard D. VillaflorMr. and Mrs. Richard VillarealMr. and Mrs. Ronald M. ViscontiMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. VoglMr. and Mrs. Brian Von AlmenMr. and Mrs. Paul F. VorsatzMr. and Mrs. Khanh T. VuMs. Leslie WadeMr. and Mrs. Robert G. WalkerMr. and Mrs. Daniel P. WalshMrs. Elizabeth WalshMr. and Mrs. Stanley T. WangMr. and Mrs. Tony C. WangMrs. Sherri WarmanMr. and Mrs. Serafim WeberMr. and Mrs. Mark WebsterMr. and Mrs. David WeigelMs. Lois WeithornMr. and Mrs. Gerald WentworthMr. and Mrs. Raymond J. WertzMr. and Mrs. David E. WhiteMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyMr. and Mrs. Patrick D. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Woody W. WillisMr. and Mrs. Richard W. WilsonMr. and Mrs. William S. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Rick E. WinninghamMr. and Mrs. William WintersMr. and Mrs. John D. WiseMr. and Mrs. Brian WisecarverMr. and Mrs. John WiserDr. and Mrs. Larry WohlfordMr. and Mrs. Logan A. WolfMr. and Mrs. Bert P. WongMr. and Mrs. Weng K. WongMr. and Mrs. Omar WoodlandMr. and Mrs. Hamilton WoodsMr. and Mrs. Michael WoodsMr. and Mrs. Ward A. WoropayMr. and Mrs. Walter J. WorthgeMr. and Mrs. Gary WrightMs. Weina WuMr. and Mrs. Hans J. WulffMr. and Mrs. Gang YaoMr. and Mrs. Voltaire V. YapMr. and Mrs. Geoffrey YarrantonDr. and Mrs. Fulton YeeMr. and Mrs. Henry S. YeeMr. and Mrs. James L. YungMr. and Mrs. Theodore E. ZamoraDr. Stan Zhou & Lingming LiangMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. ZouchaMr. and Mrs. Robert Zurcher

Principal’s CircleMr. and Mrs. Raymond T. AdamsDr. and Mrs. Jerold F. AlvaradoDr. and Mrs. Brian AndrewsMr. and Mrs. Admon ArajMr. and Mrs. C. Scott BaileyMr. and Mrs. Karl BakhtiariMs. Julia BauerMr. and Mrs. Phillip BertettaMr. and Mrs. John D. BertoldiDr. and Mrs. Claudio A. BetMr. and Mrs. Frank BizzarroMr. and Mrs. Richard BocciMr. and Mrs. William T. ohlkenMs. Susan BoorasMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BortolottoMrs. Louise BoschettoMr. and Mrs. Michael BoschettoMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. BroderickMr. and Mrs. Mason S. BrutschyMr. and Mrs. Paul A. CannizzaroMr. and Mrs. Dennis ChamMr. and Mrs. Anthony Y. ChanMr. and Mrs. Charles CihakMr. and Mrs. Peter I. CittadiniMr. and Mrs. R. Griffin ColemanMr. and Mrs. Anthony CrisafiMr. and Mrs. James DeMartiniMr. and Mrs. Gregg M. DomanicoMr. and Mrs. Dain EhringMr. and Mrs. David A. EvansMr. and Mrs. Paul J. FavettiMr. and Mrs. Steven FermiMr. and Mrs. John H. FinleyMr. and Mrs. Ronald FiorMr. and Mrs. Ronald FornesiMr. and Mrs. Dominic F. FotiMr. and Mrs. Ron FranksMr. and Mrs. Richard J. GallettaMr. and Mrs. Bradley W. GaribaldiMr. and Mrs. Marc R. GaribaldiMr. and Mrs. Andrew M. GeddesMr. and Mrs. Donald GeytonMr. and Mrs. William J. GilmartinMr. and Mrs. Samuel H. GluckMr. and Mrs. Carl GoldstoneMr. and Mrs. Charles N. GustMr. and Mrs. William R. GutgsellMr. and Mrs. Charles K. GuttasDr. and Mrs. Joseph F. HaggertyMr. and Mrs. John HartyMr. and Mrs. Marc B. HebertDr. and Mrs. Stephen R. HenryMr. and Mrs. Thomas JahnDr. and Mrs. Michael JohnstonMr. and Mrs. C. Niven JonesMr. and Mrs. Alan KarcichMr. and Mrs. Chris KasarisMr. and Mrs. John K. KellMr. and Mrs. Robert F. KelleyDrs. Paul & Nancy KellyMr. and Mrs. Michael T. KentMr. and Mrs. Andrew G. KidwellDr. and Mrs. John KisMr. and Mrs. David L. KramarMr. and Mrs. James E. LatimerDr. and Mrs. James LeClairMr. and Mrs. Gordon LeeMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. LeydenMr. and Mrs. Robert E. LienMr. and Mrs. Charles W. LofgrenMr. and Mrs. Donald LothropMr. and Mrs. Kevin LucidoMr. and Mrs. Gregory A. MarkoulisMr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarthyMr. Philip McLeod & Shawn ChristiansonMr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McMahonMr. and Mrs. Brian McNamaraDr. and Mrs. Robert MessingMr. and Mrs. Donald MillerMr. and Mrs. William E. Mitchell, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. MoquinMr. and Mrs. Ali NosratiMs. Marcella PeekMr. and Mrs. Peter PelettaMr. and Mrs. John PeneMr. Richard PolettiMr. Ronald PollastriniMr. and Mrs. William J. PortmanMr. and Mrs. Robert ProfacaMr. and Mrs. Michael RaddieMr. and Mrs. Jahangir RamezanbeigiMr. and Mrs. Brett RankinMr. and Mrs. Matthew ReidyMr. and Mrs. Robert C. RettenbacherMr. and Mrs. James RobertsMr. and Mrs. John RobertsonDr. and Mrs. A. Joseph RockmoreMr. and Mrs. Brian SabeanMr. Robert SalomonMr. Steven E. San FilippoMr. Gary J. SandersMr. and Mrs. Robert SargentMr. and Mrs. David SatterwhiteMr. and Mrs. Bruce SchlesingerMr. and Mrs. William F. SchwarzMr. and Mrs. Philip SchwenkMr. and Mrs. Jerry SelvitellaMr. and Mrs. Mark SliwkowskiMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. SobczakMr. and Mrs. William D. SpencerMr. and Mrs. Steve SpinaMr. and Mrs. Craig J. StagnaroMr. and Mrs. Richard StatlerMr. and Mrs. Michael StephensDr. and Mrs. Bernard J. SteyerMs. Carol StoneMr. and Mrs. Robert SullivanMr. and Mrs. David I. SvendsenMr. and Mrs. Scott W. SymeMr. and Mrs. James TerranovaMr. and Mrs. Brad ThamMr. and Mrs. Gordon TongMr. and Mrs. Don W. TransethMr. and Mrs. William F. UrichMr. and Mrs. Dwight Van MeterMr. and Mrs. John M. ViglizzoMr. and Mrs. Paul F. VorsatzMr. and Mrs. Robert G. WalkerMr. and Mrs. Stanley T. WangMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyMr. and Mrs. Richard W. WilsonMr. and Mrs. William S. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Rick E. WinninghamMr. and Mrs. William WintersDr. and Mrs. Larry WohlfordMr. and Mrs. Michael WoodsMr. and Mrs. Hans J. WulffMr. and Mrs. Gang YaoDr. and Mrs. Fulton Yee

