Amphitheater Lecture Speakers - Post-Journal

Amphitheater Lecture Speakers - Post-Journal

Amphitheater Lecture Speakers - Post-Journal


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Chautauqua 2012<strong>Amphitheater</strong> <strong>Lecture</strong> <strong>Speakers</strong>Tuesday, Aug. 7Julia HeimanPaul McHughJulia R. Heiman is director of the Kinsey Institute forResearch in Sex, Gender, and Reproductionand professor of psychology and clinicalpsychiatry at Indiana University. Hercareer has focused on understandingpatterns of sexuality from an integratedpsychosocial-biomedicalperspective. Previously, while afaculty member at the Universityof Washington School of Medicine,she co-founded and directedthe UW Reproductive and SexualMedicine Clinic.She earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology,specialty psychophysiology, atthe State University of New York at Stony Brook, now StonyBrook University.Paul R. McHugh is the University Distinguished ServiceProfessor of psychiatry at the Johns HopkinsUniversity School of Medicine.McHugh was elected to the Instituteof Medicine, National Academy ofSciences in 1992. In 2001, he wasappointed by President Bush to thePresident’s Council on Bioethicsand, in 2002, by the United StatesConference of Catholic Bishops tothe National Review Board for theProtection of Children and YoungPeople. Educated at Harvard Collegeand Harvard Medical School, McHughreceived further training at the Peter BentBrigham (now Brigham and Women’s) Hospital, MassachusettsGeneral Hospital, the Institute of Psychiatry, Universityof London and in the Division of Neuropsychiatry at WalterReed Army Institute of Research.Wednesday, Aug. 8Roger GoodellMike SliveRoger Goodell is the eighth chief executive in the NFL’s 91-year history. He was chosen by the NFL club owners to becommissioner on Aug. 8, 2006, and took office on Sept. 1,2006. Under Goodell’s leadership, fan interest in the NFL hassoared, including the largest television audiences in leaguehistory and enormous growth in online and social mediaengagement. In his first six seasons as commissioner, Goodellhas addressed a wide range of issues to improve the NFL,including player health and safety, the medical needs and pensionsof retired players and personal conduct. He has alsostrengthened the league’s anti-steroids policy, improved theNFL’s news media access policies to better serve fan interest,and revamped and enhanced the league’s programs to supportPAGE 36FROM PAGE 34and assist players and former players in their lives off thefield.Goodell also serves as president ofNFL Charities, the league’s charitablefoundation. Prior to being namedcommissioner, he managed an arrayof football and business operationsduring a 24-year career in the NFL.He graduated magna cum laudefrom Washington & Jefferson Collegewith a degree in economics.Born in Jamestown, Goodell is thethird of five sons of Sen. Charles andJean Goodell and a lifelong Chautauquan.Mike Slive was named the seventh commissionerof the Southeastern Conference onJuly 2, 2002. During his tenure, he hasdeveloped initiatives designed tomaintain and improve the SEC’sposition as one of the top intercollegiateathletic conferences in thenation, both on and off the fields ofplay. He has served as coordinatorof the Bowl Championship Series,as chair of the NCAA Division IMen’s Basketball Committee and onthe Commission of Athletic Opportunity,set up by the U.S. Secretary of Education toreview the workings of Title IX.He received his bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College,his Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia School of Lawand an L.LM. from the Georgetown University Law Center in1966.Thursday, Aug. 9Erroll B. Davis, Jr.Erroll B. Davis Jr. is the superintendentof Atlanta Public Schools andformer chancellor of the UniversitySystem of Georgia, where he wasresponsible for the state’s 35 publiccolleges and universities. Previously,he served as chairman of theboard, president and chief executiveofficer of Alliant Energy Corporation.Davis and his wife, Elaine, establishedthe Davis Family Foundation,which makes annual grants to students inneed. He has earned recognition as one of Georgia Trend magazine’s“100 Most Influential Georgians” and the AtlantaBusiness Chronicle’s “100 Most Influential Atlantans,” andhas been honored for achievement as an engineer and executive.A native of Pittsburgh, Davis received his degree in electricalengineering from Carnegie Mellon and an M.B.A. inSEE PAGE 38

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