Prentice Hall Mathematics: Pre-Algebra © 2007 Correlated to: Ohio ...

Prentice Hall Mathematics: Pre-Algebra © 2007 Correlated to: Ohio ...

Prentice Hall Mathematics: Pre-Algebra © 2007 Correlated to: Ohio ...

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<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSK-12 <strong>Mathematics</strong> BenchmarksBy the end of the 8-10 program:Number, Number Sense and OperationsA. Use scientific notation <strong>to</strong> express large numbersand numbers less than one.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 219-222, 225, 229TE: 223, 224TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 4-9TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775B. Identify subsets of the real number system. SE/TE: 18, 19, 23-31, 60, 75, 351, 589TE: 20, 22, 32, 76TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 2-2, 11-1TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0105,ade-0105C. Apply properties of operations and the realnumber system, and justify when they hold for aset of numbers.SE/TE: 68, 88, 90, 94, 108-109, 113, 119, 151,186, 210, 352-353, 716, 719, 803TE: 89, 91, 110, 115, 152, 211, 354, 720TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-1, 2-5, 2-6, 2-9, 2-10, 3-5, 4-2, 4-7, 7-1, 13-4, 13-51SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSD. Connect physical, verbal and symbolicrepresentations of integers, rational numbers andirrational numbers.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: adj-0251,ada-0775SE/TE: 18-19, 44-45, 47, 60, 135, 172, 186-187,190, 205, 215-216, 228, 229, 236-238, 252-253,589, 627TE: 20, 22, 136, 188, 217, 239, 255, 590TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-4, 1-9, 3-2, 4-2, 4-3, 4-6, 4-8, 5-1, 5-4, 11-1E. Compare, order and determine equivalent formsof real numbers.TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,adj-1151SE/TE: 196, 205, 221, 228, 238, 242, 303-304,314-315, 319, 320, 324, 328, 344, 589, 604-605,779TE: 223, 239, 244, 305, 316, 322, 590, 606TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 4-4, 4-6, 4-9, 5-1, 5-2, 6-3, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, 11-1, 11-4TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-1103, ada-1103F. Explain the effects of operations on themagnitude of quantities.SE/TE: 8-10, 26, 46, 59, 60, 68, 73-74, 119, 186,187, 210, 236-285, 723, 727, 803TE: 11, 27, 47, 76, 188, 211, 724, 725, 728, 7292SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-2, 1-5, 1-9, 2-1, 2-2, 4-2, 4-7, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8,5-9, 13-6, 13-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,adj-0151, adj-0251, ada-0501, ada90502, ada-0503,ada-0507, ada-0508, ada-0509, ade-0501, ade-0502, ade-0503, ade-0507, ade-0508, ade-0509,ade-0504, ade-0506, adb-2031G. Estimate, compute and solve problems involvingreal numbers, including ratio, proportion andpercent, and explain solutions.SE/TE: 298-299, 300, 319-320, 328-330, 333,338-339, 345, 420, 490-491, 576-577, 614-616,629, 801TE: 302, 322, 331, 340, 493, 617TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-2, 6-6, 6-7, 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, 8-3, 9-6, 10-9, 11-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ada-0610, adb-2031H. Find the square root of perfect squares, andapproximate the square root of non-perfectsquares.SE/TE: 558, 589, 608, 613, 627, 731, 799, 800TE: 590, 609, 611TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 10-6, 11-1, 11-5, 13-73SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSI. Estimate, compute and solve problems involvingscientific notation, square roots and numbers withinteger exponents.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,adj-1151SE/TE: 186-187, 215-216, 219-222, 225, 229,558, 589, 608, 613, 627, 731, 799, 800TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 4-2, 4-8, 4-9, 10-6,11-1, 11-5, 13-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775MeasurementA. Solve increasingly complex non-routinemeasurement problems and check forreasonableness of results.SE/TE: 158, 159, 164-165, 173, 222, 257-258,260, 304-305, 360, 424, 426, 444, 468, 482, 484,604-606, 619, 621, 628, 639TE: 161, 223, 259, 305, 423, 481, 623TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-7, 4-9, 5-5, 6-3, 8-4, 8-7, 9-1, 9-4, 11-4, 11-6, 11-7, 12-1TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-0702, ade-0804, ade-0904, ade-1104, ada-0804, ada-0904, ada-1104, ada-1201B. Use formulas <strong>to</strong> find surface area and volumefor specified three-dimensional objects accurate <strong>to</strong>a specified level of precision.SE/TE: 164-165, 551, 552-553, 559, 560, 580,581, 582, 802TE: 554, 556, 5614SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-7, 10-5, 10-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.comC. Apply indirect measurement techniques, <strong>to</strong>olsand formulas, as appropriate, <strong>to</strong> find perimeter,circumference and area of circles, triangles,quadrilaterals and composite shapes, and <strong>to</strong> findvolume of prisms, cylinders, and pyramids.SE/TE: 304-305, 604, 606, 621, 628TE: 623TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-3, 11-4, 11-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ade-1104,ada-1104, ada-0775D. Use proportional reasoning and apply indirectmeasurement techniques, including right triangletrigonometry and properties of similar triangles, <strong>to</strong>solve problems involving measurements and rates.SE/TE: 304-305, 319-320, 321, 324, 491-492,604, 606, 621, 628TE: 322, 325, 326, 493, 623TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-3, 6-6, 6-7, 9-6, 11-4, 11-75SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSD. Use coordinate geometry <strong>to</strong> represent andexamine the properties of geometric figures.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 474, 528, 545, 546, 548, 551, 577, 580,581, 712, 738, 802TE: 475, 547, 713TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 9-3, 10-1, 10-4, 10-5,10-9, 13-4, 13-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ade-1001,ade-1004, ada-1004E. Draw and construct representations of two- and SE/TE: 164, 262, 468, 474, 495-497, 544, 545,three-dimensional geometric objects using a 546, 548, 551, 577, 580, 581, 592, 612, 619,variety of <strong>to</strong>ols, such as straightedge, compass and 640, 681, 712, 738, 802technology.TE: 498, 499, 546, 547, 593, 713TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-8, 5-5, 9-1, 9-3, 9-7, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-9, 11-2, 11-5, 11-6, 12-1,12-8, 13-4, 13-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ade-1004,ada-1004F. Represent and model transformations in acoordinate plane and describe the results.SE/TE: 308, 501-502, 511-512, 519TE: 503, 513TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-3, 9-8, 9-108SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.comG. Prove or disprove conjectures and solveproblems involving two- and three-dimensionalobjects represented within a coordinate system.SE/TE: 35-37, 61, 98-99, 185, 474, 545, 546,548, 551, 577, 580, 581, 712, 738, 802TE: 38, 100, 547, 593, 713TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-7, 2-7, 4-1, 9-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-9, 13-4, 13-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0207,ade-1004, ada-1004H. Establish the validity of conjectures aboutgeometric objects, their properties andrelationships by counter-example, inductive anddeductive reasoning, and critiquing argumentsmade by others.SE/TE: 35-37, 61, 98-99, 185, 474, 545, 546,548, 551, 577, 580, 581, 712, 738, 802TE: 38, 100, 547, 593, 713TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-7, 2-7, 4-1, 9-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-9, 13-4, 13-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0207,ade-1004, ada-10049SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSJ. Use right triangle trigonometric relationships <strong>to</strong>determine lengths and angle measures.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 474, 592, 594, 608-609, 610, 614-616,619, 628, 629, 801TE: 593, 595, 611, 617TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 9-3, 11-2, 11-5, 11-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775Patterns, Functions and <strong>Algebra</strong>A. Generalize and explain patterns and sequencesin order <strong>to</strong> find the next term and the nth term.SE/TE: 35-37, 41, 61, 408, 423, 696-698, 737TE: 38, 42, 699TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-7, 1-8, 8-1, 8-4, 13-1TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,adj-1351B. Identify and classify functions as linear ornonlinear, and contrast their properties usingtables, graphs or equations.SE/TE: 40-41, 45, 61, 185, 408, 423, 696-698,700, 701, 737TE: 42, 699TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-8, 1-9, 4-1, 8-1, 8-4, 13-1, 13-810SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSC. Translate information from one representation(words, table, graph or equation) <strong>to</strong> anotherrepresentation of a relation or function.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,adj-1351SE/TE: 86-87, 99, 120, 194, 198, 207, 301, 307,313, 352, 356, 371-372, 376, 389, 396, 404, 405-406, 423, 426, 438, 453TE: 100, 300, 305, 312, 357, 373, 407, 424TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-4, 2-7, 4-3, 4-4, 4-6, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 7-1, 7-2, 7-5, 7-8, 8-1, 8-4, 8-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0207,ade-0406, adj-0851, ada-0602, ada-0708, ade-0602,ade-0708, ada-0775D. Use algebraic representations, such as tables,graphs, expressions, functions and inequalities, <strong>to</strong>model and solve problem situations.SE/TE: 86-87, 99, 120, 194, 198, 207, 301, 307,313, 352, 356, 371-372, 376, 389, 396, 404, 405-406, 423, 426, 438, 453TE: 100, 300, 305, 312, 357, 373, 407, 424TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-4, 2-7, 4-3, 4-4, 4-6, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 7-1, 7-2, 7-5, 7-8, 8-1, 8-4, 8-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0207,ade-0406, adj-0851, ada-0602, ada-0708, ade-0602,ade-0708, ada-077511SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSE. Analyze and compare functions and their graphsusing attributes, such as rates of change,intercepts and zeros.