. . . continued from previous pageBLUE AND GOLD$1,200 - $2,499Ms. Marcella PeekMr. and Mrs. Peter PelettaMr. Richard PolettiMr. and Mrs. Robert ProfacaMr. and Mrs. Michael RaddieMr. and Mrs. Jahangir RamezanbeigiMr. and Mrs. Matthew ReidyMr. and Mrs. James RobertsDr. and Mrs. A. Joseph RockmoreMr. and Mrs. Brian SabeanMr. Steven E. San FilippoMr. Gary J. SandersMr. and Mrs. Robert SargentMr. and Mrs. David SatterwhiteDr. and Mrs. James SmileyMr. and Mrs. Steve SpinaMr. and Mrs. Craig J. StagnaroMr. and Mrs. Robert SullivanMr. and Mrs. James TerranovaMr. and Mrs. Brad ThamMr. and Mrs. William F. UrichMr. and Mrs. Dwight Van MeterMr. and Mrs. John M. ViglizzoMr. and Mrs. Paul F. VorsatzMr. and Mrs. Robert G. WalkerMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyMr. and Mrs. William S. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Rick E. WinninghamMr. and Mrs. William WintersDr. and Mrs. Larry WohlfordMr. and Mrs. Hans J. WulffCapitalMr. and Mrs. Issa AhoMr. and Mrs. David J. AmorosoMr. James BaynesMr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Beffa, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. BertettaMr. and Mrs. Michael BoschettoMr. and Mrs. Michael BrazilMr. and Mrs. Mason S. BrutschyMrs. Sheila O. BurnsMr. Steven K. BushMr. Scott M. ChiamparinoMr. Peter P. CocconiMr. and Mrs. Anthony CrisafiMr. and Mrs. Francis DeFoeMr. and Mrs. Dudley DeslerMr. Michael DillonMr. Michael C. DonohueMr. and Mrs. David A. EvansMr. and Mrs. Tom FinnThe Drum FoundationThe Carl Gellert & Ceclia BertaGellert FoundationMr. Robert J. GrassilliCampaignGiftsMrs. Judy GroseyMr. and Mrs. Gerry HeckertMr. and Mrs. Ralph HoMr. Timothy D. HouwelingMr. and Mrs. Gary HughesMr. and Mrs. Robert KidwellMr. Dennis M. LuceyMr. William MaloneMr. and Mrs. Kenneth MantoaniMr. Tevis P. MartinMr. Ronald McGovernMr. and Mrs. Steven McLaughlin & FamilyMr. Patrick M. MegargeeMr. and Mrs. Stephen MuttoMr. and Mrs. Bryan NeiderMr. and Mrs. Robert L. OlsonMr. Robert A. PindrohMr. Sebastiano SalemiMr. Robert SalomonMr. and Mrs. Mark SeveriMr. and Mrs. Aziz ShariatDr. and Mrs. Robert P. StevensMr. and Mrs. Mark VorsatzMr. Bob YontsMr. Thomas Zucchelli17New Senior Parking Lot(L to R)Top Row: Sean Wilkinson, Anthony Stoloski, Joey Ghidossi, Nick FortesBottom Row: Coach Patrick Walsh, Angelo Fobbs-Valentino, Will Powers, Steve Barberi

