Cuba Screen - RiskMetrics Group Online User Resources - MSCI

Cuba Screen - RiskMetrics Group Online User Resources - MSCI

Cuba Screen - RiskMetrics Group Online User Resources - MSCI

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Global Sanctions Methodology<strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong>October 2014msci.com

Global Sanctions Methodology<strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong>October 2014CONTENTSCONTENTS ............................................................................. 2CUBA SCREEN ...................................................................... 3DEFINITIONS .......................................................................... 3TYPES OF INVOLVEMENT ............................................................................... 3OWNERSHIP ........................................................................................................... 4RESEARCH PROCESS OVERVIEW ............................... 4MONTHLY UPDATES .......................................................................................... 4ANNUAL UPDATES .............................................................................................. 4SOURCES ................................................................................................................ 4QUALITY ASSURANCE ...................................................................................... 5GLOBAL SANCTIONS RESEARCH FACTORS: CUBA .......................... 5Contact Us ........................................................................ 8Notice and Disclaimer ............................................................................................ 8About <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research ................................................................................ 8About <strong>MSCI</strong> ............................................................................................................... 8<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research© 2014 <strong>MSCI</strong> Inc. All rights reserved.Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of this document2 of 8msci.com

CUBA SCREENGlobal Sanctions Methodology<strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong>October 2014<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research’s Global Sanctions <strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong> is designed to serve investors interested in screeningtheir investments for companies that are or have been involved with <strong>Cuba</strong>. The <strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong> enables<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research clients to meet U.S. State legislated mandates specifically targeting publicly tradedcompanies that are involved or have had involvement with <strong>Cuba</strong>, as well as those mandates focused oninvolvement with countries designated as “State Sponsors of Terrorism” by the U.S. Department ofState. <strong>Cuba</strong> is on the U.S. Department of State’s “State Sponsors of Terrorism” list. The <strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong> canalso be used to meet general <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research client interests in screening their investments forinvolvement with <strong>Cuba</strong>.DEFINITIONSCoverage universe: All global equity issuers plus selected bond-issuing subsidiaries, selectedcorporate bond issuers, and selected government-owned entities that operate as corporations.Sample of U.S. states with anti-terror mandates that include <strong>Cuba</strong>: Arizona, Florida, Maryland,Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, Tennessee, and VirginiaTYPES OF INVOLVEMENT<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research classifies a company’s involvement with <strong>Cuba</strong> as one of the following types:Equity InvolvementDirect involvement with <strong>Cuba</strong>, including:Operations with <strong>Cuba</strong>, including sales officesInvestment in joint venture concerning key sectors of the <strong>Cuba</strong>n economyOwnership of/by a company that meets the equity involvement criteriaNon-Equity InvolvementIndirect involvement with <strong>Cuba</strong>, including:Imports good and services from <strong>Cuba</strong>Sale of products to <strong>Cuba</strong> directly or through agency, distribution, franchise, or licensingagreements with 3 rd partiesOwnership of/by a company that meets the non-equity involvement criteriaOther Involvement A company that meets the equity or non-equity involvement criteria, but has suspended therelated operationsNot IncludedCompanies whose involvement is strictly humanitarian or limited only to the provision ofgoods/services related to health, education, journalism, or religionNon-revenue generating activitiesIndirect revenue generating activities<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research© 2014 <strong>MSCI</strong> Inc. All rights reserved.Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of this document3 of 8msci.com

