Jul,Aug-Sep, Nov-Dec 1965-Jan 1966 - Navy League of Australia

Jul,Aug-Sep, Nov-Dec 1965-Jan 1966 - Navy League of Australia

Jul,Aug-Sep, Nov-Dec 1965-Jan 1966 - Navy League of Australia


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\THE FLAGSHIP OF THE AUSTRALIAN FLEET(H. M. A. S. MELBOURNE\ FUELS HER PLANES WITHJ Golden FleeceAVIATION TURBINE FUEL1 In addition, Goldon Flooct onaino lubrlcolingT oil* ora uitri in submarine! and oth#r navalt uniti. All Goldon Fl»«ct product! oro <strong>of</strong> thoi samo top quality and aro avallablo ot your\ Goldon Flaaco Strvico Station."The Civilian Arm uf the <strong>Navy</strong>"The principle objectives' <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>League</strong>ot <strong>Australia</strong> is to stress the vital importance olSea Power to the Commonwealth <strong>of</strong> Nations andthe import mt role plaved hy the Roval <strong>Australia</strong>n<strong>Navy</strong>.The <strong>League</strong> in conjunction with the CommonwealthNaval Board administers and <strong>Australia</strong>nSea Cadet Corps, by providing finance and technicalsea training for boys who intend to serve in IheNaval or Merchant Services, also to those seamindedboys who do not intend to follow a seacareer, but who, given this knowledge will form avaluable reserve Tor the Navat Service.We invite you to swell our ranks and so keepup to dale with Maritime Affairs and help to buildan ever-increasing weight <strong>of</strong> informed publicopinion. The <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>League</strong> will then become widelyknown and exercise an important influence in thelife <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Australia</strong>n Nation.The <strong>League</strong> consists <strong>of</strong> Fellows and Associates.All British subjects who support the objectives<strong>of</strong> the <strong>League</strong> are eligible for membership. Forfurther particulars please dispatch the form providedbelow, to your State Secretary.New South Wales — Box 1719, G.P.O., Sydney.Victoria — Room 8, 8th Floor. 528 CollinsStreet, Melbourne, C.l.Queensland — Box 376E, G.P.O., Brisbane.Tasmania — 11 Quorn Street. Sandy BayHobart.South <strong>Australia</strong> — 30 Pirie Street, AdelaideWestern <strong>Australia</strong> — 182 Coode Street, Como<strong>Australia</strong>n Capital Territory — 60 LimestoneAvenue, Ainslie, Canberra,Northern Territory — C/- H.M.A.S. Melville.Darwin.TO: The Secretary,The <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>League</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>.Please send me details <strong>of</strong> membership <strong>of</strong> thi<strong>Navy</strong> <strong>League</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>.Name:Address:State:—(Please print clearly)(Please print clearly)NEWCASTLEIn Newcastle <strong>Navy</strong> ClearanceDivers will give exhibitions <strong>of</strong>"drop and pick up" drill, whichsimulates the landing <strong>of</strong> "saboteurs"in enemy territory.An Iroquois helicopter will alsogive displays <strong>of</strong> the winching <strong>of</strong>a man from the water.The displays will take place inthe Hunter River during thelunch hour <strong>of</strong> Thursday, 7thOctober.The Sea Cadet Training ShipT.S. TOBRIJK. will be open tovisitors on the afternoon <strong>of</strong>Saturday, 2nd October.A commemorative service andmarch will be held on Sunday.10th October. The march willleave Civic Street at 2.00 p.m. forCivic Park where the Service willbe held. The Sea Cadets will providea Guard.MELBOURNEIn Victoria the main eventsarranged to commemorate <strong>Navy</strong>Week are:Tuesday, 5th October: R.A. <strong>Navy</strong>Band recital outside NationalGallery.Wednesday, 6th October: R.A.<strong>Navy</strong> Band recital at lunchlime in Treasury Gardens.Thursday, 7th October: R.A. <strong>Navy</strong>Band plays at NationalMutual Centre.Friday, 8th October: DinnerDance at H.M.A.S. LONS­DALE.Saturday, 9th October: Open Dayat H.M.A.S. CERBERUS.Sunday, 10th October: ChurchServices at St. Paul's and St.Patricks' Cathedrals.March to the Shrine <strong>of</strong> Remembrance.The Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Navy</strong>Band will conclude the serviceat the shrine in theafternoon with "Beat Retreat."SEA CADETSEFFICIENCY AWARDThe Training Ship Tobruk hasbeen adjudged the most efficientSea Cadet Unit in New SouthWales, with the Training ShipAlbatross, a close second.On Saturday, 7th <strong>Aug</strong>ust, <strong>1965</strong>,the Director <strong>of</strong> Naval Reserves,Captain I. K. Purvis, R.A.N., accompaniedby Ihc Senior Officer,<strong>Australia</strong>n Sea Cadet Corps, Lt.Cmdr. L. Mackay - Cruise R.A.N.R.,visited the Unit and presented aplaque, which was received onbehalf <strong>of</strong> the Unit by DennisHughes, the Duty Quartermaster.ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONSPty. Ltd.6 NAPOLEON STREET, SYDNEYTelephone 29-5311(4 lines)who have been actively engaged in carrying out work on vessels and shore establishmentsfor the past 21 years extend congratulations to all who have served orare still serving for a job well done and a wonderful record <strong>of</strong> achievement both atsea and in dock yards and establishments.EXPERIENCED SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR ALL CLASSES OF ELECTRICALINSTALLATION AND REPAIR. MOTOR-GENERATOR WINDING, RADARINSTALLATIONS, etc., FOR SHIPS. FACTORIESCOMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, etc.24JULY-AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. <strong>1965</strong>JULY.AUGUST-SEPTEMBER. <strong>1965</strong> 25

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