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3Travelling next to other vehiclesOn a multi-laned road you should try not to travel with a vehicle to your left andright as shown in the picture below. You have no room to move right or left shoulda hazard appear in front of you. Try to keep some space in the lane beside you sothat you have a chance to steer around a hazard rather than being forced to brakehard to avoid hitting it.As shown in the picture, driving between two vehicles, especially trucks, also blocksyour vision. This may prevent you from seeing a hazard to the left or right until it istoo late (eg a car entering from a side road).On multi-laned roads or freeways when the traffic is heavy it will be harder to avoidtravelling next to other vehicles. Fortunately, the traffic is usually travelling moreslowly in such circumstances, so braking is often easier and less dangerous than athigher speeds.Keeping safe distance to the rearMaintaining a ‘safety cushion’ behind you is difficult as it is the other <strong>driver</strong> who hasmost control of the space between your vehicle and theirs. If the vehicle behindyou is following too closely, slow down slightly to increase the space ahead of you.This means that if you spot a hazard in front of you and need to brake, you cando this gradually and the vehicle behind has more time to stop. While tailgaters areannoying, you don’t want one to run into your vehicle if you can help it.Driver <strong>qualification</strong> <strong>handbook</strong> 87

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