Global Sanctions Methodology<strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong>October 2014OWNERSHIPOwnership OF an Involved Company <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research notes if a company owns 20% or more of an involved companyOwnership BY an Involved Company <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research notes if an involved company owns 50% or more of another publicly tradedcompanyRESEARCH PROCESS OVERVIEWMONTHLY UPDATESResearch is conducted monthly to track previously uninvolved companies that have become involvedwith <strong>Cuba</strong>. Initial public offerings, name changes, de-listings, and mergers & acquisitions are included inthis research process.<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research will remove a company from a restricted list if <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research determinesconclusively that the company is no longer involved with <strong>Cuba</strong>.Updates to screens are available in ESG Manager five business days before the end of the month duringwhich new information is processed, and on the first of the following month in data feeds.ANNUAL UPDATESResearch on companies found to be involved with <strong>Cuba</strong> is updated once every calendar year. The annualupdate process involves confirming involvement and updating all companies with the most recent fiscalyear information. As necessary, <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research communicates directly with companies in order toconfirm involvement or discontinued operations.A new company search is conducted annually using proprietary web-crawling technology to identify anynew companies with involvement with <strong>Cuba</strong>.<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research will remove a company from a restricted list if <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research determinesconclusively that the company is no longer involved with <strong>Cuba</strong>.In addition, <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research will remove a company from a restricted list if after three years <strong>MSCI</strong>ESG Research cannot confirm ongoing evidence of a company’s involvement with <strong>Cuba</strong>.SOURCES<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research uses a wide range of information tools and sources to perform both annual andmonthly updates, including:Proprietary web-crawling technologyCompany websitesCompany Annual Reports and regulatory filing documentsMedia search servicesBusiness directoriesNGO reports and websitesGovernment agencies and disclosure<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research© 2014 <strong>MSCI</strong> Inc. All rights reserved.Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of this document4 of 8msci.com

Global Sanctions Methodology<strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong>October 2014Financial data providersDirect communication with companyQUALITY ASSURANCE<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research maintains robust quality assurance programs, including full reviews of research bysenior analysts, and a methodology committee that approves all changes to the research methodologyand enforces a consistent implementation.GLOBAL SANCTIONS RESEARCH FACTORS: CUBAIn addition to classifying the general type of a company’s involvement with <strong>Cuba</strong>, <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Researchidentifies a number of factors detailing the nature of the company’s involvement. These factors arediscrete data fields in <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research’s Global Sanctions database and, therefore, can be used tocreate customized lists of companies involved with <strong>Cuba</strong>. These factors include both common criteriaacross all or most target countries covered by <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research’s Global Sanctions product, andfactors unique to <strong>Cuba</strong>.Clients that subscribe to ESG Manager and/or ESG Data Feeds will have access to these research factors.The following provides the research factor name, the column header under which that factor will beidentified, and the description of that research factor.CREATING A RESTRICTED LIST: CUBAStep 1Step 2The first step in creating a restricted list consists of determining the involvement type. All companies on<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research’s <strong>Cuba</strong> list meet one of the three involvement types, Equity, Non-Equity, or Other.Factor Name Column Header Description<strong>Cuba</strong> - InvolvementTypeCUBA_TIEType of involvement - Equity, Non-Equity, or OtherThe second step, if necessary, is to identify further levels of the company’s involvement with <strong>Cuba</strong>. Thefollowing list of research factors are available to build a restricted list concerning companies involvedwith <strong>Cuba</strong>, and are designed to be able to meet the criteria of various mandates. The factors are listedalphabetically by Column Header.Factor Name Column Header Description<strong>Cuba</strong> - GovernmentTieCUBA_BUS_GOVTCompany with a business tie to the <strong>Cuba</strong>ngovernment.<strong>Cuba</strong> - Military Tie CUBA_BUS_MILITARY Company with a business tie to the <strong>Cuba</strong>n military.<strong>Cuba</strong> - Issue CreditLoanCUBA_CREDIT_LOANCompany issues credit or loans to <strong>Cuba</strong>.<strong>Cuba</strong> - Domiciled CUBA_DOMICILED Company's headquarters are located in <strong>Cuba</strong>(regardless of nation of incorporation).<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research© 2014 <strong>MSCI</strong> Inc. All rights reserved.Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of this document5 of 8msci.com