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 19, 30, 87, 215, 404-405, 410-417, 422-423, 454, 702-704, 711, 738, 792, 803TE: 217, 407, 424TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-4, 1-6, 2-4, 4-8, 8-1, 8-2, 8-4, 13-2, 13-3, 13-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ada-0802, ade-0802, ada-1302F. Solve and graph linear equations andinequalities.SE/TE: 410-411, 417, 421, 439-441, 445-447,454, 455TE: 412, 442, 448TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-2, 8-3, 8-7, 8-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775G. Solve quadratic equations with real roots bygraphing, formula and fac<strong>to</strong>ring.SE/TE: 180-181, 191-192, 227, 231-233, 236-237, 258, 296-297TE: 182, 193, 239, 259TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 4-1, 4-3, 5-1, 5-5, 6-112SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSH. Solve systems of linear equations involving twovariables graphically and symbolically.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: adj-0451,ade-0453SE/TE: 206, 371-372, 394, 409, 410-411, 417,421, 439-441, 454, 455TE: 207, 373, 412, 442, 448TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 4-6, 7-5, 8-2, 8-3, 8-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775I. Model and solve problem situations involvingdirect and inverse variation.SE/TE: 414TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.comJ. Describe and interpret rates of change fromgraphical and numerical data.SE/TE: 415-417, 421, 429, 454, 708, 738TE: 418, 430TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-3, 8-5, 13-3, 13-813SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775Data Analysis and ProbabilityA. Create, interpret and use graphical displays andstatistical measures <strong>to</strong> describe data; e.g., boxand-whiskerplots, his<strong>to</strong>grams, scatterplots,measures of center and variability.SE/TE: 94, 102-103, 139-144, 172, 195, 491-492,637, 640-643, 646-647, 648-656, 688TE: 95, 493, 644, 645TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-6, 2-7, 3-3, 4-3, 9-6, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-0303, ada-0303, ade-1203B. Evaluate different graphical representations ofthe same data <strong>to</strong> determine which is the mostappropriate representation for an identifiedpurpose.SE/TE: 102-103, 648-650. 655-656TE: 651TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-7, 12-3TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com14SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSC. Compare the characteristics of the mean,median and mode for a given set of data, andexplain which measure of center best representsthe data.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 40-41, 102-103, 139-142, 144, 172, 338-339, 636-637, 640, 646TE: 42, 142, 143, 340, 638TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-8, 2-8, 3-3, 6-10,12-1, 12-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-0303, ada-0610D. Find, use and interpret measures of center andspread, such as mean and quartiles, and use thosemeasures <strong>to</strong> compare and draw conclusions aboutsets of data.SE/TE: 40-41, 102-103, 139-142, 144, 172, 338-339, 636-637, 640, 641, 646, 688TE: 42, 142, 143, 340, 638TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-8, 2-8, 3-3, 6-10,12-1, 12-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-0303, ada-0610E. Evaluate the validity of claims and predictions SE/TE: 40-41, 102-103, 338-339, 636-637, 648-that are based on data by examining the650, 655-656appropriateness of the data collection and analysis.TE: 42, 340, 63815SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSF. Construct convincing arguments based onanalysis of data and interpretation of graphs.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-8, 2-7, 6-10, 12-1,12-3TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0610,ada-0775SE/TE: 16, 21, 42, 51, 103, 136, 138, 143, 174,198, 251, 425, 431, 436, 444, 455, 648-650, 677-678, 688, 692-693, 702TE: 20, 135, 137, 142, 424, 430, 651, 679TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-3, 1-4, 1-8, 1-9, 2-7, 3-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7, 12-3, 12-8, 13-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ade-0104,ade-0804, ade-0805, ada-0104, ada-0303, ada-0804, ada-0805, ada9-0352, ade-1253G. Describe sampling methods and analyze theeffects of method chosen on how well the resultingsample represents the population.SE/TE: 16, 21, 42, 51, 103, 136, 138, 143, 174,198, 251, 425, 431, 436, 444, 455, 648-650, 677-678, 688, 692-693, 702TE: 20, 135, 137, 142, 424, 430, 651, 679TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-3, 1-4, 1-8, 