Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ... Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...
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Building a Housing Ladder of Opportunity – Housing Allocation Schemeinterview services are available for applicants who are elderly or who experiencemobility difficulties.6.15 The Council will seek to ensure that its allocation policies are being operated in amanner that is fair to all sections of the community regardless of nationality,ethnic origin, marital status, age, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Theinformation provided will be kept confidential and treated with respect. Thecouncil believes it is important to understand the different communities who applyfor housing and it is only by asking these questions can the Council check that itis operating a fair system.6.16 All applicants for housing or re-housing will be asked to provide details of ethnicorigin, sexuality, disability and other equalities information. Provision of thisinformation will not be obligatory and not a requirement for acceptance of anapplication. However, such information will help monitor the number and types ofequality groups seeking support and therefore applicants will be strongly advisedto complete the relevant information. Equalities records will be kept andmonitored on a regular and systematic basis to ensure properties are beingoffered and allocated fairly.6.17 Allocation policies and any changes to them will be reviewed regularly to ensurethey do not operate in ways that discriminate against or disadvantage anyparticular group.Confidentiality6.18 The Council will take disciplinary action against any employee who makesuse of any information obtained in the course of their employment forpersonal gain or benefit, or who passes it to others who might use it insuch a way. A report to the police will be made if it appears that a criminaloffence has been committed.6.19 The disclosure of information about any housing application to a third party isprohibited except on a “need to know” basis in the following circumstances:• to plan and provide assistance jointly with health and social services agenciesin appropriate cases.• for the purpose of fraud detection, the prevention of crime, and the promotionof community safety.• to enable efficient administration of offers of re-housing, lettings, housingassociation nominations, and rent and benefit accountancy etc.• where disclosure is a legal requirement.Access to Personal Files30Page 413

Building a Housing Ladder of Opportunity – Housing Allocation Scheme6.20 Housing applicants’ rights to see what information is held on them on noncomputerised records is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998.6.21 Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 such requests must be made inwriting, must state the applicants name and address for a response, and mustdescribe the information requested.6.22 Requests for access to records must be made in writing to the Director HousingOptions, Skills and Economic Development. Subject to the above exceptions,applicants will be informed if any information is held and given the option to eitherview the records or have a copy provided within 40 days of the application.Photocopying costs will be charged at the Council’s discretion.6.23 Applicants have the right to challenge the information held on them and mayrequest the correction of records which they believe to be inaccurate. If theDirector Housing Options, Skills and Economic Development does not agree thatthe information is inaccurate or refuses access to the information, the applicantmay request the matter to be reviewed by the Council. The request must bemade within 28 days. The decision of the Council is final.Data Protection6.24 Computer records are covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. This controls theuse of computers in the collection, storage, processing and distribution ofpersonal data.6.25 The Act also gives rights to all individuals about whom information is recorded.These rights include the rights of access to the information and the right tochallenge the accuracy of that information. The provisions and exceptions aresimilar to those for access to information held on personal files as set out above.6.26 Requests for access to data must be made in writing to the Director HousingOptions, Skills and Economic Development. Information will be provided within40 days of the application. No fee is charged for this service.31Page 414

Building a Housing Ladder of Opportunity – Housing Allocation Scheme6.20 Housing applicants’ rights to see what information is held on them on noncomputerised records is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998.6.21 Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 such requests must be made inwriting, must state the applicants name and address for a response, and mustdescribe the information requested.6.22 Requests for access to records must be made in writing to the Director HousingOptions, Skills and Economic Development. Subject to the above exceptions,applicants will be informed if any information is held and given the option to eitherview the records or have a copy provided within 40 days of the application.Photocopying costs will be charged at the Council’s discretion.6.23 Applicants have the right to challenge the information held on them and mayrequest the correction of records which they believe to be inaccurate. If theDirector Housing Options, Skills and Economic Development does not agree thatthe information is inaccurate or refuses access to the information, the applicantmay request the matter to be reviewed by the Council. The request must bemade within 28 days. The decision of the Council is final.Data Protection6.24 Computer records are covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. This controls theuse of computers in the collection, storage, processing and distribution ofpersonal data.6.25 The Act also gives rights to all individuals about whom information is recorded.These rights include the rights of access to the information and the right tochallenge the accuracy of that information. The provisions and exceptions aresimilar to those for access to information held on personal files as set out above.6.26 Requests for access to data must be made in writing to the Director HousingOptions, Skills and Economic Development. Information will be provided within40 days of the application. No fee is charged for this service.31Page 414

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