Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ... Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...
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ead and taken into account in reaching a decision on therecommendations in the report. Additionally, the equality implicationsare summarised at paragraph 6.5 of the report.(vii) The duty to have “due regard” will normally involve consideringwhether taking he particular decision would itself be compatible withthe equality duty i.e. whether it ill eliminate discrimination, promoteequality of opportunity and foster good elations. Consideration mustalso be given to whether, if the decision is made to go head, it will bepossible to mitigate any adverse impact on any particular protectedgroup, or to take steps to promote equality of opportunity by, forexample, treating a particular affected group more favourably.6.4 An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) has been prepared and isattached to this report (Appendix D).6.5 There are negative impacts on age, disability, pregnancy and maternityand those with small children which are likely to result from theconstruction works associated with this scheme. There are negativeimpacts through the scenario of relocation or loss of the hostel serviceon age, race, disability and sex (gender). There are negative impactson businesses and stall owners on age, race, disability, sex (gender)and religion/belief through the building and disruption and the potentialserving of the CPO.6.6 Whilst these impacts on businesses and stall owners would notadvance equality of opportunity or foster good relations, they are notunlawful. The Statement of Intent and the Policy of Relocation attachedto the draft Statement of Reasons provides a level of mitigation of theimpact on businesses and stall owners.6.7 There are negative impacts on freeholders, leaseholders and socialand private rented tenants living in the area from the constructionworks and the potential serving of the CPO. There are identifiedpotential negative impacts on worshippers at the mosque due to theconstruction work which affects religion/belief. The Section 106agreements sets out a number of measures that the developer willneed to take to mitigate these negative impacts during the constructionperiod.6.8 It is considered that in the long term the development facilitated by theCPO would have a positive impact on those with protectedcharacteristics, delivering benefits in terms of improved public realm,improved business premises and housing.Page 5918

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERSNo.Description ofBackground Papers1. Planning Permission ands106 PUBLISHED2. Cabinet report – October2010 PUBLISHEDCONTACT OFFICER:Name/Ext ofholder offile/copyMatt Butler x3493Matin Miah x3480NAME: Matin MiahEXT. 3480Department/LocationEnvironment,PlanningHRDPage 6019

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERSNo.Description ofBackground Papers1. Planning Permission ands<strong>10</strong>6 PUBLISHED2. Cabinet report – October20<strong>10</strong> PUBLISHEDCONTACT OFFICER:Name/Ext ofholder offile/copyMatt Butler x3493Matin Miah x3480NAME: Matin MiahEXT. 3480Department/LocationEnvironment,PlanningHRDPage 6019

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