Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

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Building a Housing Ladder of Opportunity –Tenancy StrategyWhere the conditions of tenancy have not been complied with and/orthe applicant’s personal circumstances have changed, the Council willconsider (among other matters) the nature and degree of the breach orchange. Such circumstances may include: non-payment or latepayment of rent; anti social behaviour; criminal behaviour; failure tokeep the premises in good and proper condition; under-occupation;keeping of a dangerous dog; or other breach of the TenancyAgreement.5.3 The Council will adopt the following approach to tenancy renewals:Stage 1 - Nine months before the tenancy is due to expire, write to thetenant(s) concerned asking them to submit a new Housing Registerapplication to continue remaining in the property they occupy. If thetenant(s) does not wish to continue occupying the property, they shouldlet the council know as soon as possible.Stage 2 - During the six and nine months period before the tenancy isdue to expire, the Council will review the tenant(s) housing needs andstate before the six months date of expiry whether it is minded to renewthe tenancy or not and give appropriate reasons for the latter. Wherethe tenant does not submit an application form within seven months ofthe expiry date, the Council will take the view that the tenant(s) doesnot wish to continue occupying the home.Stage 3 – The tenant(s) will have the opportunity to ask the Council toreview a decision (as set out in the Government Regulations) where anotice of non renewal has been issued. This must be requested by thetenant(s) within 21 days of the notice. The review will consider inparticular whether the decision not to renew is in accordance with theCouncil’s policy (as set out in the Tenancy Strategy and the HousingAllocations Scheme).Stage 4 - In the event that the review process has been unsuccessfulfor the tenant, a notice will be issued to the tenant(s) giving at least twomonths notice stating that the Council requires possession. This noticemust be issued on or before the fixed term expires.5.4 As set out in Stage 1, where tenants wish to have their tenancyrenewed, they will be invited to submit a fresh housing registerapplication. This will in effect be a consideration of the originalapplication with any updated information (e.g., contact details; ages ofchildren; place of work; disability issues; special considerations, etc).The onus will be on the tenant to ensure that the housing registrationform is fully completed and submitted in good time for consideration.5.5 Where an applicant for housing has been made an allocation ofhousing from Band 2 of the Housing Allocation Scheme, based on aCommunity Contribution award and the basis for that award ceases toapply during the term of the tenancy, the Council may seek to provide11Page 436

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