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004GIFTS TO PARENTS’ORGANIZATION &ALUMNI ASSOCIATION18Armadillo Willy’sMr. Christopher M. BankovitchMr. and Mrs. Anthony CrisafiChevys Fresh MexMr. Shawn M. DeLunaJ & R Dooley, IncorporatedMr. Timothy J. GiacominiMr. Gregory P. HartMr. and Mrs. Charles KeyserMr. Armand H. KilijianMr. and Mrs. Patrick R. MoranMr. Raymond R. PetrinMr. and Mrs. David J. PhilpottMr. Steven M. UgheMr. Richard M. ZanardiGIFTS TO THE ACADEMICRESOURCE CENTERAnonymousDr. and Mrs. Claudio A. BetMr. and Mrs. Michael BoschettoMr. and Mrs. Don W. TransethATHLETIC PROGRAMMr. and Mrs. Philip BarryMr. and Mrs. Russell BertettaMr. and Mrs. Michael BoschettoMs. Barbara BottariniMr. and Mrs. Michael BrazilMs. Hildegard BrownMr. Peter BrusatiMr. and Mrs. Paul A. CannizzaroDr. and Mrs. Lawrence CappelMr. and Mrs. Vern CarmichaelMr. John ChiatelloMr. and Mrs. John ColvinMs. Eleanor CottonMr. and Mrs. James B. CunninghamMr. and Mrs. Brad DauerMr. and Mrs. Kevin DonahueJames EvansMr. and Mrs. David FalkGloria FilipelliDale Firenzi-BreedenMr. and Mrs. James GalvinMr. and Mrs. Richard P. GianniniMr. Paul GiguiereMr. and Mrs. Mark F. GriffinDr. and Dr. Charles W. HaltermanMr. and Mrs. Martin HarbandMr. and Mrs. Donald HutchisonMr. and Mrs. Richard JefferiesMr. and Mrs. Peter C. JensenMr. Marcus L. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Robert F. KelleyMs. Barbara KellyMr. and Mrs. Michael T. KentMr. Robert KingMr. and Mrs. John C. LevinMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. LeydenMs. Winifred LittleMr. and Mrs. Alfred MalleyMr. and Mrs. Tevis MartinMr. and Mrs. Daniel MartinelliMr. and Mrs. James McGillMr. and Mrs. James McGovernDr. and Mrs. Michael S. McGrathMs. Kathy McKeonMrs. Katherine McMillanMr. and Ms. Greg MelnikoffMr. and Mrs. B. MilaneseMr. and Mrs. William A. MillichapMr. and Mrs. James C. MurphyMr. and Mrs. David NelsonMr. and Mrs. John NoceMr. and Mrs. Paul NussbaumMr. and Mrs. William E. O’LearyMr. and Mrs. John O’LearyMr. and Mrs. John PacchettiMr. and Mrs. Michael PetersonMr. Jeffrey R. PickMr. and Mrs. Bernard PoggettiMr. and Mrs. James C. PowersMr. and Mrs. John PresuttoMr. Charles J. RappMr. and Mrs. Joseph RegaliaMr. Noel Roberts 1992Mr. and Mrs. James RobertsMr. and Mrs. Richard RozaMr. and Mrs. Ramond RyanMs. Janice San FilippoMr. and Mrs. James SchmiererMr. and Mrs. John R. ShipmanMr. and Mrs. Richard StatlerMr. and Mrs. Philip R. StegmanDr. and Mrs. Bernard J. SteyerMr. and Mrs. D. Mark StumbaughMr. and Mrs. Eddy TabetMr. and Mrs. Donald TeixeiraMr. and Mrs. Gerald T. ThomasMr. Anthony P. TorreMr. and Mrs. James TorriseMr. and Mrs. Dwight Van MeterMr. Michael G. VerdoneMr. and Mrs. Robert VinalMr. John VincentMr. and Mrs. Paul F. VorsatzMr. and Mrs. Mark VorsatzMrs. Elizabeth WalshMr. and Mrs. Gary WillardMs. Asa D. WongMr. and Mrs. Andrew WyattMr. Raynor YoungdahlVarsity Foortball Team ‘05WIN! <strong>Serra</strong> (29) Edison (15)CLASS PHOTOMr. Christian J. CliffordMr. Timothy A. ColeMr. Martin C. GrunerMr. Erik W. HaltermanMr. Chris S. PedersenFACULTY ENHANCEMENTMr. and Mrs. Michael J. BenhamMr. and Mrs. Richard DeLunaFRENCH CLUBAnonymousGIFTS IN KINDMr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Beffa, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John BentleyMr. and Mrs. John D. BertoldiMr. and Mr. Peter ChanteloupMrs. Patricia B. CrudenMr. Michael L. DelaurentiMr. and Mrs. William EspostoMr. and Mrs. Mark FainaMr. and Mrs. Jerry GalliMrs. Sally HarringtonMr. and Mrs. David L. KramarMr. and Mrs. Fred J. LautzeMr. and Mrs. Charles W. LofgrenMr. and Mrs. Michael McGinleyMr. and Mrs. Thomas C. MoroneyMr. and Mrs. Stephen MuttoMr. Raymond R. PetrinMs. Catherine PickerelDr. and Mrs. James SmileyMr. and Mrs. Robert SpadarellaMr. and Mrs. Don W. TransethMr. and Mrs. Richard Van DorenMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. VoglMr. Konrad Von Emster IIIMr. and Mrs. Steven H. WoodsMr. and Mrs. Michael WoodsIN HONOR OF40TH ANNIVERSARY OFMR. & MRS. GERARDGRANUCCIMr. & Mrs. Walt Bankovitch

MATCHING GIFTSBank of America Matching Gifts ProgramBristol-Myers Squibb FoundationChevronTexaco Matching Gift ProgramEcolab Foundation IncElectronic ArtsFederated Department Stores, Inc.Fremont Group FoundationGenentech Employee Giving ProgramHarris FoundationIntuit FoundationMorgan Stanley Matching Gift ProgramProvidian FinancialSprint FoundationSun Microsystems FoundationUnion Bank of California FoundationVISUAL & PERFORMING ARTSCarlmont Merchants AssociationMr. Konrad Von Emster IIIJOHN L. ZOPH LIBRARYMr. and Mrs. Robert RobbinsMISCELLANEOUS GIFTSAnonymousMr. and Mrs. Dain EhringMr. Abraham Adam SciammasPARKING PROGRAMMr. and Mrs. Aziz Shariat19FOR THE RECOVERY OFMRS. BALLENTINEMr. & Mrs. Lawrence Frost(L to R)Mr. Patterson, Aven Wright,Mike Salemi, Ryan SvendsenREFURBISHMENT OF GYMAnonymous(L to R)Khiry CrawfordBrandon CooperUNRESTRICTED GIFTSMr. and Mrs. James BertramMr. and Mrs. Bradford ChildMr. James A. DeFoeMr. Lawrence Del SantoMr. Jack DriscollMr. and Mrs. Charles K. GuttasMr. and Mrs. Clive HintonMr. Robert HortopMr. and Mrs. Takafumi KawasakiMr. and Mrs. George KellerDrs. Thomas & Jean KilbridgeMr. and Mrs. David RauenbuehlerMr. and Mrs. John F. RenaultMrs. Elizabeth SiposMr. Fred StecherMr. and Mrs. James K. ToomeyMr. and Mrs. Stephen R. WallaceMr. and Mrs. Gang Yao(L to R) Greg Wilson, Matthew Cavaliere, Michael Elhihi

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004endowedSCHOLARSHIP FUNDSTHE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF THE JUNIPERO SERRA HIGH SCHOOLCOMMUNITY MADE DONATIONS TO THESE ENDOWED SCHLOARSHIPFUNDS THROUGHOUT THE LAST FISCAL YEAR. SCHOLARSHIP FUNDDONATIONS ALLOW SERRA TO GRANT FINANCIAL AID TO STUDENTSWHO WOULD OTHERISE BE UNABLE TO ATTEND.THOMAS J. OSWALDCHRISTIAN SERVICE AWARDJUNIPERO SERRASCHLOARSHIP FUNDJOHN L. ZOPH SCHLOARSHIPFUND20Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. OswaldPhilips ElectronicsMr. and Mrs. James B. AraujoMrs. Therese PoveyMr. Brendan E. RyanSeiler & Company, LLPMr. Gary CesariMr. Russell MagnaghiMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. MellottMr. and Mrs. Laurence MitchellMr. James ShyperttJUNIPERO SERRA ALUMNIASSOCIATION SCHLOARSHIPMr. Anthony A. AgrellaMr. and Mrs. Steven A. DifuMr. Mark D. FehrnMr. and Mrs. James N. FregosiMr. Ronald F. NormanDr. John W. WalshMr. Daniel E. WhelanMARK L. VORSATZENDOWED SCHLOARSHIPFUNDMr. and Mrs. Mark VorsatzHSBC Tower Corporate ContributionsDYLAN LAWRENCE CAPPELMEMORIAL SCHLOARSHIPFUNDDr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cappel(L to R) Iyad Shihadeh, Michael Noce, Alika Herrera, Richard Pearson

