Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ... Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...
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Agenda Item 16London Borough of Hammersmith & FulhamCabinet15 OCTOBER 2012CABINET MEMBERFOR HOUSINGCouncillor AndrewJohnsonBUILDING A HOUSING LADDER OFOPPORTUNITY INCORPORATING:HOUSING STRATEGY (Annex A)HOUSING ALLOCATION SCHEME (Annex B)TENANCY STRATEGY (Annex C)HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY (Annex D)The purpose of this report is to seek Cabinet’sapproval and endorsement of the documentslisted above following public consultation withinterested parties and the Mayor of London whois a statutory consultee.The Housing Strategy provides an overarchingframework for the other documents and for theCouncil’s Housing activities as a whole. Thereare 3 key themes of Delivering Major Economicand Housing Growth, Tackling Economic andSocial Polarisation and Managing a better,streamlined council housing service. It sets outthe Ladder of Housing Opportunity and thevision of social housing for the majority as aplatform for progression into other housingoptions, not a final destination.The Tenancy Strategy proposes fixed-termtenancies for new social housing lettings,typically 5 years, but 2 years in cases such asspecial schemes for working households andthose aged 18 to 25 years old.The Housing Allocation Scheme willsignificantly increase the proportion of socialhousing lettings allocated to working householdsand those making other contributions to thecommunity and promotes Local Lettings Plans toproduce more balanced communities. Itproposes changes to the inefficient HousingRegister to clarify who qualifies for Housing andrestricts access to the Register to those whohave a reasonable chance of being housed. TheWards: ALLPage 339

eport proposes ending the Choice-BasedLettings system which creates false hopes andexpectations for applicants.The Homelessness Strategy sets out how theCouncil will meet its statutory obligations butalso proposes breaking the link between ahomelessness application and a social housingtenancy through using new powers to dischargeduty into the private sector.The proposed changes will yield significantGeneral Fund savings from 2014/15.CONTRIBUTORSEDHRDEDFCGDoLHAS A EIA BEENCOMPLETED?YESHAS THE REPORTCONTENT BEENRISK ASSESSED?YESRecommendations:1. To approve the Housing Strategy,Tenancy Strategy, Housing AllocationScheme and Homelessness Strategydocuments annexed to this report.2. That delegated Authority be given to theCabinet Member for Housing inconjunction with the Executive Directorof Housing and Regeneration to consideran updated Equality Impact Assessmentand to make such minor changes to thedocuments annexed to this report as theyconsider necessary.Page 340

<strong>Agenda</strong> Item 16London Borough of Hammersmith & FulhamCabinet<strong>15</strong> OCTOBER <strong>2012</strong>CABINET MEMBERFOR HOUSINGCouncillor AndrewJohnsonBUILDING A HOUSING LADDER OFOPPORTUNITY INCORPORATING:HOUSING STRATEGY (Annex A)HOUSING ALLOCATION SCHEME (Annex B)TENANCY STRATEGY (Annex C)HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY (Annex D)The purpose of this report is to seek Cabinet’sapproval and endorsement of the documentslisted above following public consultation withinterested parties and the Mayor of London whois a statutory consultee.The Housing Strategy provides an overarchingframework for the other documents and for theCouncil’s Housing activities as a whole. Thereare 3 key themes of Delivering Major Economicand Housing Growth, Tackling Economic andSocial Polarisation and Managing a better,streamlined council housing service. It sets outthe Ladder of Housing Opportunity and thevision of social housing for the majority as aplatform for progression into other housingoptions, not a final destination.The Tenancy Strategy proposes fixed-termtenancies for new social housing lettings,typically 5 years, but 2 years in cases such asspecial schemes for working households andthose aged 18 to 25 years old.The Housing Allocation Scheme willsignificantly increase the proportion of socialhousing lettings allocated to working householdsand those making other contributions to thecommunity and promotes Local Lettings Plans toproduce more balanced communities. Itproposes changes to the inefficient HousingRegister to clarify who qualifies for Housing andrestricts access to the Register to those whohave a reasonable chance of being housed. TheWards: ALLPage 339

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