Global Sanctions Methodology<strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong>October 2014<strong>Cuba</strong> - Totalinvestment in <strong>Cuba</strong>greater than USD20million in one year<strong>Cuba</strong> - Involvement inMineral Extraction<strong>Cuba</strong> - Involvement inNatural Gas /Petroleum Sector<strong>Cuba</strong> - Involvement inPower ProductionActivities<strong>Cuba</strong> – Provision ofMilitary EquipmentCUBA_INV_GREATER_20CUBA_INV_MIN_EXTCUBA_INV_NAT_GASCUBA_INV_POW_PRODCUBA_MILITARY_EQUIPThe company's total investment in <strong>Cuba</strong> is greaterthan USD $20 million in one year.Company is involved in mineral extraction activities,including, but not limited to: exploring, extracting,processing, and transporting.Company is involved in the natural gas or petroleumsector, including, but not limited to: exporting,extracting, producing, refining, processing, exploringfor, transporting, selling, or trading oil.Company is involved in power production activitieswhose purpose is to facilitate power generation anddelivery, including, but not limited to: establishingpower-generating plants or hydroelectric dams, andselling or installing components for such projects.Company has sold or distributed military equipmentto any party based in <strong>Cuba</strong>.<strong>Cuba</strong> - Pay for Mineral/ Energy rights<strong>Cuba</strong> - PropertyOwnershipCUBA_PAY_GOVT_MIN_ENERGYCUBA_PROPERTYCompany pays the <strong>Cuba</strong>n government for accessrights to mineral or energy resources.Company owns/controls property in <strong>Cuba</strong>.<strong>Cuba</strong> - State Owned CUBA_STATE_ OWNED <strong>Cuba</strong>n government, or any government-ownedentity, owns a 5% or greater stake in the company.Step 3The third step, if necessary, is to exclude companies from restricted lists if they have certain positive oroff-setting involvement with <strong>Cuba</strong>. <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research tracks the following positive or off-settingfactors:Factor Name Column Header Description<strong>Cuba</strong> - PromoteHealth, Education,Journalism, Religion(Positive Indicator)<strong>Cuba</strong> - Humanitarianefforts (PositiveIndicator)CUBA_HLTH_ED_JL_RELCUBA_ HUMANITARIANCompany whose operations in <strong>Cuba</strong> relate to thetransfer of information (including, but not limited to:books, newspapers and the Internet), the provisionof medicine/healthcare, or the propagation of anyreligious or philosophical belief system.Company whose primary operations in <strong>Cuba</strong> arerelated to food/medicine/human services, all ofwhich are provided to the population with minimalor no cost.<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research© 2014 <strong>MSCI</strong> Inc. All rights reserved.Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of this document6 of 8msci.com

Global Sanctions Methodology<strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong>October 2014<strong>Cuba</strong> - InactiveOperationsCUBA_INACTCompany that maintains property, or renewal rightsto a property, that had previously operated for thepurpose of generating revenue but is currently notbeing used for that purpose.Step 4Finally, <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research provides a narrative summary of a company’s operations with <strong>Cuba</strong>, whichclients can choose to include in their lists for reference:Factor Name Column Header Description<strong>Cuba</strong> - CompanyProfileCUBA_PROFILEProfile of company's operations in <strong>Cuba</strong>.<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research© 2014 <strong>MSCI</strong> Inc. All rights reserved.Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of this document7 of 8msci.com