1-9, 2-7, 3-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7, 12-3, 12-8, 13-216SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ade-0104,ade-0804, ade-0805, ada-0104, ada-0303, ada-0804, ada-0805, ada9-0352, ade-1253H. Use counting techniques, such as permutationsand combinations, <strong>to</strong> determine the <strong>to</strong>tal numberof options and possible outcomes.SE/TE: 309-311, 657, 658-659, 667, 668, 688,689TE: 312, 660, 670TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-4, 12-4, 12-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-1206,ada-0775I. Design an experiment <strong>to</strong> test a theoreticalprobability, and record and explain results.SE/TE: 658-659, 688TE: 660TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 12-4TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.comJ. Compute probabilities of compound events,independent events, and simple dependent events.SE/TE: 309, 344, 662-663, 664, 688, 689TE: 66517SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-4, 12-5TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.comK. Make predictions based on theoreticalprobabilities and experimental results.SE/TE: 658-659, 677-678, 688TE: 660, 679TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 12-4, 12-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.comMathematical ProcessesA. Formulate a problem or mathematical model inresponse <strong>to</strong> a specific need or situation, determineinformation required <strong>to</strong> solve the problem, choosemethod for obtaining this information, and setlimits for acceptable solution.SE/TE: 86-87, 247, 319-322, 352, 356, 371, 546,568-569, 581, 672-674, 681-683, 727, 731, 739TE: 353, 354, 570, 675, 685TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-4, 5-3, 6-6, 7-1, 7-2, 7-5, 10-4, 10-8, 12-7, 12-8, 12-9, 13-718SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ade-0606,ada-0606, ada-0775B. Apply mathematical knowledge and skillsroutinely in other content areas and practicalsituations.SE/TE: 86-87, 247, 319-322, 352, 356, 371, 546,568-569, 581, 672-674, 681-683, 727, 731, 739TE: 353, 354, 570, 675, 685TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-4, 5-3, 6-6, 7-1, 7-2, 7-5, 10-4, 10-8, 12-7, 12-8, 12-9, 13-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ade-0606,ada-0606, ada-0775C Recognize and use connections betweenSE/TE: 298, 299, 300, 304, 319-321, 324, 343,equivalent representations and related procedures 405-406, 491-492, 604, 605, 628, 702-703, 711for a mathematical concept; e.g., zero of a functionand the x-intercept of the graph of the function,apply proportional thinking when measuring,describing functions, and comparing probabilities.TE: 305, 322, 407, 493, 606, 704TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-2, 6-3, 6-6, 6-7, 8-1, 9-6, 11-4, 13-2, 13-3TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ada-130219SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSD. Apply reasoning processes and skills <strong>to</strong>construct logical verifications or counter-examples<strong>to</strong> test conjectures and <strong>to</strong> justify and defendalgorithms and solutions.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 35-37, 61, 98-99, 185TE: 38, 100TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-7, 2-7, 4-1TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0207E. Use a variety of mathematical representationsflexibly and appropriately <strong>to</strong> organize, record andcommunicate mathematical ideas.SE/TE: 24-25, 75, 86-87, 120, 181, 247, 273,319, 352, 356, 371, 546, 551-553, 568-569, 581,727, 731, 739TE: 27, 182, 274, 554, 570TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-5, 2-2, 2-4, 4-1, 5-3, 5-8, 6-6, 7-1, 7-2, 7-5, 10-4, 10-5, 10-8, 13-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775F. Use precise mathematical language andnotations <strong>to</strong> represent problem situations andmathematical ideas.SE/TE: 24-25, 75, 86-87, 120, 181, 247, 273,319, 352, 356, 371, 546, 551-553, 568-569, 581,727, 731, 739TE: 27, 182, 274, 554, 570TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-5, 2-2, 2-4, 4-1, 5-3, 5-8, 6-6, 7-1, 7-2, 7-5, 10-4, 10-5, 10-8, 13-720SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775G. Write clearly and coherently aboutmathematical thinking and ideas.SE/TE: 24-25, 75, 86-87, 120, 181, 247, 273,319, 352, 356, 371, 546, 551-553, 568-569, 581,727, 731, 739TE: 27, 182, 274, 554, 570TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-5, 2-2, 2-4, 4-1, 5-3, 5-8, 6-6, 7-1, 7-2, 7-5, 10-4, 10-5, 10-8, 13-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775H. Locate and interpret mathematical informationaccurately, and communicate ideas, processes andsolutions in a complete and easily unders<strong>to</strong>odmanner.SE/TE: 24-25, 75, 86-87, 120, 181, 247, 273,319, 352, 356, 371, 546, 551-553, 568-569, 581,727, 731, 739TE: 27, 182, 274, 554, 570TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-5, 2-2, 2-4, 4-1, 5-3, 5-8, 6-6, 7-1, 7-2, 7-5, 10-4, 10-5, 10-8, 13-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-077521SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSGrade EightNumber, Number Sense and Operations StandardNumber and Number Systems1. Use scientific notation <strong>to</strong> express large numbersand small numbers between 0 and 1.