ANNUALALUMNIAPPEALThe following alumni and friends from the <strong>Junipero</strong><strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School community made donations to the<strong>Annual</strong> Alumni Appeal Program during the <strong>2003</strong>-2004 fiscal year. (July 1, <strong>2003</strong> - June 30, 2004).(L to R) Varsity Soccer Coach Enrique Aparacio, Tom Brady ‘95ALUMNI PARENTSMr. & Mrs. Mark BauerMr. & Mrs. Morris CohnMr. & Mrs. Robert HageMr. & Mrs. Alfred HonsMr. & Mrs. John JohnsonMr. & Mrs. John KellerMr. & Mrs. D. Paul ReganMr. & Mrs. Mark SeveriMr. & Mrs. David SullivanMr. & Mrs. Gerard TrosianMr. & Mrs. Gary WilseyCLASS OF 1948Rev. Daniel CardelliMr. Gene GiannottiCLASS OF 1949Mr. Edwin ValenciaCLASS OF 1950Mr. Fred FurrerMr. William HartmannMr. Albert MolinariCLASS OF 1956Mr. Richard BonaMr. Jack ReviglioDr. John WalshMr. Eugene ZlatunichCLASS OF 1957Mr. Richard CabreraMr. James ErnstMr. James FregosiMr. Robert LeachMr. Norman Moretto21CURRENT PARENTSMr. & Mrs. Kenneth StewartMs. Andrea TravisanoCLASS OF 1951Mr. Herbert Lindemann, Jr.CLASS OF 1958Mr. Thomas FerrandoMr. Robert NieseFRIEND OF SERRAMr. Ralph DebonoMrs. Diane Magner in memory ofThomas Magner ‘49Mrs. Marian McInnisMs. Yvonne OlcomendyMs. Claudia VailFORMER SERRAFACULTY MEMBERMr. Gregory HilligMatching GiftsAmerican Express FoundationDiageo North America Foundation, Inc.Winthrop, Inc.CLASS OF 1952Mr. William WattCLASS OF 1953Mr Jack AllainMr. Norman EdwardsMr. Charles KeyserCLASS OF 1954Mr. Robert BarbanicaMr. Neal LucettCLASS OF 1955Mr. James BenedettiMr. Charles CancillaMr. Dennis KavanaghMr. William MaloneMr. Robert McLaughlinCLASS OF 1959Mr. Raymond BlyMr. Robert FaganCLASS OF 1960Mr. Steven DifuMr. Robert PlimleyMr. Ronald NormanMr. Henry SarlatteMr. Clayton StephensMr. William Ward IIICLASS OF 1961Mr. Kenneth ColomboMr. Robert HarlessMr. Laurence MoyerDr. Richard Reich

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004CLASS OF 1962Mr. Paul ConstantinoMr. Jeff RyanCLASS OF 1971Mr. John DigginsMr. Brian KellyRev. Gary ThomasCLASS OF 1986Mr. Brian AyoobMr. Charles RappMr. Keith Wyant22CLASS OF 1963Mr. Jack CoyneMr. Ralph StinsonCLASS OF 1964Mr. Thomas AmesMr. Terrence GiomiMr. Dennis GlennMr. Michael ScottMr. Peter SteinMr. James WatersCLASS OF 1965Mr. Steven BushMr. John KrellMr. Ronald LaberMr. James MitchellMr. Stephen ParisMr. Lawrence RaffoCLASS OF 1966Mr. Timothy ClearyMr. S. Jeffrey GreenstreetCLASS OF 1967Mr. John BuechsensteinDr. Jack KeehanMr. Charles McGowanMr. Felix PerezMr. Richard RaffoMr. Brendan RyanCLASS OF 1968Mr. Steve GannonMr. Wayne RaffaelliMr. Robert SabbatiniMr. Daniel Whelan in honor of Mrs.Raymond J. Whelan and in memoryof Mr. Raymond J. Whelan &Mr. Michael Whelan ‘66CLASS OF 1969Mr. Kevin CorcoranMr. Lawrence GladwinMr. Donald McInnisMr. Luke O’BrienCLASS OF 1970Mr Lawrence BatinaMr. James MurphyCLASS OF 1972Mr. James ArchboldMr. Mark NorcrossCLASS OF 1973Mr. William GlesenerMr. Geoffrey HendersonRev. Craig LooneyCLASS OF 1974Mr. James DohertyMr. Sean GoganMr. Tevis MartinCLASS OF 1975Mr James FreitasMr. John Mc GeeMr. Michael StuberCLASS OF 1976Mr. Steven UndorteCLASS OF 1978Mr. John VincentCLASS OF 1979Mr. Joseph HurleyMr. Thomas KmakMr. Paul LunardiCLASS OF 1980Mr. Dean AllaraMr. Stephen ChiappariMr. Charles MotteCLASS OF 1981Mr. Michael CalegariCLASS OF 1982Mr. Ralph RuizCLASS OF 1983Mr. Anthony Agrella,in memory of Jerry AgrellaMr. John KohnkeMr. James LococoMr. Joseph MenzelMr. Ralph RuizCLASS OF 1987Mr. Pat DehoffCLASS OF 1988Mr. Geoffrey AdasewiczMr. Michael CoughlinMr. Michael GrenierMr. Luke MulhallCLASS OF 1989Mr. Jerry SchembriCLASS OF 1990Mr. Mark DeVeneciaCLASS OF 1992Mr. Brian PhilipMr. Christopher RhodesCLASS OF 1993Mr. George MilionisMr. Jeffrey PerryMr. Stephen PhilpottCLASS OF 1994Mr. Daniel RomanskiCLASS OF 1998Mr. Mark FehrnCLASS OF 2000Mr. Ryan DarbyMr. Marcus JohnsonMr. Michael OlceseMr. Craig ParidyCLASS OF 2001Mr. Garrett ChaussardMr. Nicholas GoldingCLASS OF 2002Mr. Michael BarbieriMr. Paul McManusCLASS OF <strong>2003</strong>Mr. Michael Kaiser

