December 2006 - Prince Henrys Grammar School

December 2006 - Prince Henrys Grammar School

December 2006 - Prince Henrys Grammar School

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inTheviewVolume 18 Autumn <strong>2006</strong>news magazine of<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>Specialist Language CollegeFashionparadeTextiles studentsshowcase their workProud of the past, prepared for the future

Results bring rewardsTHE numbers round was their speciality – but the whole day was a winnerwhen Year 11 pupils visited the Yorkshire TV studios to watch three editionsof Countdown being filmed as a reward for their excellent Maths exam results.Des Lynam and Carol Vorderman were very welcoming and comedianJo Brand kept us entertained from Dictionary Corner. The showswere screened at the beginning of November and <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’sgot a mention at the beginning of their 24th anniversaryshow. Pupils behaved impeccably and were thrilled to see aTV studio in action.Jill Whieldon, Annie CunniffeReward trip:Year 11 pupilsvisited the setof Countdown.Where onearthMaking international friendsEIGHTEEN Year 10 pupils headed for China in Octoberto visit Xuejun High, our partner school in Hangzhou.Led by John Dean and Jill Whieldon, the ten-day tripincluded visits to the Lingying Temple and the watertown of Wuzheng, as well as a calligraphy workshop.Shortly before the exchange Headteacher John Steelattended the school’s 50th anniversary celebrationsand was interviewed on Chinese television – whichbroadcasts to the population of 1.3 billion people!have youbeen recently?Dressed for the occasion: ShahnoorAmir and Sally Goodall, Year 10.Culture trip: Year 10 pupils in China.Rewards for attendance are to be given anexciting new element, following a successfulpilot with Year 9.Each week in assembly prizes will be drawn– including CDs donated by Radio Aire – forthose with a 100 per cent attendance record.“My year group loved it and are eager to win theprizes,” commented Nick Cook, Head of Year 9.Nick CookAwards for attendance: Jordan Brown and Sophie Blackburn, Year 9.Good taste: Our pupils sampledforeign cuisine.Meanwhile, Year 11 Fast Track pupils visited Berlin in Septemberto consider the city’s former East-West division and thedifference between capitalism and communism.Visits included the Checkpoint Charlie Museum and the handsonGDR Museum, where pupils could “drive” a Trabant and feelwhat it was like to live under the East German regime.Everyone had the chance to practise their German and makeinternational friends at the youth hostel.Voters have their sayIn addition, as part of our Comenius project with Italy and Poland, Year 12students took part in a visit to our partner Polish school in Bielsk Podlaski.During the five-day trip, led by Chris Lillington, Annie Cunniffe and CathWright, students spent time in school working alongside their Italian andPolish counterparts. The project focuses on the similarities and differencesbetween our countries in cultural aspects such as food, superstitionsand music.Highlights included a visit to Warsaw and an Orthodox Church mass,and Polish folk-dancing round a traditional bonfire.Outdoor adventure: Year 7 pupils at Nell Bank.Active participationfor Year 7YEAR 7 pupils had a splashingtime of it when they visited theNell Bank Centre near Ilkleyas part of their induction to<strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s.Everyone took part inactivities that encouragedcommunication skills,teambuilding and trust withinthe group. Pupil response wasenthusiastic. “It was a greatway to make new friends –co-operation is reallyimportant,” said one pupil.Year 7 spearheaded thisyear’s fundraising byrecommending the TeenageCancer Trust and the MartinHouse children’s hospice tothe <strong>School</strong> Council as <strong>Prince</strong>Henry’s chosen charities for<strong>2006</strong>. Fundraising eventsincluded a Market Place,where each form sold goodsthey had produced previously,contributing more than £1,800to the fund.The Teenage Cancer Trustprovides specialist care foryoungsters who would otherwisebe treated in children’s oradult wards.Angela St JohnPolitical visit: Greg Mulholland MP with John Dean.PUPILS from Years 10 and 11got an insight into what it is liketo be a Member of Parliamentwhen Greg Mulholland MPcame to school.He spoke as part of theRepresentation EnhancedCurriculum Day, which focusedon voting and the importanceof participation. All pupils hadthe opportunity to vote ina secret ballot for theirNew build updateForm Representatives tobe members of theYear Council.Our out-going StudentCouncil members were highlysuccessful last year, securinga budget for the first time andraising some important studentissues – such as the availabilityof drinking water throughoutthe school day.Delia OrtonSIGNIFICANT progress has been made in improving accessfrom Newall Carr Road, ahead of the building work thatcommences in February.The new Science block, reception and link corridor are thefirst phase in a complete redevelopment and refurbishment ofthe whole site. The architects have produced a project that willmeet the school’s needs and provide some very impressivedesign features.Finally, pupils from Years 8 and 9 gave a warm welcome to24 exchange pupils from the Collège Paul Eluard, our partnerschool in Otley’s twin town of Montereau.The programme included excursions to Saltaire, Howarth andthe Thackray Museum, and a special Food Technology lesson.Christopher LillingtonNew friends in NepalNEW links were forged when <strong>Prince</strong> Henry’s hosted two guestsall the way from Nepal.Durga and Kamala Pageni (pictured right with teacherAlex Belton) are founder and principal of Balodaya EnglishBoarding <strong>School</strong> in Pokhara. The friendship began in Julythrough email contact and has continued to blossom, withcurriculum projects already under way. On their visit the twoteachers worked primarily with Year 7 pupils, who have beguncorrespondence with pupils in Pokhara.Year 9 pupils and Sixth Form students also enjoyed theopportunity to learn about Nepalese culture and way of life.We hope to develop this friendship over the coming monthsas communication continues between our schools.Passport to Poland: Year 12 students enjoyedthe Comenius project trip.John DeanAlex Belton2 3

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