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 219-222, 225, 229TE: 223TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 4-9TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-07752. Recognize that natural numbers, wholenumbers, integers, rational numbers and irrationalnumbers are subsets of the real number system.SE/TE: 2, 19, 60, 205, 208, 229, 236-238, 254,284, 589, 627, 779, 780-781, 785, 789Meaning of Operations3. Apply order of operations <strong>to</strong> simplify expressionsand perform computations involving integerexponents and radicals.TE: 207, 239, 255, 590TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-4, 4-6, 5-1, 5-4, 5-9, 11-1TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: adj-1151,ada-0775SE/TE: 8-9, 60, 78-79, 120, 186-187, 215-216,588TE: 11, 80, 188, 217, 59022SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-2, 2-3, 4-2, 4-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-07754. Explain and use the inverse and identityproperties and use inverse relationships(addition/subtraction, multiplication/division,squaring/square roots) in problem solvingsituations.SE/TE: 24, 69, 78, 803TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-5, 2-1, 2-3TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.comComputation and Estimation5. Determine when an estimate is sufficient andwhen an exact answer is needed in problemsituations, and evaluate estimates in relation <strong>to</strong>actual answers; e.g., very close, less than, greaterthan.SE/TE: 129-131, 135, 159, 171-172, 246, 321TE: 132, 136TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-1, 3-2, 3-7, 3-8, 5-2, 6-623SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: adj-0351,ada-07756. Estimate, compute and solve problems involvingrational numbers, including ratio, proportion andpercent, and judge the reasonableness ofsolutions.SE/TE: 129-134, 135, 159, 171-172, 246, 260,296-297, 321TE: 136, 137TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-1, 3-2, 3-7, 3-8, 5-2, 5-5, 6-1, 6-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0301,ade-0301, adj-03517. Find the square root of perfect squares, andapproximate the square root of non-perfectsquares as consecutive integers between which theroot lies; e.g., is between 11 and 12.SE/TE: 588, 589, 608, 613, 627, 799, 800TE: 590TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 11-1, 11-5TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: adj-1151,ada-07758. Add, subtract, multiply, divide and comparenumbers written in scientific notation.SE/TE: 219-222, 225, 229TE: 223, 22424SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 4-9TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775Measurement StandardMeasurement Units1. Compare and order the relative size of commonU.S. cus<strong>to</strong>mary units and metric units; e.g., mileand kilometer, gallon and liter, pound andkilogram.SE/TE: 158-160, 173, 257, 258, 285, 296-297,798TE: 161, 259TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-7, 5-5, 5-9, 6-1TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com2. Use proportional relationships and formulas <strong>to</strong>convert units from one measurement system <strong>to</strong>another; e.g., degrees Fahrenheit <strong>to</strong> degreesCelsius.SE/TE: 158-160, 173, 257, 258, 285, 296-297,383, 798TE: 161, 259TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-7, 5-5, 5-9, 6-125SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.comUse Measurement Techniques and Tools3. Use appropriate levels of precision whencalculating with measurements.SE/TE: 164-165TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com4. Derive formulas for surface area and volume and justify them using geometric models and commonmaterials. For example, find:a. the surface area of a cylinder as a function of itsheight and radius;SE/TE: 553, 560, 580, 802TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 10-5, 10-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.comb. that the volume of a pyramid (or cone) is onethirdof the volume of a prism (or cylinder) withthe same base area and height.SE/TE: 572-573, 581, 802TE: 574, 57526SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 10-9TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-07755. Determine surface area for pyramids byanalyzing their parts.SE/TE: 558, 581, 802TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 10-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com6. Solve and determine the reasonableness of theresults for problems involving rates and derivedmeasurements, such as velocity and density, usingformulas, models and graphs.SE/TE: 295, 304, 305, 604, 606, 621, 628, 781TE: 605, 607TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-1, 