THE SEASONOFGIVINGThe following current partents, alumni, and friends from the <strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong>School community made donations to the Season of Giving program during the<strong>2003</strong>-2004 fiscal year.CURRENT PARENTSMr. & Mrs. Vincent SalemiALUMNI PARENTSMr. & Mrs. Jerrold BagnaniMr. & Mrs. George GallowayMrs. Gloria ShreveFORMER SERRA FACULTYRev. Paul RossiCLASS OF 1959Dr. E. Patrick CreehanMr. Edward OttoboniCLASS OF 1960Mr. Philip Ehrhorn, Jr.CLASS OF 1961Mr. Richard DemartiniMr. James TilleyCLASS OF 1985Mr. Michael LelandCLASS OF 1987Mr. Timothy GiacominiMr. David PhilpottCLASS OF 1988Mr. Christopher FleischerMr. Roy Malatesta, Jr.23MATCHING GIFTSBank of AmericaCLASS OF 1964Mr. Dennis GlennCLASS OF 1993Mr. Shane KebCLASS OF 1950Mr. James HillCLASS OF 1965Mr. David LaidlawCLASS OF 2000Mr. Craig ParidyCLASS OF 1952Mr. Henry TannerCLASS OF 1971Mr. Dennis IrvingCLASS OF 2002Mr. Robert BlandinoCLASS OF 1953Mr. William AstonMr. Norman EdwardsMr. Charles KeyserCLASS OF 1956Mr. William HammerMr. Bill KillileaMr. Ben PeraltaCLASS OF 1958Mr. Ambrose GalliMr. John HaggertyCLASS OF 1972Mr. Robert PalmisanoCLASS OF 1980Mr. Kevin GiacominiCLASS OF 1982Mr. Timothy MurphyMr. Michael WaligoraCLASS OF 1983Mr. John KohnkeSummer Camp ‘04

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUNDSThe Memorial Endowment Funds listed here were donated during the <strong>2003</strong>-2004fiscal year. Those loved ones enrolled in the Memorial Program are listed in script,with donors beneath them. All those listed in our memorial book are remembered ina monthly Mass offered in the school chapel. If you would like to enroll someone inour Memorial Program, please contact the Development Office.24JAMES ACOSTAMrs. Jean ManteganiALFRED AGRESTIMr. & Mrs. Greg Isom & SonsMr. & Mrs. Alan KarcichMr. & Mrs. Rodney McAlavey &KristopherJEANNETTE AGRESTIMr. & Mrs. Greg IsomMANUEL ALVAREZMrs. Cathy PlevinVICTORIA ARMANMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeCAROL ARMANINORoss, Linda, Ashley & RyanAllgroveMr. & Mrs. Russell BertettaMs. Barbara BottariniMr. & Mrs. Michael BrazilMr. & Mrs. Vern CarmichaelGregory CattermoleJoseph ChiamparinoMary ChiamparinoMr. & Mrs. Donald CresciJoan CotterMr. & Mrs. Kevin DonahueMrs. Gloria FilipelliDale Firenzi-BreedenMr. & Mrs. Peter Jensen<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Athletic Dept.<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> SchoolCommunityMr. & Mrs. Tevis MartinMs. Kathy McKeonMr. & Mrs. B. MilaneseMr. & Mrs. David NelsonAnna Marie OsborneMr. & Mrs. John PacchettiMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonRichard PizzornoMr. & Mrs. John PresuttoMr. & Mrs. Richard RozaTreacy Tuerck-SterlingJane StoneMr. & Mrs. James TorriseMr. Randy VogelPETER ASTIZMr. & Mrs. David BlankMRS. SHIRLEY BAKERMr. & Mrs. Greg IsomWILLIAM BAKERMr. & Mrs. Dennis AgrestiMrs. Shirley BakerMr. John CaselliMARY PAT BAMBRICKMrs. Pauline PerryANGIE BEATTYMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeMs. Moya Goddard<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> BingoGino BenettiMs. Kathy Lavezzo & DonnyCAROL BERG<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mother’s AuxiliaryANTHONY BERTETTAMr. & Mrs. Clyde Beffa, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Michael BrazilMr. & Mrs. Paul Cannizzaro & SonsMr. & Mrs. John CaselliMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeMr. & Mrs. Kevin DonahueMr. & Mrs. Robert FerrettiMs. Rita GleasonMs. Moya GoddardJoseph Hession & The <strong>Serra</strong> Golf TeamMr. & Mrs. Peter JensenMr. & Mrs. David JohndrowMr. & Mrs. Ron JonesMr. & Mrs. James Jordan<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMr. & Mrs. Thomas MacKenzieMr. & Mrs. Steve MarkasMrs. Katherine McMillanMr. & Mrs. Thomas MonaghanMr. & Mrs. Michael O’LearyMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonMr. & Mrs. William Porter, IIIMr. & Mrs. Gerald Quinlan & SonsMr. Charles RappMr. & Mrs. John RomeroMr. & Mrs. Mark SeveriPaul & Steph McManusMr. & Mrs. Mark StoloskiMr. Randy VogelENRICO JOSEPH BIASOTTI, SR.Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth StewartPAT BOEGEL<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School CommunityMr. & Mrs. Lars LundBOBBY BONDSMr. & Mrs. Kevin DonahueMr. Larry Frost<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Athletic Dept.<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Baseball<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School Community<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMr. Randy VogelELLEN BRADLEYMr. & Mrs. Richard CiriglianoMr. & Mrs. James SchnappJAMES PATRICK BROWNMr. & Mrs. Mark Sevieri

JIM BROWNMr. & Mrs. Rodney McAlavey &KristopherEDOUARD DECAUSANSMrs. Jewell DagenaisEDWARD FONSECAMrs. Jean ManteganiMr. & Mrs. Robert ManteganiWALTER BURKARDMr. & Mrs. Robert BaggettaCHUCK DEFOEMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeFATHER OF JOAN FRANETMr. & Mrs. Lawrence FrostANN BURNSMrs. Chris SevieriMATTHEW DELUNAMr. & Mrs. Kevin DonahueMs. Moya GoddardMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonLUCY FRATINIMr. & Mrs. Ray KniffinLOUIS CAPURROMrs. Cathy PlevinJOHN DEMARTINIMrs. Dina Vannelli & FamilyBONNIE FROSTMr. & Mrs. Lawrence FrostMARGARET CARNEVALESequoia Hospital Operating Room/PACLL Dept.JOHN E. CASELLI ‘88Mr. & Mrs. John C. CaselliMr. & Mrs. Peter Jensen<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> BaseballMr. & Mrs. Brad ThamMR. THOMAS CASTELLIMrs. Angela UccelliMIKE CECILIOMrs. Gail DeFoe<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMs. Kathy LavezzoWALTER CICHYMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonMR. GEORGE COLLOPYMr. Randy VogelSIMON CORRYMr. & Mrs. Robert MilanoIVAN CROCKETTMs. Katherine Delfs & MichaelJOE DAUGHERTYMr. & Mrs. Chris DegnanJOHN DEASYMrs. Cathy PlevinSHIRLEY DEMARTINIMrs. Dina Vannelli & FamilyBETTY DETOMASIMr. & Mrs. Rodney McAlavey & KrisLOUIS DISANTOMs. Katherine Delfs & FamilyMs. Kathy LavezzoMr. & Mrs. Mark StoloskiTHOMAS DOLDMrs. Cathy PlevinNELLIE FABBRIMrs. Jean ManteganiKEVIN FATOOHMr. & Mrs. Stephen EvanMr. & Mrs. Larry Fioranelli,Douglas & NicoleMrs. Pam Frisella & FamilyMs. Moya GoddardMr. & Mrs. George Hart<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMr. & Mrs. Thomas MacKenzieMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonMr. & Mrs. John RenaultMr. Robert SimpsonKAY FLYNNMr. & Mrs. Carlo DeLucaCOLLETTE FOLEYMrs. Dina VannelliCALVIN FROSTMrs. Gail DeFoeMr. Larry Frost<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni AssociationROBERT DEAN FROSTMr. & Mrs. Lawrence FrostKIM CHING FUNG<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryGINA GIOVANNETTIMr. & Mrs. David BlankMr. & Mrs. Paul CannizzaroMr. & Mrs. John CaselliMr. & Mrs. Richard Ghidossi<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMs. Kathy Lavezzo & DonnyLORETO GOMEZ, JR.Mr. & Mrs. Gary AshbrookMR. GREENLAWMr. & Mrs. Lawrence FrostMOTHER OF URSULA HAMILTONMrs. Robin FrostLOIS HANSENMr. & Mrs. Brad ThamDONALD HARRINGTONBank of America Matching GiftsProgram25