Global Sanctions Methodology<strong>Cuba</strong> <strong>Screen</strong>October 2014Contact Usesgclientservice@msci.comAmericas Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific+1.212.804.5299 +44.207.618.2510 +612.9033.9339Notice and Disclaimer This document and all of the information contained in it, including without limitation all text, data, graphs, charts (collectively, the “Information”) is the property of MSCl Inc. or itssubsidiaries (collectively, “<strong>MSCI</strong>”), or <strong>MSCI</strong>’s licensors, direct or indirect suppliers or any third party involved in making or compiling any Information (collectively, with <strong>MSCI</strong>, the“Information Providers”) and is provided for informational purposes only. The Information may not be reproduced or redisseminated in whole or in part without prior written permissionfrom <strong>MSCI</strong>. The Information may not be used to create derivative works or to verify or correct other data or information. For example (but without limitation), the Information many not be used tocreate indices, databases, risk models, analytics, software, or in connection with the issuing, offering, sponsoring, managing or marketing of any securities, portfolios, financial products orother investment vehicles utilizing or based on, linked to, tracking or otherwise derived from the Information or any other <strong>MSCI</strong> data, information, products or services. The user of the Information assumes the entire risk of any use it may make or permit to be made of the Information. NONE OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDERS MAKES ANY EXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION (OR THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY THE USE THEREOF), AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENTPERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, EACH INFORMATION PROVIDER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFORIGINALITY, ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, NON-INFRINGEMENT, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) WITH RESPECT TO ANY OF THEINFORMATION. Without limiting any of the foregoing and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall any Information Provider have any liability regarding any of theInformation for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential (including lost profits) or any other damages even if notified of the possibility of such damages. The foregoing shall notexclude or limit any liability that may not by applicable law be excluded or limited, including without limitation (as applicable), any liability for death or personal injury to the extent thatsuch injury results from the negligence or wilful default of itself, its servants, agents or sub-contractors. Information containing any historical information, data or analysis should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance, analysis, forecast or prediction. Pastperformance does not guarantee future results. None of the Information constitutes an offer to sell (or a solicitation of an offer to buy), any security, financial product or other investment vehicle or any trading strategy. <strong>MSCI</strong>’s indirect wholly-owned subsidiary Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”) is a Registered Investment Adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Except with respectto any applicable products or services from ISS (including applicable products or services from <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research Information, which are provided by ISS), none of <strong>MSCI</strong>’s products orservices recommends, endorses, approves or otherwise expresses any opinion regarding any issuer, securities, financial products or instruments or trading strategies and none of <strong>MSCI</strong>’sproducts or services is intended to constitute investment advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any kind of investment decision and may not be relied on as such. The <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Indices use ratings and other data, analysis and information from <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research. <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research is produced by ISS or its subsidiaries. Issuers mentioned orincluded in any <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research materials may be a client of <strong>MSCI</strong>, ISS, or another <strong>MSCI</strong> subsidiary, or the parent of, or affiliated with, a client of <strong>MSCI</strong>, ISS, or another <strong>MSCI</strong> subsidiary,including ISS Corporate Services, Inc., which provides tools and services to issuers. <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research materials, including materials utilized in any <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Indices or other products,have not been submitted to, nor received approval from, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or any other regulatory body. Any use of or access to products, services or information of <strong>MSCI</strong> requires a license from <strong>MSCI</strong>. <strong>MSCI</strong>, Barra, <strong>RiskMetrics</strong>, IPD, ISS, FEA, InvestorForce, and other <strong>MSCI</strong> brands and productnames are the trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks or service marks of <strong>MSCI</strong> or its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. The Global IndustryClassification Standard (GICS) was developed by and is the exclusive property of <strong>MSCI</strong> and Standard & Poor’s. “Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)” is a service mark of <strong>MSCI</strong> andStandard & Poor’s.About <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research products and services are designed to provide in-depth research, ratings and analysis of environmental, social and governance-related businesspractices to companies worldwide. ESG ratings, data and analysis from <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research are also used in the construction of the <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Indices. <strong>MSCI</strong> ESGResearch is produced by <strong>MSCI</strong>’s indirect wholly-owned subsidiary Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”). ISS is a Registered Investment Adviser under theInvestment Advisers Act of 1940.About <strong>MSCI</strong><strong>MSCI</strong> Inc. is a leading provider of investment decision support tools to investors globally, including asset managers, banks, hedge funds and pension funds. <strong>MSCI</strong>products and services include indices, portfolio risk and performance analytics, and governance tools.The company’s flagship product offerings are: the <strong>MSCI</strong> indices with close to USD 7 trillion estimated to be benchmarked to them on a worldwide basis 1 ; Barra multiassetclass factor models, portfolio risk and performance analytics; <strong>RiskMetrics</strong> multi-asset class market and credit risk analytics; IPD real estate information, indicesand analytics; <strong>MSCI</strong> ESG (environmental, social and governance) Research screening, analysis and ratings; ISS governance research and outsourced proxy voting andreporting services; and FEA valuation models and risk management software for the energy and commodities markets. <strong>MSCI</strong> is headquartered in New York, withresearch and commercial offices around the world.1As of September 30, 2012, as published by eVestment, Lipper and Bloomberg on January 31, 2013<strong>MSCI</strong> ESG Research© 2014 <strong>MSCI</strong> Inc. All rights reserved.Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of this document8 of 8msci.com

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