Amphitheater Lecture Speakers - Post-Journal

Amphitheater Lecture Speakers - Post-Journal

Amphitheater Lecture Speakers - Post-Journal


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Chautauqua 2012<strong>Amphitheater</strong> <strong>Lecture</strong> <strong>Speakers</strong>FROM PAGE 18the University of Paris’s Institute of Political Science.Sissela Bok is senior visiting fellow atthe Harvard Center for Populationand Development Studies, and amoral philosopher of internationalrenown. Her many books includethe seminal Lying, Secrets, AStrategy for Peace, Mayhem,Common Values and, mostrecently, Exploring Happiness.A former member of thePulitzer Prize Board, Bok is a fellowof the American Academy ofPolitical and Social Science and sits onthe editorial boards of the Bulletin of theWorld Health Organization, Common Knowledge and EthicalTheory and Moral Practice. She has also taught at BrandeisUniversity.She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychologyat the George Washington University, and her Ph.D.in philosophy at Harvard University.Friday, July 29Emma Walton HamiltonDame Julie AndrewsEmma Walton Hamilton is abest-selling children’s author,editor, arts educator and arts andliteracy advocate. She has coauthored20 children’s bookswith her mother, JulieAndrews, six of which havebeen on the New York Timesbest-seller list, including the TheVery Fairy Princess and TheVery Fairy Princess Takes theStage, the Dumpy The Dump Truckseries, Simeon’s Gift and Thanks to You:Wisdom From Mother and Child.Hamilton’s own book for parents and caregivers, RaisingBookworms: Getting Kids Reading for Pleasure andEmpowerment, won a Parent’s Choice Gold Medal, and silvermedals from the Living Now and IPPY Book Awards.She is the creator and host of the Children’s Book Hubonline writer’s salon and Just Write for Kids!, a home-studycourse for aspiring children’s book authors. She is also aformer actress and Grammy Award-winning voiceoverartist.The editorial director for The Julie Andrews Collectionpublishing program, Hamilton is a faculty member in StonyBrook Southampton’s MFA in Writing and Literature Program,where she serves as director of the annual SouthamptonChildren’s Literature Conference, co-director of theSouthampton Playwriting Conference and executive directorof the Young American Writers Project. She attendedBrown University.Julie Andrews is one of the most recognized and belovedfigures in the entertainment industry. Achild star of the British vaudeville circuit,Andrews came to the U.S. at 19to star in “The Boyfriend” on Broadway.Her many memorable filmperformances include “Mary Poppins,”for which she won an AcademyAward, and “The Sound ofMusic.” “The Julie AndrewsHour,” her 1970s weekly televisionvariety series, won multiple EmmyAwards.Her first two novels — Mandy andThe Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles —remain in print and in high demand. The Julie Andrews Collectionimprint at Little Brown is dedicated to publishing qualitychildren’s books that “nurture the imagination and cultivatea sense of wonder.”In 2000, Queen Elizabeth II made Andrews a Dame Commanderof the British Empire. Her many other honors includebeing named “One of the 100 Greatest Britons” by the BBC,serving as Goodwill Ambassador for the United NationsDevelopment Fund for Women, a Lifetime AchievementAward from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts,and a prestigious Kennedy Center honor.WEEK TWOJuly 2–6Jim LehrerJim Lehrer is executive editor and retiredanchor of the PBS NewsHour. A careerin newspapers led him to public television,where, after serving as Washingtoncorrespondent for PBS’s“The Robert MacNeil Report,”Lehrer paired with MacNeil in1976 to create “The Mac-Neil/Lehrer Report.” In September1983, they launched “The Mac-Neil/Lehrer NewsHour,” whichbecame “The NewsHour with JimLehrer” in 1996, following MacNeil’sdeparture, and the “PBS NewsHour” in2009. Lehrer retired in May 2011.Lehrer’s journalistic honors include the Chairman’s Awardat the 2010 National Academy of Television Arts & SciencesNews & Documentary Emmy Awards, the 1999 NationalHumanities Medal, the Fourth Estate Award from the NationalPress Club, two Emmys and the George Foster PeabodyBroadcast Award.Lehrer is the author of more than 20 novels. His mostrecent book, September 2011’s Tension City, is a nonfictionaccount of the presidential debates. He attended Victoria Collegeand the University of Missouri before joining the MarineCorps.SEE PAGE 20PAGE 19

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