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004JACK HELMMary Kimball StatlerMARILYNE ANN HEROLDMr. & Mrs. Gregory QuigleyFRANCIS HUNGLER ‘59<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni AssociationKAY HUXFORDMr. & Mrs. Gary Ashbrook & FamilyMrs. Therese PoveyMr. Charles RappMr. & Mrs. Robert RobbinsMrs. Ida SeidelMr. & Mrs. Mark StoloskiMrs. Tim VergieMr. Randy VogelMr. & Mrs. Homer ZugelderFATHER OF JOAN JONESMs. Kathy LavezzoJULIA KAYDr. & Mrs. Francis HealyBERNICE LOFGRENMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonMr. Randy VogelLENARD LOUIEMr. Larry FrostSAM LUCIAThe Egigian FamilyLEO LYNCHMr. & Mrs. Daniel HallMr. & Mrs. Walter MurciaESTHER INGALLSMr. Robert McAuliffeHENRY THRANE JACOBSENMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeMr. & Mrs. Kevin Donahue<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMr. & Mrs. Bil PaulROBERT KESSLER ‘78<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni AssociationMr. & Mrs. Anthony OniskoBrandon OniskoMr. & Mrs. Mark SeveriMARY KETNERDANIEL THOMAS MALLEY ‘84Mrs. Sylvia MeyerHERBERT MARCHIMr. & Mrs. Gary AshbrookMrs. Dina Vannelli26ELIZABETH JEHLMr. Larry FrostJAMES JENNINGSMr. & Mrs. Bruce CarsonBERNICE JENSENMr. & Mrs. Russell BertettaMr. & Mrs. David BlankMrs. Antoinette BolesMrs. Marie BradyMr. & Mrs. John CaselliMr. James CaseyMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeMr. Paul DrewsMrs. Bonnie DunnMr. & Mrs. Michael FadelliMr. & Mrs. Peter FadelliMs. Moya GoddardMr. & Mrs. Ron Jones<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> SchoolCommunity<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mother’s AuxiliaryMrs. Evelyn KnoxMr. George KristovichMr. & Mrs. Charles LofgrenMs. Iona LukeMr. & Mrs. Thomas MacKenzieMr. & Mrs. Alfred MalleyMr. & Mrs. Thomas MonaghanMrs. Edith MurphyMr. & Mrs. Kenneth Norton & SonsMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonMr. & Mrs. Eugene PomettaMrs. Cathy PlevinJOSEPHINE KLEYNMs. Kathy LavezzoEDWARD KOCHEVARMr. & Mrs. Paul Cannizzaro & SonsJERRY KOZLOSKIMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonBUD KRANCIMr. & Mrs. Lawrence FrostKAZUAKI KUWADAMr. & Mrs. Larry Barbieri & FamilyJOSEPH LARROCAMr. Larry FrostJONNY LAURAMr. & Mrs. Charles RappROBERT LEA ‘54<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni AssociationAGUSTINE LIVERTIMr. & Mrs. Mark SevieriKENNETH MATAZZONIMr. & Mrs. Warren VogelPATRICIA MCCALLISTERMr. & Mrs. Carlos MacielEDDIE MCINTOSHMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonTHOMAS MCMAHONMr. & Mrs. Kevin DonahueChuck Rapp & the <strong>Serra</strong> Basketball ProgramRUTH MENSCHINGMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonMr. Randy VogelTED MINELLAMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeMr. Randy VogelRAY MINKELMr. Larry FrostJIM MONROEMr. & Mrs. Vern CarmichaelRUTH S. MOOREMrs. Pam Robbins

