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2Risk taking, sensation seeking and drivingBut what does this mean for driving? Well, research shows that high scores on theSSS (ie the need for thrills and sensation) are associated with greater risk takingwhen driving and higher risk of crashing or getting booked for unsafe driving(eg speeding). Relative to those with low SSS scores, those with high scores weremore likely to:• Drive aggressively.• Exceed speed limits.• Not wear seat belts.• Drink and drive.• Believe that they wereless likely to get caughtby police.Drivers with higher SSS scores aremore likely to be male and seem tobe more willing to take risks whendriving and may get into trouble as a result. While the SSS is only a guide, it does givean indication of which <strong>driver</strong>s may present greater risks to themselves and otherswhen they drive. So, how was your score on the SSS? Are you more likely or less likelyto take risks when you drive?Even if you got a higher SSS score, all is not lost. It gives you the opportunityfor a bit of self-awareness – you may be more likely to speed or do other riskythings when you drive. This knowledge also gives you the opportunity to channela need for thrills into other activities rather than driving on the road (eg skydiving,bungee jumping etc). It also allows you the opportunity to adopt a lower riskapproach to driving on the road.This is all part of managing your risk in life and when you drive. Risk taking may beOK in extreme sports and adventure-based activities, but not on the road. As notedin the section ‘Understanding and managing your driving risk’ at the beginningof section 2. Everyday driving is at enough risk without the need to add to it.Driver <strong>qualification</strong> <strong>handbook</strong> 41

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