Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...

Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ... Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 15/10/2012, 19.00 - Meetings ...
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2.16.1 provide to the Party being consulted sufficient information to enable it toproperly to understand the proposal and respond to it, as well as sufficient time torespond to the proposal;2.16.2 pay proper and due regard to any response provided by the Party beingconsulted; and2.16.3 where the Party seeking to consult chooses not to follow any suggestioncontained within a response then that Party shall provide to the Party being consulteddetailed reasons why before taking any action or omitting to take any action on thematter being consulted upon.L1.040-CPO-CPOIA.v2.218Page 101

Schedule 2CPO CostsThe following costs to the extent that they are reasonable and properly incurred as a result ofa resolution to make the CPO, the making, processing and implementation of the CPO andany arising from a Bight Notice or Purchase Notice relating to the CPO Lands other than theLime Grove Hostel:1 the purchase price for any Third Party Interest or New Right which the Councilacquires pursuant to the CPO or is required to purchase as a result of any BlightNotice or Purchase Notice;2 any payment under the 1961 Act, or 1965 Act, or 1973 Act made as a result of theacquisition of or interference with any Third Party Interest or New Right or otherwisearising from the making or implementation of the CPO;3 any statutory interest or interest awarded in any proceedings payable in connectionwith any sum payable hereunder including (without prejudice to the generality of theforegoing) interest which may be payable by virtue of the Council taking possessionof any Third Party Interest or New Right before the amount to be paid has beenagreed;4 the costs of any warrant procedure or other procedures necessary to obtain possessionof any Third Party Interest or New Right;5 the Council’s legal and valuation costs in connection with the making, processing andimplementation of the CPO including the costs of the Council’s reasonably andproperly appointed consultants;6 any legal, valuation or other expenses which the Council is required to pay to anowner or owners of any Third Party Interest or New Right in respect of the sameand/or in connection with the negotiation of compensation or the transfer of title orthe grant of any Third Party Interest or New Right;7 the Council’s costs (including any costs awarded against it) of any public inquiry orLands Tribunal reference in connection with the CPO and any subsequent litigation inrelation thereto;8 the Council’s costs (including any costs awarded against it) in relation to any CPOChallenge.9 all disturbance and home loss, basic loss or occupiers loss payment to which anyowner or owners or occupier or occupiers is entitled to as a result of the service of aBlight Notice, Purchase Notice or the vesting or taking possession of any Third PartyInterest or New Right;10 the purchase price or any compensation (including any payment for severance orinjurious affection) and any additional compensation the Council is required to pay inL1.040-CPO-CPOIA.v2.219Page 102

Schedule 2CPO CostsThe following costs to the extent that they are reasonable and properly incurred as a result ofa resolution to make the CPO, the making, processing and implementation of the CPO andany arising from a Bight Notice or Purchase Notice relating to the CPO Lands other than theLime Grove Hostel:1 the purchase price for any Third Party Interest or New Right which the Councilacquires pursuant to the CPO or is required to purchase as a result of any BlightNotice or Purchase Notice;2 any payment under the 1961 Act, or 1965 Act, or 1973 Act made as a result of theacquisition of or interference with any Third Party Interest or New Right or otherwisearising from the making or implementation of the CPO;3 any statutory interest or interest awarded in any proceedings payable in connectionwith any sum payable hereunder including (without prejudice to the generality of theforegoing) interest which may be payable by virtue of the Council taking possessionof any Third Party Interest or New Right before the amount to be paid has beenagreed;4 the costs of any warrant procedure or other procedures necessary to obtain possessionof any Third Party Interest or New Right;5 the Council’s legal and valuation costs in connection with the making, processing andimplementation of the CPO including the costs of the Council’s reasonably andproperly appointed consultants;6 any legal, valuation or other expenses which the Council is required to pay to anowner or owners of any Third Party Interest or New Right in respect of the sameand/or in connection with the negotiation of compensation or the transfer of title orthe grant of any Third Party Interest or New Right;7 the Council’s costs (including any costs awarded against it) of any public inquiry orLands Tribunal reference in connection with the CPO and any subsequent litigation inrelation thereto;8 the Council’s costs (including any costs awarded against it) in relation to any CPOChallenge.9 all disturbance and home loss, basic loss or occupiers loss payment to which anyowner or owners or occupier or occupiers is entitled to as a result of the service of aBlight Notice, Purchase Notice or the vesting or taking possession of any Third PartyInterest or New Right;<strong>10</strong> the purchase price or any compensation (including any payment for severance orinjurious affection) and any additional compensation the Council is required to pay inL1.040-CPO-CPOIA.v2.219Page <strong>10</strong>2

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