GILBERT S. MORRIS ‘68Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jensen<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni AssociationEUGENE MURRAYMr. & Mrs. Mark SeveriSTEPHEN NATOLI ‘71Mr. & Mrs. Ed BeckDr. Jeffrey BertaniMr. & Mrs. Russell BertettaDr. & Mrs. Claudia BetMr. & Mrs. John DigginsMr. & Mrs. Kevin DonahueMr. & Mrs. George GiustiDr. & Mrs. Michael JohnstonDr. Wayne Joseph<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMatt Norton & FamilyMrs. Jeanette PapapietroMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonMr. & Mrs. John RomeroMr. & Mrs. Kenneth StewartMr. Randy VogelMr. & Mrs. Robert WilsonDAN NIGHTINGALE ‘85<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Association<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School CommunityMr. & Mrs. Thomas MacKenzieVINCENZO NOEDr. & Mrs. Michael JohnstonMr. Randy VogelGLEN NOLANMr. & Mrs. Michael QuiliciJOHN O’LEARYMr. Frank BreenMrs. Hildegard BrownMr. Peter BrusatiMr. & Mrs. John ColvinMs. Eleanor CottonMr. & Mrs. Brad DauerMr. & Mrs. Kevin DonahueMr. & Mrs. James GalvinMr. Paul GiguiereDr. & Mrs. Francis Healy<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Athletic Dept.Mr. & Mrs. Alfred MalleyMarcus & MillichapMr. Robert McAuliffeMr. & Mrs. James McGillMr. & Mrs. James McGovernMrs. Katherine McMillanMr. & Mrs. Greg MelnikoffMr. & Mrs. James MurphyJohn & Nikki NoceMr. & Mrs. John O’LearyMr. & Mrs. William O’LearyMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonChuck Rapp & the <strong>Serra</strong> BasketballProgramMr. & Mrs. Joseph RegaliaMr. & Mrs. Ramond RyanMr. & Mrs. James SchmiererMr. John VincentMr. Randy VogelMs. Asa WongJEROLDENE O’NEILLMr. & Mrs. David Blank & SonsBRIAN OLCOMENDYMrs. Chris SevieriRALPH OLIVERMr. & Mrs. Bradley GaribaldiMICHAEL ORLICHMs. Kathy LavezzoADAM ORNELLAS, SR.Mrs. Kathleen Coccellato & SonsNORMA OTTOBONIMrs. Chris SevieriMARTHA PADOVANMr. Randy VogelALICE PAGANINIMr. Larry Frost & FamilyFLORENCE PANTANOMr. Randy VogelGLYNIS PAULSONMr. Randy VogelENRICO PIERETTMr. & Mrs. Gary AshbrookMrs. Dina VannelliHEDY PITTZMr. & Mrs. Dennis AgrestiJAMES LOYD PLUMMERMr. & Mrs. Russell BertettaMr. & Mrs. David BlankMr. & Mrs. Paul CannizzaroMr. & Mrs. Ronald ChaussardMr. & Mrs. Kevin DonahueMr. & Mrs. Robert FerrettiMs. Moya GoddardMr. & Mrs. Peter Jensen<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMr. & Mrs. Mike Leyte-VidalMr. & Mrs. Michael O’LearyMr. & Mrs. Michael OliverMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonThe Plummer FamilyMrs. Kathyann Roque-Albert &Bob AlbertMr. & Mrs. Arthur RosenbergMr. Ed TaylorMr. Randy VogelMADELYN RAABEMr. John CaselliKEVIN RAGANMr. Walter BankovitchMr. & Mrs. Peter CelliMr. & Mrs. Ronald HouleMark Diablo Apartments, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonMr. & Mrs. Gregory QuigleyMr. & Mrs. Dennis RaganCAROLE RAGNIMr. & Mrs. Michael Delaurenti & SonsROBERT RANTZMr. & Mrs. Paul CannizzaroMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeMr. & Mrs. Richard Ghidossi<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School Community<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMrs. Kathyann Roque-AlbertWARREN REDDINGMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonMrs. Marjorie WoodleyDONALD RICCIMrs. Angela UccelliFRANK ROLLERMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeDORIS ROSSMr. & Mrs. Charles LofgrenGEORGE ROTHMrs. Kathleen Coccellato & Sons27

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004DOMENIC TINTORIMr. & Mrs. John CaselliMR. JAMES TRELUT ‘64Mr. Terrence Giomi28(L to R) Kathy Roque, Gayle Rosenberg, Peggy Farrell, Cathy PickerelJAMES ROWAN<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School Community<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMr. Randy VogelSUZANNE SAMARAMr. Larry FrostSTEVE SAN FILIPPOMr. & Mrs. Michael BrazilFEDERICO SANCHEZMr. & Mrs. Henry GalindoJULIA SANTINAMr. & Mrs. Tom PlevinRICHARD SAWYERMr. Larry FrostVICTOR SCAFANIMr. John CaselliLARRY SCHENCKMr. & Mrs. Larry BarbieriDENISE SCHOTTMr. & Mrs. Clarence SchottMr. Randy VogelJERRY SCOVELMrs. Jean ManteganiJAMES P. SHEA ‘58Mr. & Mrs. James G. SheaKELLY SHEA-GALLOMrs. Chris SevieriJOSEPH SIEVEMrs. Geraldine FrostMr. & Mrs. Lawrence FrostLAURETTA SIEVE/O’KELLYMr. & Mrs. Lawrence FrostFRANK SIINOMr. & Mrs. Paul Cannizzaro & SonsMr. Charles RappDEXTER SORINAMr. & Mrs. Rodney McAlaveySTANLEY STEBENNEMr. & Mrs. James JordanSAM STEWARTMr. & Mrs. Lawrence FrostMARIE TARABAYMr. & Mrs. Larry BarbieriCHRISTOPHER TAYLORJoey Hovan & FamilyJOSEPH TAYLORMr. & Mrs. Russell BertettaMr. & Mrs. Paul CannizzaroMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeMr. & Mrs. Kevin DonahueMr. & Mrs. Bradley Garibaldi<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School Community<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Mothers’ AuxiliaryMr. & Mrs. Joseph MacalusoMrs. Pauline Perry & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Robert RobbinsMrs. Kathyann Roque-AlbertMr. Randy VogelTYLER JOSEPH TUREKDave & Mechelle AttardBarbara DelaneyDan & Sandy EverettChris & Kathy HarleyMr. & Mrs. Bernie HeckenkemperDavid, Bonnie & Heather Hower<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Association<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School CommunityThe Kuebrich FamilyAunt Jean MeckVirginia MeitzDenise & Tom NicosiaParnassus InvestmentsMr. & Mrs. Michael PetersonFedele & RoseAnn ScornaienchiRobert & Carole UghePATRICIA VANNIMrs. Jean ManteganiRAY VARES, JR.Mr. & Mrs. Robert PaluDOROTHY VARNEYMr. & Mrs. Robert WilsonEDWARD VENDITTI ‘78<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni AssociationMr. Gregory QuigleyKEITH WIECKING ‘70Mr. & Mrs. Albert RattoBEULAH MAE WOHLFORDDr. & Mrs. Larry WohlfordTRUDY WYATTMr. & Mrs. Francis DeFoeREV. JOHN ZOPHMr. & Mrs. Gary CesariMr. Larry HennesMr. Russell MagnaghiMr. James Shypertt

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004JUNIPERO SERRA ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC SPONSORSMVP SponsorsBlue and Gold PadresSignature Properties - Jim Ghielmetti ‘64McMorgan and Company - The Brian MortonFamilyStarmakers Baseball30Silver PadresCorlett, Skaer and DeVoto ArchitectsNibbi Brothers ConstructionStone and YoungbergTee SponsorsAlain Pinel RealtorsAll Bay ValuationAlpine AwardsBarker Blue Digital ImagingBarrett Insurance ServicesBay Area Health Insurance MarketingBeals AllianceBoring-Johndrow-Leveroni-Vreeburg Inc.Crosby-N-Gray and Co.Crisafi, Pryon, Farquhar & SorensonDoherty RealtyHandlery Union Square HotelImmediate CareInnovative Mechanical, Inc.Michael W. Johnston, DDSKnights of ColumbusK & L Wine MerchantsThe Louderback Law FirmR.J. McGlennon Co.McGuigan & McGuigan, CPAsMurphy’s RestaurantNick’s RestaurantOlympian Golf PropertiesPribuss Engineering, Inc.Wachovia Securities, LLCSpectrum Label CorporationT & B SportsTownhouse Lodge, Carmel