6-3, 11-4, 11-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0601,ada-1104, ade-0601, ade-11047. Apply proportional reasoning <strong>to</strong> solve problemsinvolving indirect measurements or rates.SE/TE: 293, 295, 304, 305, 343, 604, 606, 621,628, 78127SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TE: 294, 307, 605, 607TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-1, 6-3, 11-4, 11-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0601,ada-1104, ade-0601, ade-11048. Find the sum of the interior and exterior anglesof regular convex polygons with and withoutmeasuring the angles with a protrac<strong>to</strong>r.SE/TE: 470, 471, 472, 518TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 9-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ada-0902, ade-09029. Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of SE/TE: 146, 172, 382, 526, 534-535, 538-540,perimeter, circumference and area by using 552-553, 560, 572, 573, 580-582, 590-592, 599,established formulas for triangles, quadrilaterals, 802and circles <strong>to</strong> determine the surface area andvolume of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, spheres andcones. (Note: Only volume should be calculated forspheres and cones.)TE: 147, 383, 384, 536, 537, 554, 574, 593, 595TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-4, 7-7, 10-1, 10-2,10-3, 10-5, 10-6, 10-9, 11-1, 11-2, 11-328SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-1101, ada-110110. Use conventional formulas <strong>to</strong> find the surface SE/TE: 552-553, 560, 572-573, 580-581area and volume of prisms, pyramids and cylindersand the volume of spheres and cones <strong>to</strong> a specifiedlevel of precision.TE: 554, 561, 573, 574TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 10-5, 10-6, 10-9TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775Geometry and Spatial Sense StandardCharacteristics and Properties1. Make and test conjectures about characteristicsand properties (e.g., sides, angles, symmetry) oftwo-dimensional figures and three-dimensionalobjects.SE/TE: 35-37, 98-99, 185TE: 38, 39, 100, 101TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-7, 2-7, 4-1TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0207,ada-077529SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORS2. Recognize the angles formed and therelationship between the angles when two linesintersect and when parallel lines are cut by atransversal.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 463, 470TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 9-1, 9-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-07753. Use proportions in several forms <strong>to</strong> solveproblems involving similar figures (part-<strong>to</strong>-part,part-<strong>to</strong>-whole, corresponding sides betweenfigures).SE/TE: 298, 303, 304, 319, 344, 604-605TE: 305, 606TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-2, 6-3, 6-6, 11-4TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775Spatial Relationships4. Represent and analyze shapes using coordinategeometry; e.g., given three vertices and the typeof quadrilateral, find the coordinates of the fourthvertex.SE/TE: 52-53, 61, 406, 417, 421, 501-502, 508,519, 598-599, 600, 628TE: 54, 407, 418, 503, 509, 601TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-10, 8-1, 8-3, 9-8, 9-9, 11-330SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775Transformations and Symmetry5. Draw the results of translations, reflections,rotations and dilations of objects in the coordinateplane, and determine properties that remain fixed;e.g., lengths of sides remain the same undertranslations.SE/TE: 303, 484-485, 501-502, 507-508, 511-512, 519TE: 305, 486, 503, 509, 513TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-3, 9-5, 9-8, 9-9, 9-10TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775Visualization and Geometric Models6. Draw nets for a variety of prisms, pyramids,cylinders and cones.SE/TE: 546, 551-553, 580TE: 554TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 10-4, 10-5TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com31SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPatterns, Functions and <strong>Algebra</strong> StandardUse Patterns, Relations and Functions1. Relate the various representations of arelationship; i.e., relate a table <strong>to</strong> graph,description and symbolic form.