Notes to the Financial Statements - HSBC Bangladesh

Notes to the Financial Statements - HSBC Bangladesh

Notes to the Financial Statements - HSBC Bangladesh


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part of <strong>the</strong> effective interest rate of a financial asset, including transaction costs and all o<strong>the</strong>r premiums or discounts.In accordance with BRPD Circular No.5 (5 June 2006) interest accrued on Special Mention loans, Sub-standard loans,Doubtful loans and Bad/loss loans are credited <strong>to</strong> an “Interest Suspense Account” which is included within “O<strong>the</strong>rliabilities”. Interest received on Special Mention loans, Sub-standard loans, Doubtful loans and Bad/loss loans are retainedin <strong>the</strong> “Interest Suspense Account” until <strong>the</strong> loan is no longer considered <strong>to</strong> be impaired.Interest expenseInterest expenses for all desposits are recognised in <strong>the</strong> profit and loss account on an accruals basis.Commission & fee incomeThe Bank earns commission and fee income from a diverse range of services provided <strong>to</strong> its cus<strong>to</strong>mers. Commission and feeincome is accounted for as follows:a) income earned on <strong>the</strong> execution of a significant act is recognised as revenue when <strong>the</strong> act is completedb) income earned from services provided is recognised as revenue as <strong>the</strong> services are providedc) income which forms an integral part of <strong>the</strong> effective interest rate of a financial instrument is recognised as an adjustment<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> effective interest rateExchange incomeExchange income includes all gains and losses from foreign currency transactions.Dividend incomeDividend income is recognised when <strong>the</strong> right <strong>to</strong> receive payment is established. This is <strong>the</strong> ex-dividend date for equitysecurities.4.17 Employee benefitsShort-term employee benefitsShort-term employee benefits are employee benefits which fall due wholly within twelve months after <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> periodin which <strong>the</strong> employees render <strong>the</strong> related service including salaries, bonuses and o<strong>the</strong>r allowances. Payments are charged asan expense in <strong>the</strong> profit and loss account as <strong>the</strong>y fall due. Payments due are accrued as a liability in “Provisions for liabilitiesand charges” on an undiscounted basis.Long term employee benefitsLong-term employee benefits are employee benefits o<strong>the</strong>r than post-employment benefits which do not fall due whollywithin twelve months after <strong>the</strong> period in which <strong>the</strong> employees render <strong>the</strong> related service. The Bank operates bonus schemeswhere <strong>the</strong> bonus is payable three years after it is awarded. The period between <strong>the</strong> award date and <strong>the</strong> payable date is <strong>the</strong>vesting period. Payments due are accrued as a liability in “Provisions for liabilities and charges” on a discounted basis over<strong>the</strong> vesting period.Post-employment benefitsPost-employment benefits are employee benefits which are payable after <strong>the</strong> completion of employment. The Bank operatesa defined contribution plan, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Staff Provident Fund (PF) and adefined benefit plan, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Employees Gratuity Fund (GF), both ofwhich have been set up under an irrevocable trust deed and approved by <strong>the</strong> National Board of Revenue.Under <strong>the</strong> PF, <strong>the</strong> Banks contribution amounts <strong>to</strong> 10% of basic salary per month (as defined in <strong>the</strong> scheme trust deed) foreach eligible member. Payments <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> PF are charged as an expense in <strong>the</strong> profit and loss account as <strong>the</strong>y fall due.Under <strong>the</strong> GF, <strong>the</strong> Banks' obligation <strong>to</strong> members of <strong>the</strong> scheme is <strong>to</strong> pay one month's last drawn basic salary for each yearof service (as defined in <strong>the</strong> scheme trust deed) on <strong>the</strong> termination of employment. Members who leave <strong>the</strong> scheme within<strong>the</strong> first five years of service are not entitled <strong>to</strong> any benefits under this scheme.The defined benefit plan costs and <strong>the</strong> present value of defined benefit obligations are calculated at <strong>the</strong> balance sheet date by<strong>the</strong> schemes’ actuaries using <strong>the</strong> Projected Unit Credit Method. The net charge <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> profit and loss account mainlycomprises <strong>the</strong> current service cost, plus <strong>the</strong> unwinding of <strong>the</strong> discount rate on plan liabilities, less <strong>the</strong> expected return on planassets, and is presented in operating expenses. Past service costs are charged immediately <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> profit and loss account <strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong> extent that <strong>the</strong> benefits have vested, and are o<strong>the</strong>rwise recognised on a straight-line basis over <strong>the</strong> average period until<strong>the</strong> benefits vest. Actuarial gains and losses comprise experience adjustments (<strong>the</strong> effects of differences between <strong>the</strong>previous actuarial assumptions and what has actually occurred), as well as <strong>the</strong> effects of changes in actuarial assumptions.Actuarial gains and losses are recognised in ‘Shareholders’ equity’ in <strong>the</strong> period in which <strong>the</strong>y arise.

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