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The procedure in which authors submit a signed deposit agreement in print to theSLUB Dresden in addition to accepting an agreement during the online submissionprocedure was already explained above (see Ingest). It goes without saying that Qucosashould take care that the signed agreements are archived with the necessary precautionas they form the legal base of both the publication and the preservation process.Administration: Establish Standards and PoliciesAccording to the Qucosa Policy, the repository serves the following purpose:Qucosa dient der Publikation, dem Nachweis und der langfristigen Archivierung vonDokumenten aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. Das von den wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken imFreistaat Sachsen getragene Angebot ist Teil der internationalen Open-Access-Bewegung.(Qucosa Policy)This policy statement contains a commitment to long-term preservation which is furtherspecified in the FAQ: “Die Publikationen sind ohne zeitliche Beschränkung verfügbar undfür die langfristige Archivierung vorgesehen” (Qucosa FAQ). According to this statement,Qucosa currently guarantees the long term accessibility of bitstreams and is planning toimplement long-term preservation measures in the future. Should more concretestatements about or commitments to long-term preservation be made in the future, itmight be worth considering the definition of different preservation service levels (e.g. inanalogy to the DSpace levels; see Bass et al. 2002) to indicate which <strong>file</strong> formats will be(attempted to be) preserved and which might be too difficult to preserve. This seemsadvisable especially as the repository also accepts dynamic content in proprietary <strong>file</strong>formats, which might pose considerable problems for long-term preservation.For the selection of content, Qucosa has outlined a set of criteria defining whichdocuments will be accepted for publication (stated in the Qucosa Policy and thePublication Guidelines). Thus, the following criteria have to be fulfilled for a document tobe accepted for publication:Ein über Qucosa zu veröffentlichendes elektronisches Dokument erfüllt folgende Bedingungen:1. Es ist zur Verbreitung in der Öffentlichkeit bestimmt.2. Sind Aktualisierungen am jeweiligen Dokument notwendig, wird das geänderte Dokumentals neue Version gespeichert.3. Das Dokument entspricht den von Qucosa vorgegebenen Veröffentlichungsparametern.(Qucosa Policy)The “publication parameters” mentioned above are stated in the publication guidelinesand include the document type 153 , the absence of DRM tools/measures, as well as theaffiliation of the author. Although the last criterion is not mentioned explicitly, and althoughthis rule may be subject to exception, Qucosa is currently a service open only todepositors from Saxon institutions.153 Document type, however, is a fairly non-distinctive criterion in that it also contains a category “Otherpublications.” Thus, currently, no publication type is explicitly excluded.66

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