Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ... Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...
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1. Foreword (Russell Wate, Chair of LSCB)This is the final annual report for Hammersmith & Fulham’s LSCB.The Children’s Act 2004 required each local authority to establish a Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB). This LSCB waschaired firstly by Mr Andrew Christie for its first four years and then for the last two years by me as an Independent Chair. TheLSCB has always been highly regarded nationally as a high performing one, and the current minister for children and families MrTim Loughton MP has positively commented on its activities and asked for this to be promulgated widely.The LSCB as a single local authority LSCB will no longer exist from 1 April 2012, when it will become part of the Tri-borough LSCBwhich will incorporate as well as this LSCB, the LSCB’s for Kensington & Chelsea and City of Westminster. The first meeting of theTri-Borough LSCB takes place in April 2012.Page 221The following report will outline what activity agencies have completed in the preceding months as well as outline what activity theyare carrying out currently to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The future activity is worthy of note as is the positiveOfsted evaluation of the multi agency contribution to safeguarding.Safeguarding children requires all agencies working with children and their families to work together. I am pleased to sayHammersmith & Fulham does this very well.Ofsted in their inspection in June 2011 made the following commentsOn the strength of the LSCB:• Partnership working is outstanding at both a strategic and operational level. The LSCB fulfils its statutory duties well and provideshighly effective and consistent community and professional leadership in relation to universal, targeted and specialist safeguardingservices;• At a strategic level, the LSCB is robust in auditing the work of agencies and their compliance with action plans arising from seriouscase reviews;4

• The LSCB has a demonstrable commitment to tackling challenging issues such as children with long-standing or repeated childprotection plans, which it does through multi-disciplinary case discussion.The main areas of activity for the LSCB have been:1) Understanding high numbers of children on CP list and developing an action plan.2) Promoting improved participation of agencies at core groups and conferences.3) Reducing long term CP plans, increasing rate of CP plan removals.4) Analysing re-registrations.5) Multi agency audit work looking at 2 children in need cases, 2 CP cases and 2 Looked after Children cases.Page 222The LSCB carried out a serious case review into the tragic death of a 12 year old (child A) who had spent almost 8 years as alooked after child. This SCR has developed a number of recommendations and an action plan. Ofsted evaluated the SCR,recommendations and action plan as outstanding. A review into the death of a three month old is taking place using the systemsmethodology, and will report in July 2012.I have thoroughly enjoyed over two years as the Independent chair of the LSCB and have nothing but admiration to thecommitment to keeping children safe that is shown in Hammersmith and Fulham.Russell Wate QPM MSc5

1. Foreword (Russell Wate, Chair of LSCB)This is the final annual report for Hammersmith & Fulham’s LSCB.The Children’s Act 2004 required each local authority to establish a Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB). This LSCB waschaired firstly by Mr Andrew Christie for its first four years and then for the last two years by me as an Independent Chair. TheLSCB has always been highly regarded nationally as a high performing one, and the current minister for children and families MrTim Loughton MP has positively commented on its activities and asked for this to be promulgated widely.The LSCB as a single local authority LSCB will no longer exist from 1 April <strong>2012</strong>, when it will become part of the Tri-borough LSCBwhich will incorporate as well as this LSCB, the LSCB’s for Kensington & Chelsea and City of Westminster. The first meeting of theTri-Borough LSCB takes place in April <strong>2012</strong>.Page 221The following report will outline what activity agencies have completed in the preceding months as well as outline what activity theyare carrying out currently to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The future activity is worthy of note as is the positiveOfsted evaluation of the multi agency contribution to safeguarding.Safeguarding children requires all agencies working with children and their families to work together. I am pleased to sayHammersmith & Fulham does this very well.Ofsted in their inspection in June 2011 made the following commentsOn the strength of the LSCB:• Partnership working is outstanding at both a strategic and operational level. The LSCB fulfils its statutory duties well and provideshighly effective and consistent community and professional leadership in relation to universal, targeted and specialist safeguardingservices;• At a strategic level, the LSCB is robust in auditing the work of agencies and their compliance with action plans arising from seriouscase reviews;4

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