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2It may be understandable, but it is not acceptable as it puts you and others at risk.If you threaten other people, don’t be surprised to find the police on your doorstep.Assault and threatening behaviour are offences in NSW. It is no defence that youthreatened or assaulted someone for something they allegedly did in traffic. Equally,if someone threatens or assaults you when you are driving, you should report it tothe police. There is no room for aggression and violence on the road. Driving ishazardous enough without adding more risk.If you stop and think about it, we all make mistakes as <strong>driver</strong>s. On occasion, youmight see yourself as the victim of someone else’s bad driving behaviour and wantto react to it, but it could be the reverse on another day. This is worth remembering.Key points summary: Risk taking and driving• People vary in their willingness or need to take risks in life and when they drive.• Drivers with high sensation seeking scale (SSS) scores aremostly male and may be more willing to take risks when driving and be atgreater crash risk.• Risk taking may be OK in other activities but not when driving on the road.• Risk taking on the road is irresponsible.• All <strong>driver</strong>s make mistakes at some time, most of them unintentional.• Aggressive driving, including retaliating to the bad driving of others,is dangerous and increases the chance of a crash – it may also get you intotrouble with the police.• Negligent driving causing injury or death carries a prison term of up to 18months.• Dangerous driving causing injury or death carries a prison term of up to 10years.44Driver <strong>qualification</strong> <strong>handbook</strong>

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