Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ... Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...
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undertake which has an emphasis on biodiversityinfrastructure.and greenSuggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Nine: Porous PavingIt is recommended that the Council undertake a feasibility and costassessment as to whether porous surfaces would be a suitable materialto use on (i) highways, (ii) footpaths and (iii) hard standing areas and ifthe Council deems porous paving a feasible and cost-effectivealternative, establish annual targets for replacing existing paving in linewith ongoing regeneration and maintenance work.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Ten: Information SharingIt is recommended that the Council engage directly with Thames Waterto seek to come to an arrangement to allow for the sharing of all relevantinformation to enable both parties to better fulfil their responsibilitiesunder the Flood Water Management Act and the Flood Risk Regulations.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Eleven: Flooding Data FormatIt is recommended that Thames Water and the Council agree upon auniform data format for data collection.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Twelve: Flood ContactsIt is recommended that, in order to facilitate a better workingrelationship between the Council and Thames Water, each organisationidentify an individual point of contact for operational matters.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVED with the Flood RiskManager to undertake the role of the individual point of contact for theCouncil. Thames Water is also requested to appoint an individual pointof contact for operational enquiries.Recommendation Thirteen: Information Sharing SystemsIt is recommended that the Council and Thames Water examine thewebsite operated by Northamptonshire County Council and seek toimplement a similar system to allow both responsible parties to reportflooding events and share information. Additionally they should explorethe possibility of incorporating the flooding asset register into thissystem. This system should be for internal use only and not for publicuse.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Fourteen: Flood Risk Management AssetsPage 155

Thames Water, in order to abide by their obligations under the FloodWater Management Act should share all information in respect to thesewer system in and around the London Borough of Hammersmith andFulham, with particular emphasis and urgency given to any part of thesewer network identified on the public register of Flood RiskManagement Assets.Suggested Executive Decision: Endorsed and referred to Thames Waterfor a decision and response.Recommendation Fifteen: Planning Applications AssessmentsIt is recommended that the Council and Thames Water undertake areview into how they share information on planning applications, howplanning applications flood risk assessments are processed, prioritisedfor comment and referred. This should include agreeing the criteria forreferral to Thames Water for consultation on specific applications thatwarrant a surface water flooding perspective. Additionally both theCouncil and Thames Water, if making representations, should take intoaccount the interlinking nature of their respective flooding roles andmake any representations they see fit in this light.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Sixteen: Flooding InsuranceIt is recommended that the Council make a representation to theDepartment for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) statingthat the insurance industry should take greater account of anysustainable drainage systems (SUDs) or other property protectionmeasures incorporated into a property when calculating its insurancepremium.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Seventeen: A Flood FairIt is recommended that the Council hold a Flood Fair. The aim of theFlood Fair should be to collect historical information on floodingincidents, increase awareness of flooding risks and clarifyresponsibilities between the responsible flooding parties. Otherstakeholders, such as Thames Water, the Environment Agency, theDepartment for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), andcompanies that provide sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) and otherflooding prevention systems should be invited along. All residents thatthe Council is aware have suffered from flooding in the past should beinvited, as well as community groups. Ideally the event would be heldover a number of days in different parts of the borough.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Eighteen: Community EngagementIt is recommended that the Council seek to engage with residentsthrough Residents Associations and other community forums.Page 156

undertake which has an emphasis on biodiversityinfrastructure.and greenSuggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Nine: Porous PavingIt is recommended that the Council undertake a feasibility and costassessment as to whether porous surfaces would be a suitable materialto use on (i) highways, (ii) footpaths and (iii) hard standing areas and ifthe Council deems porous paving a feasible and cost-effectivealternative, establish annual targets for replacing existing paving in linewith ongoing regeneration and maintenance work.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Ten: Information SharingIt is recommended that the Council engage directly with Thames Waterto seek to come to an arrangement to allow for the sharing of all relevantinformation to enable both parties to better fulfil their responsibilitiesunder the Flood Water Management Act and the Flood Risk Regulations.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Eleven: Flooding Data FormatIt is recommended that Thames Water and the Council agree upon auniform data format for data collection.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Twelve: Flood ContactsIt is recommended that, in order to facilitate a better workingrelationship between the Council and Thames Water, each organisationidentify an individual point of contact for operational matters.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVED with the Flood RiskManager to undertake the role of the individual point of contact for theCouncil. Thames Water is also requested to appoint an individual pointof contact for operational enquiries.Recommendation Thirteen: Information Sharing SystemsIt is recommended that the Council and Thames Water examine thewebsite operated by Northamptonshire County Council and seek toimplement a similar system to allow both responsible parties to reportflooding events and share information. Additionally they should explorethe possibility of incorporating the flooding asset register into thissystem. This system should be for internal use only and not for publicuse.Suggested Executive Decision: APPROVEDRecommendation Fourteen: Flood Risk Management AssetsPage <strong>15</strong>5

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