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 404, 405-406, 410-411, 453TE: 407, 412, 413TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-1, 8-22. Generalize patterns and sequences by describinghow <strong>to</strong> find the nth term.TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,adj-0851SE/TE: 185, 210, 219-222, 229, 697, 698, 700-701TE: 211, 223, 699TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 4-1, 4-7, 4-9, 5-1, 13-1TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-07753. Identify functions as linear or nonlinear basedon information given in a table, graph or equation.SE/TE: 410-411, 415-417, 422-423, 454, 702-703, 711TE: 412, 413, 418, 424, 704, 705TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 13-232SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ada-1302Use <strong>Algebra</strong>ic Representations4. Extend the uses of variables <strong>to</strong> includecovariants where y depends on x.SE/TE: 4, 59, 206, 371-372, 394, 409-411, 626TE: 373, 412TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-1, 4-6, 7-5, 8-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: adj-0151,ada-07755. Use physical models <strong>to</strong> add and subtractmonomials and polynomials, and <strong>to</strong> multiply apolynomial by a monomial.SE/TE: 712, 723-724, 738-739TE: 725TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 13-4, 13-6, 13-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-07756. Describe the relationship between the graph of aline and its equation, including being able <strong>to</strong>explain the meaning of slope as a constant rate ofchange and y-intercept in real-world problems.SE/TE: 410-411, 415-416, 417, 421, 429, 439-441, 445-447, 454, 455TE: 412, 418, 442, 44833SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-2, 8-3, 8-5, 8-7, 8-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-07757. Use symbolic algebra (equations andinequalities), graphs and tables <strong>to</strong> representsituations and solve problems.SE/TE: 9-10, 45, 104, 130, 303, 377, 422-423,469, 502, 588, 667, 668-669, 799TE: 11, 424, 670, 671TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-2, 1-9, 2-8, 3-1, 6-3, 7-6, 8-4, 9-2, 9-8, 11-1, 12-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-1206,ade-12068. Write, simplify and evaluate algebraicexpressions (including formulas) <strong>to</strong> generalizesituations and solve problems.SE/TE: 101, 224, 406, 437, 466, 472-473, 744-745TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-7, 4-9, 8-1, 8-6, 9-1, 9-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: adb-2031,ade-0901, ade-0902, ada-0902, ade-13539. Solve linear equations and inequalitiesgraphically, symbolically and using technology.SE/TE: 410, 411, 417, 421, 439-441, 445-447,454, 45534SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TE: 412, 418, 442, 448TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-2, 8-3, 8-7, 8-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-077510. Solve 2 by 2 systems of linear equationsgraphically and by simple substitution.SE/TE: 410-411, 421, 439-441, 454TE: 412, 442TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-2, 8-3, 8-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-077511. Interpret the meaning of the solution of a 2 by SE/TE: 410-411, 421, 439-441, 4542 system of equations; i.e., point, line, no solution.TE: 412, 442TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-2, 8-3, 8-7TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-077535SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORS12. Solve simple quadratic equations graphically;e.g., y = x2 – 16.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))SE/TE: 371-372, 394TE: 373, 375TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 7-5TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-077513. Compute and interpret slope, midpoint anddistance given a set of ordered pairs.SE/TE: 52, 57, 61, 404, 415, 416-417, 421, 429,454, 600, 628, 703TE: 53, 54, 418, 601, 704TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-10, 8-1, 8-3, 8-5,11-3, 13-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ada-1302Analyze Change14. Differentiate and explain types of changes inmathematical relationships, such as linear vs.nonlinear, continuous vs. noncontinuous, directvariation vs. inverse variation.SE/TE: 145, 206, 380, 383, 410-412, 414, 415-417, 421, 445, 455, 598-599, 628TE: 384, 412, 418, 601TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-4, 4-6, 7-6, 7-7, 8-2, 8-3, 8-8, 11-336SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-077515. Describe and compare how changes in anequation affects the related graphs; e.g., for alinear equation changing the coefficient of x affectsthe slope and changing the constant affects theintercepts.SE/TE: 410-411, 417, 421, 439-441, 445-447,454, 708, 738TE: 412, 442, 709TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-2, 8-3, 8-7, 8-8, 13-3, 13-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-077516. Use graphing calcula<strong>to</strong>rs or computers <strong>to</strong>analyze change; e.g., interest compounded overtime as a nonlinear growth pattern.SE/TE: 144, 213, 415-417, 421, 429, 440, 454,590-591, 619, 640, 668-669, 701TE: 418, 430, 442, 589, 670TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-3, 4-7, 8-3, 8-5, 8-7, 11-1, 11-6, 12-1, 12-6, 13-1TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-1101, ada-1101, ade-1206, ade-120637SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSData Analysis and Probability StandardPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))Data Collection1. Use, create and interpret scatterplots and othertypes