Sample Lesson Plan for Reading Table 2

Sample Lesson Plan for Reading Table 2

Sample Lesson Plan for Reading Table 2

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<strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Table</strong> 2Class Time:Unit:Skill Targets:50 minutes3 Ellie’s LunchboxVocabulary development<strong>Reading</strong> fluencyComprehension of textBasic listening and writing<strong>Lesson</strong> Section Activities TimeIntroduction Greeting and attendance5Check completed homeworkReview Vocabulary Quiz <strong>for</strong> Unit 25- provide copies of quiz to studentsPre‐reading Warm‐up5- brainstorm vocabulary related to title and picture inthe Warm‐up activity- read the questions aloud and have students createresponses; write responses on the boardNew Words- read the sentences and have students write thewords in the correct blanks matching the context ofthe sentences with the content of the pictures- explain words that are unfamiliar to students<strong>Reading</strong> Passage10- ask students to look at the picture and discuss whatthey see- listen to the audio track <strong>for</strong> the passage; havestudents track the words of the passage as they arespoken- listen again and pause the audio track after eachsentence; have students repeat after the speaker <strong>for</strong>pronunciation practice- close the book and ask students to explain what theycan remember; students may explain in their firstlanguage as long as the teacher is able to understand- in pairs, ask students to read the passage aloud toeach other or have the students read silently andrecord their reading times below the passageComprehension Checking15Checking- have students mark their answers and then checkthe activity together as a class1

ConsolidationClosureListening- ask students to explain what they see in the picture<strong>for</strong> this activity- read the sentences and show students how answerchoices match with the image- listen to the audio track and have student choose thesentence that they hear- check as a class- if time allows, have students look at the transcript atthe back of the book and read along as they listenagain; students may also repeat each sentence afterthe audio <strong>for</strong> pronunciation practiceMapping- have students look at the image(s) and verballyexplain what they see; images should match withcontent read in the reading passage- choose the letter of the answer choice <strong>for</strong> the blankin the activity- ask students to look back at the reading passage andunderline the sentences that relate to the mappingactivityVocabulary Review- have students complete the activity and then checkthe activity together as a classSummary- have students fill in the blanks with words from theword box- allow students to refer back to the passage asnecessary to confirm their answers- check together as a classPractice- allow students time to practice with word cards fromthis unit along with word cards from any previousunits studiedHomework- assign homework in the workbook552

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