WE ASKED SOME OF OUR VALUED SUPPORTERSWHY THEY CONTRIBUTE TO SERRA HIGH SCHOOLAND HERE’S WHAT THEY HAD TO SAY . . . .GEOFFREY M. HENDERSON ‘73Why do I contribute to the education program at <strong>Serra</strong> ? Theanswer is simple. It is my way of giving something back to place thatgave me more than I ever imagined.It was not until I enlisted in the United States Army after graduationthat I had a full grasp of the education I had received at <strong>Serra</strong>. I hadenlisted because my number was up in the lottery (remember that)and I wanted a choice in my job. I was trained as a Military Policemanand saw service in Virginia and Germany. My high school educationwas so far and above the majority of people that I had to deal with, Ihad a hard time dealing with it. When one has “superiors” who couldnot construct an English sentence correctly, it made dealing with thosetypes of individuals difficult.After my service time, I bounced around a lot and finally settled inAmador County. I went to work with the Department of Correctionsat Mule Creek State Prison. In less than six years, I was promoted toSargeant. I finally reached a station in life where I could afford to startgiving something back to those that had helped me be who I am today.One of those places is <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School. I started small but wasfaithful in writing that check each month. The amount has increasedover the years but the intent has never wavered. This is my way ofsaying thank-you to all the fine people and educators who helped me bewho I am today.

DENNIS&PAMLUCEY<strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School hasplayed a big role in my life.Coming from Mt. Carmelin Redwood City andmeeting Father Zoph, FatherKavanaugh, Father FrankHurley, Father John Ring, andso many, many great priestsand lay teachers instilled inme a desire to be a person forothers.After graduating fromUSF, I came to WashingtonDC in the 60’s and enteredthe computer business, where I have my own company today. Whilewith Xerox in the 70’s, I went on two sabbaticals serving as the PeaceCorps Director in West Aftrica for two years and serving as the ChiefAdministrator of the Hospital Ship Hope in Brazil for one year.The <strong>Serra</strong> influence continues today as I serve on the boardsand operating committees of a number of non-profit organizations,including the Jesuit Volunteer Corps., the Knights of Malta, theWoodstock Theological Center and a very large homeless shelter inWashington -- so others might eat.The seed for this service to others was planted at <strong>Serra</strong>.

DICK&MATILDEDELUNAFor us, <strong>Serra</strong> is simplythe right thing to do. Ourfamily’s ties with <strong>Serra</strong> goback to 1979, when our firstson entered as a freshman.For twenty-one years,our five boys, Mark, Shawn,Christopher, Jonathan andRichard graduated andmoved on to colleges and universities of their choice -- with ouryoungest son graduating from a university this year.Our family feels strongly that <strong>Serra</strong> has the unique ability to makeall the students feel like winners. They are able to accomplish thisin combination with intellectual excellence on one hand and moralstructures and principles on the other.MARK ‘83SHAWN ‘86CHRISTOPHER ‘93JONATHAN ‘97RICHARD ‘01

MICHAEL&BARBARABOSCHETTOPutting our boys at <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School wasthe best decision we have ever made.Everything we have ever wanted for oursons has come true. The commitment to Godhas been strenghtened by the brotherhood theyhave built with their new friends. Academically,we were blessed with teachers who have inspiredour boys to challenge themselves and not to settle for less.Supporting <strong>Serra</strong> comes easy to us. Barb and I were always raised to support allschools. But . . . <strong>Serra</strong> is special to us. Giving when you have received so much iseffortless. We all have something to give. There are so many ways to do it.All children are our future. It sounds like a cliché until you see your childrenapproaching adulthood so quickly. Giving to <strong>Serra</strong> means that not only do ourown sons benefit, but generations of sons to come. We are so grateful for theopportunity to be here.

HOW CAN YOU INVEST IN SERRA?The greatest number of gifts cometo Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School asdirect donations. Typically, such giftsare deductible items for federal andCalifornia state income tax purposes,subject to certain limitations. Therecan be additional tax advantagesin donating appreciated property,securities and other assets.By naming Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong>School the beneficiary of your lifeinsurance policy, you may receivea tax deduction. Life insurancecontributions can be an attractiveoption when the donor’s family isgrown and life insurance may be ofless importance.A family endowment may beestablished to endow a scholarshipfor a <strong>Serra</strong> student. A minimum targetdonation of $10,000 is needed toestablish an endowment.A memorial endowment may beestablished to honor a loved one. Allthose listed in our memorial book areremembered in a monthly mass.Real estate gifts are among themost valuable contributions you canmake to ensure the future of <strong>Serra</strong>.Real estate can be given outright orcan be deeded to the school, whileyou continue to occupy the property.It is possible to create a sizable taxdeduction by deeding such a gift.Many corporations now recognizeand are willing to support privatesecondary education through acorporate matching gift program.Check whether your employer willmatch your gift!A bequest is a wonderful way toremember <strong>Serra</strong>. A donor mayinclude a bequest to <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong>School in a will. A bequest maybefor a specific amount, a percentateof the donor’s estate, or a residualportion. Bequests can help offsetestate taxes and may allow a donor tomake a significant gift that might not35have been possible during his or herlifetime.Call the Development Office at 650.573.9935 to speak withMichael Peterson or Russ Bertetta about any of these giving opportunities!keep usupdated!Your fellow Padres want to know what you’ve been up to! If you’ve recently moved, justcelebrated the birth of a new baby, started a new job, or retired, let us know! Feel free toinclude a snapshot with your news!Send news to: Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School, Development Office, 451 West 20th Avenue,San Mateo, CA. 94403. Or email news to Michelle Wilkinson at mwilkinson@serrahs.com.

ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2003</strong>-2004In this issue of <strong>Traditions</strong>, wecatalogue all of the generousgifts we have received over thelast fiscal year (July 1, <strong>2003</strong> -June 30, 2004) from alumni,current parents, alumni parentsand members of our community.Every gift we receive is deeplyappreciated and helps the Padresof today and tomorrow!36See our <strong>2003</strong>-04 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>inside for more details onhow you can impact the nextgeneration of <strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong><strong>High</strong> School students.Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> School451 West 20th AvenueSan Mateo, CA 94403-1385(650) 345-8207Fax (650) 573-6638www.serrahs.comReturn Service requestedNon-ProfitOrg.U.S. PostagePAIDSan Mateo, CAPermit No. 180

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