of graphs as appropriate.SE/TE: 94, 102-103, 139, 427-429, 491-492, 636,637-640, 641-643, 646-647, 648-650, 687TE: 430, 493, 644, 645TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-6, 2-7, 3-3, 8-5, 9-6, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-1201, ada-1201, adj-12512. Evaluate different graphical representations ofthe same data <strong>to</strong> determine which is the mostappropriate representation for an identifiedpurpose; e.g., line graph for change over time,circle graph for part-<strong>to</strong>-whole comparison,scatterplot for relationship between two variants.SE/TE: 94, 102-103, 139, 427-429, 491-492, 636,637-640, 641-643, 646-647, 648-650, 687TE: 430, 493, 644, 645TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-6, 2-7, 3-3, 8-5, 9-6, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-1201, ada-1201, adj-12513. Differentiate between discrete and continuousdata and appropriate ways <strong>to</strong> represent each.SE/TE: 40-41, 94, 102-103, 338-339, 491-492,637-638, 648-650, 655-656, 70238SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TE: 42, 340, 493, 651TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-8, 2-6, 2-7, 6-10, 9-6, 12-1, 12-3, 13-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0610,ade-1201, ada-1201Statistical Methods4. Compare two sets of data using measures ofcenter (mean, mode, median) and measures ofspread (range, quartiles, interquartile range,percentiles).SE/TE: 139-141, 144, 172, 637, 641, 646, 687,688TE: 142, 638TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-3, 12-1, 12-2TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,adj-12515. Explain the mean's sensitivity <strong>to</strong> extremes andits use in comparison with the median and mode.SE/TE: 139-141, 144, 172, 637, 641, 646, 687,688TE: 142, 638TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 3-3, 12-1, 12-239SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORS6. Make conjectures about possible relationship ina scatterplot and approximate line of best fit.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,adj-1251SE/TE: 427-429, 434-435TE: 430, 436TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 8-5, 8-6TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com7. Identify different ways of selecting samples,such as survey response, random sample,representative sample and convenience sample.SE/TE: 40-41, 102-103, 338-339, 636-637, 658-659, 677, 689TE: 42, 340, 638TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-8, 2-8, 6-10, 12-1,12-4, 12-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0610,ada-07758. Describe how the relative size of a samplecompared <strong>to</strong> the target population affects thevalidity of predictions.SE/TE: 40-41, 102-103, 338-339, 636-637, 658-659, 677, 689TE: 42, 340, 63840SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORS9. Construct convincing arguments based onanalysis of data and interpretation of graphs.PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 1-8, 2-8, 6-10, 12-1,12-4, 12-8TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0610,ada-0775SE/TE: 94, 102-103, 139, 427-429, 491-492, 636,637-640, 641-643, 646-647, 648-650, 687TE: 430, 493, 644, 645TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 2-6, 2-7, 3-3, 8-5, 9-6, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-0775,ade-1201, ada-1201, adj-1251Probability10. Calculate the number of possible outcomes fora situation, recognizing and accounting for whenitems may occur more than once or when order isimportant.SE/TE: 309-311, 344, 657-659TE: 312, 660TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 6-4, 12-441SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

<strong><strong>Pre</strong>ntice</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>Mathematics</strong>: <strong>Pre</strong>-<strong>Algebra</strong> © <strong>2007</strong><strong>Correlated</strong> <strong>to</strong>:<strong>Ohio</strong> 8-10 Benchmarks andGrade 8 Grade Level Indica<strong>to</strong>rsOHIO BENCHMARKS AND GRADE LEVELINDICATORSPAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT(If submission is not a book, cite appropriatelocation(s))TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com11. Demonstrate an understanding that theprobability of either of two disjoint eventsoccurring can be found by adding the probabilitiesfor each and that the probability of oneindependent event following another can be foundby multiplying the probabilities.SE/TE: 644, 662-664, 688, 689TE: 665TR: Chapter Resources: Practice, Adapted Practice,Guided Problem Solving, Reteaching, Enrichment,Daily Notetaking Guide, Vocabulary and StudySkills Worksheets chapters: 12-2, 12-5TECH: Interactive Textbook Online, Student ExpressCD-ROM, Success Tracker, ExamView CD-ROM,Teacher Express CD-ROM, <strong>Pre</strong>sentation ExpressCD-ROM, www.phschool.com web code: ada-1202,ade-120242SE = Student Edition - TG = Teacher’s Guide - TR = Teaching Resources - TECH = Technology

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