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Start-Up ActivitiesForms of EnergyThink of all the things you do every day suchas walking to class, riding to school, switchingon a light, cooking food, playing music, orstopping your bike. All of the actions of yourdaily life involve energy and changing energyfrom one form to another. What forms canenergy take? In what ways can energychange from one form to another?1. Place a beaker filled with water on a hotplateand bring the water to a boil.2. Switch on a flashlight.3. Rub a pencil back and forth between yourpalms as fast as you can.4. Drop a baseball from a height of 2 m intoa layer of clay.5. Think Critically During each step of thislab, you converted one form of energyinto another form. Write a paragraph inyour Science Journal listing the changesthat took place and why they occurred.STEP 1STEP 2STEP 3Energy Make the followingFoldable to help you understandthe different ways energycan be transformed.Fold a sheet of paper in halflengthwise.Fold paper down2.5 cm from the top.(Hint: From the tip ofyour index finger toyour middle knuckleis about 2.5 cm.)Open and drawlines along the 2.5cm fold. Label asshown.Form ofEnergyElectricalChemicalChangedtoCause and Effect As you read the chapter, writeanswers to what each form of energy can bechanged to under the Changed To heading onyour Foldable. On the back of your Foldabledescribe what caused each form of energy tochange and explain the effects of the change.HeatKineticPotentialPreview this chapter’s contentand activities atred.msscience.com161Larry Prosor/SuperStock

■ Explain what energy is.■ Describe the forms energy takes.■ Compare and contrast potentialenergy and kinetic energy.Energy causes all the changes thattake place around you.Review Vocabularyspeed: the distance traveled persecond by an objectNew Vocabularyenergykinetic energy•potential energylaw of conservation of energyEnergy ChangesEnergyEnergy is a term you probably use every day. You might saythat eating a plate of spaghetti gives you energy, or that a gymnasthas a lot of energy. Do you realize that a burning fire, abouncing ball, and a tank of gasoline also have energy?What is energy? The word energy comes from the ancientGreek word energos, which means “active.” You probably haveused the word energy in the same way. When you say you have alot of energy, what does this mean? Energy is the ability to causechange. For example, energy can change the temperature of a potof water, or it can change the direction and speed of a baseball.The energy in a thunderstorm, like the one shown in Figure 1,produces lightning that lights up the sky and thunder that canrattle windows. Energy can change the arrangement of atoms inmolecules and cause chemical reactions to occur. You use energywhen you change the speed of a bicycle by pedaling faster orwhen you put on the brakes.What does energy do?Kennan Ward/The Stock Market/CORBISFigure 1 Lightning causesdramatic change as it lights upthe sky.Forms of EnergyIf you ask your friends what comes to mind when theythink of energy, you probably will get many differentanswers. Some might mention candy barsor food. Others might think of the energyneeded to run a car. Energy does come indifferent forms from a variety of sources.Food provides energy in the form of chemicalenergy. Your body converts chemicalenergy in the food you eat into the energyit needs to move, think, and grow. Nuclearpower plants use nuclear energy containedin the center or nucleus of the atom to produceelectricity. What other forms ofenergy can you think of?162

Start-Up ActivitiesForms of EnergyThink of all the things you do every day suchas walking to class, riding to school, switchingon a light, cooking food, playing music, orstopping your bike. All of the actions of yourdaily life involve energy and changing energyfrom one form to another. What forms canenergy take? In what ways can energychange from one form to another?1. Place a beaker filled with water on a hotplateand bring the water to a boil.2. Switch on a flashlight.3. Rub a pencil back and forth between yourpalms as fast as you can.4. Drop a baseball from a height of 2 m intoa layer of clay.5. Think Critically During each step of thislab, you converted one form of energyinto another form. Write a paragraph inyour Science Journal listing the changesthat took place and why they occurred.STEP 1STEP 2STEP 3Energy Make the followingFoldable to help you understandthe different ways energycan be transformed.Fold a sheet of paper in halflengthwise.Fold paper down2.5 cm from the top.(Hint: From the tip ofyour index finger toyour middle knuckleis about 2.5 cm.)Open and drawlines along the 2.5cm fold. Label asshown.Form ofEnergyElectricalChemicalChangedtoCause and Effect As you read the chapter, writeanswers to what each form of energy can bechanged to under the Changed To heading onyour Foldable. On the back of your Foldabledescribe what caused each form of energy tochange and explain the effects of the change.HeatKineticPotentialPreview this chapter’s contentand activities atred.msscience.com161Larry Prosor/SuperStock

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