Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ... Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...
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Key Priorities and progress for individualagenciesPage 231intercollegiate document wewere aware that uptake oftraining at levels 2 and 3 waslow and therefore we neededto push this out to all relevantstaff. Child Protection List(CPL) flagging was workingquite well but there weresome difficulties in accessingthe flags on all the IT systemsin use within the Trust. Alarge number of children fromoutside the 4 local boroughscontinue to be seen in ourPaediatric EmergencyDepartment and therefore wewere concerned we were notidentifying all children subjectto a Child Protection Plan. Wewere starting to collect KeyPerformance Indicators (KPIs)for safeguarding issues inorder to evidence tocommissioners that we haverobust systems in place.were successful in recruiting anotherperson to help the incumbent carry outtheir duties. We have successfullyincreased our training uptake for level 2and 3 training from A to B and C to Drespectively. This was achieved byoffering a lot more training opportunitieswith the help of our expert externaltrainers. Feedback has been verypositive and has led to continuedincreases in calls for advice andreferrals to Social Services – thisindicated improved practice. We haveworked hard to mitigate against anypotential risk in our Paediatric UrgentCare Centre (UCC) which utilise two ITsystems (Adastra and Lastword) thatdon’t link with each other. We haveextended CPL data on Adastra toinclude Wandsworth children. We areplanning to extend coverage for both ITsystems to Ealing and Hounslowchildren and if this is achieved we willbe one of the few trusts that is able tocapture and integrate so much data. Wehave continued to work hard on theKPIs and have been able to capture afull year’s data which has been veryhelpful to look at trends. We arecontinuously extending and refining thedatasets so that it can become moretraining at all levels but werecognise that with the highturnover of staff this may notbe practically possible. A largenumber of staff receive trainingelsewhere and our trainingmanagement system cannoteffectively capture this so thisneeds to be collected fromstaff individually.We are looking at how we canbetter collate this data.this period.14

Key Priorities and progress for individualagenciesPage 232Community Drugand AlcoholService (CDAS)CNWLStanding TogetherAgainst DomesticViolenceFor all staff tocomplete/update the elearning packages forsafeguarding childrenTo establish and maintainprotocols with partnershipsand ensure pathways are inplace for referral and to aidcommunicationTo ensure that safeguardingcontinues to be embeddedinto practice throughsupervisionandmultidisciplinary discussionTo audit safeguarding casesand ensure a high standard ofcare is maintained feedbackgood practice or any arearequiring improvementa. 24 Targeted groups ofvulnerable young peopleaged 13-19 years to bemore aware of dynamicsof domestic violence inintimate relationships andhow to keep themselvessafe. (12 to be moreaware in Year 1; 12 inYear 2)meaningful.Safeguarding children E leaning hasbeen completed by all staff andevidence provided to the Trust (someother staff have also completedadditional training in relation tosafeguarding within the borough)Links have been maintained andprotocol developed with partnershipagenciesSafeguarding issues are beingaddressed though assessment,supervision, training and clinicalmeetingsA Trust audit has been completed andawaiting feedbackFor outcomes 1&2 we have exceededour targets and increased awareness in71 vulnerable young people We haveworked in partnership with Women andGirls Network and HAFADOutcomes 3- 6 have been moreproblematic and referrals have been themajor issue as services wouldn’t refer toa service delivered during school time.This took a lot of time to work throughTo further develop protocols toensure that when a child isidentified as being ‘at risk’ thata referral is made to theappropriate team and that anyimmediate action is taken tosafeguard.Communication betweenservices following referral andassessmentTo continue to find a way todeliver therapy to schoolchildren in a way that does notimpact on their in school time.To ensure that all children’sworkforce know how toidentify, risk assess and referappropriately to domesticabuse services.NoAlthough DV specialist arenow well aware ofIndependent DomesticViolence Advisors (IDVA’s)and Multi Agency RiskAssessment Conference(MARAC) practitioners maynot understand the severity ofrisk attached to a MARACreferral. Practitioners were15

Key Priorities and progress for individualagenciesPage 231intercollegiate document wewere aware that uptake oftraining at levels 2 and 3 waslow and therefore we neededto push this out to all relevantstaff. Child Protection List(CPL) flagging was workingquite well but there weresome difficulties in accessingthe flags on all the IT systemsin use within the Trust. Alarge number of children fromoutside the 4 local boroughscontinue to be seen in ourPaediatric EmergencyDepartment and therefore wewere concerned we were notidentifying all children subjectto a Child Protection Plan. Wewere starting to collect KeyPerformance Indicators (KPIs)for safeguarding issues inorder to evidence tocommissioners that we haverobust systems in place.were successful in recruiting anotherperson to help the incumbent carry outtheir duties. We have successfullyincreased our training uptake for level 2and 3 training from A to B and C to Drespectively. This was achieved byoffering a lot more training opportunitieswith the help of our expert externaltrainers. Feedback has been verypositive and has led to continuedincreases in calls for advice andreferrals to Social Services – thisindicated improved practice. We haveworked hard to mitigate against anypotential risk in our Paediatric UrgentCare Centre (UCC) which utilise two ITsystems (Adastra and Lastword) thatdon’t link with each other. We haveextended CPL data on Adastra toinclude Wandsworth children. We areplanning to extend coverage for both ITsystems to Ealing and Hounslowchildren and if this is achieved we willbe one of the few trusts that is able tocapture and integrate so much data. Wehave continued to work hard on theKPIs and have been able to capture afull year’s data which has been veryhelpful to look at trends. We arecontinuously extending and refining thedatasets so that it can become moretraining at all levels but werecognise that with the highturnover of staff this may notbe practically possible. A largenumber of staff receive trainingelsewhere and our trainingmanagement system cannoteffectively capture this so thisneeds to be collected fromstaff individually.We are looking at how we canbetter collate this data.this period.14

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