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*<strong>The</strong> news that you won’t �nd anywhere else<br />

http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/fun/quibbler<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quibbler<br />

Xeno Lovegood: Editor - In - Chief<br />

All owls to be sent to the Editor.<br />

Friday October 31<br />

Goblins Abduct Young Witch<br />

Will <strong>The</strong>re Be a New Goblin War?<br />

<strong>The</strong> young miss Heartha Dreamer, 16 years old, who<br />

was reported missing after a Hogsmeade visit last<br />

spring, has now been found alive and healthy, if a bit<br />

thin. Apparently none of the rumours after her disappearance<br />

- which ranged from a voluntary elopement<br />

to being abducted by Death Eaters – were<br />

true. Her story of what really happened is chilling to<br />

the bone.<br />

After appearing at her home one rainy night, she<br />

has been trying to convince everyone of the new<br />

threat to our community which has grown in the<br />

shadows… <strong>The</strong> Goblins are routing… As usual, however,<br />

most people find her tale so alarming they<br />

prefer to turn a blind eye! However, Miss Dreamer<br />

has cordially agreed to give an interview for <strong>The</strong><br />

Quibbler, who has a long custom of listening to the<br />

misunderstood youths in <strong>this</strong> world.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>re I was in Hogsmeade, minding my own<br />

businesses, all alone, when a goblin appeared in<br />

front of me. He gave me a letter that said that he<br />

was to escort me to Gringotts, immediately, as I had<br />

just won a lot of galleons in a draw and they needed<br />

instructions on what to do with the money. I thought<br />

it would be lovely to come back to Hogwarts with a<br />

lot of gold and followed him willingly.” Miss<br />

Dreamer sighs. “I should have known it was too<br />

good to be true.” Indeed it was. <strong>The</strong> goblin took her<br />

on Side-Along Apparition, but instead of ending up<br />

in Diagon Alley, they ended up in front of a cave. At<br />

<strong>this</strong> point she became a bit uneasy, but he assured<br />

her it was just a branch of Gringotts and, in fact once<br />

she followed him inside, she was led to a room full of<br />

treasures. And what treasures! Everything inside was<br />

Goblin-made: tiaras, swords, necklaces in pure gold<br />

and silver, wonderful things.<br />

“While I looked disbelievingly at the treasures,<br />

the goblin suddenly went down on one knee and<br />

proposed to me! He said he, Bardgook, had long admired<br />

me on my visits to Gringotts, and he wanted<br />

to inject my beauty into his goblin lineage, so that<br />

his children would become so much more pretty. He<br />

promised me that I could pick any two of the treasures<br />

inside: one for myself to always wear as a token<br />

of his regard for my beauty and wit, and one to send<br />

to my father to keep in the family for generations to<br />

come, as a ‘payment’ for me! I was flattered, of<br />

course, -”, Miss Dreamer looks dreamingly out of<br />

the window, but continues “- but of course it was out<br />

of the question! When I declined, he<br />

became very angry, and told me that he’d keep me<br />

there until I changed my mind or died!” He was as<br />

bad as his word, and kept her imprisoned in the cave<br />

for months, never letting her see any shred of light,<br />

just feeding her enough to keep her alive. All the<br />

while teaching her the goblin way to do things, as he<br />

was certain she would give in one day. “As the<br />

months wore on, I trained on Apparition every<br />

lonely moment I got, and eventually it took me all<br />

the way home!” However, now she is worried about<br />

his revenge. She is convinced the goblins will come<br />

in union to claim her back, murdering anyone and<br />

everything in their way.<br />

Gringott’s denies any<br />

knowledge of an abduction.<br />

“It’s a pure slander,”<br />

claimed one Gringott’s<br />

employee.<br />

“We wanted Aurors for her protection”, her worried<br />

mother confesses, “but they denied there was<br />

any need! In fact, they seemed thoroughly unconvinced<br />

by her traumatic experiences, can you imagine?<br />

<strong>The</strong> only thing they offered, was to send her to<br />

St Mungo’s! As if that would be a safe place, seeing<br />

as poor Gilderoy Lockhart went missing from there<br />

a few months ago! It is a plot, I am sure, the goblins<br />

are abducting all the good-looking people in the<br />

world to enhance their looks in a few generations<br />

time! Anyone can see that! Except the Ministry of<br />

course, …” she finishes bitterly.<br />

When <strong>The</strong> Quibbler sought Mr Potter (Head of<br />

the Aurors) for a comment, he claimed that they<br />

were indeed looking into where she had been for<br />

the last few months. “However, ” he said, “we’re not<br />

making any hasty judgements here. I find it quite<br />

surprising, if she indeed has spent months with a<br />

goblin, that she knows less about them than I do.<br />

And while there might be reason to make sure the<br />

young lady stays at her home, I am thoroughly convinced<br />

she is safe from goblins.”<br />

We at <strong>The</strong> Quibbler are less certain, and leave it up<br />

to our readers to judge for themselves.<br />

-By Evreka

Quibbler Exclusive<br />

Ghosts Attack Muggle Neighbourhood<br />

Ministry of Magic Cover-up Certain<br />

Quibbler investigations have revealed evidence of yet another Ministry of Magic<br />

cover-up.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is reason to believe that last Tuesday evening MoM operatives were dispatched to<br />

the home of Mr J. Harrington Blottsweller of Northwich, a Muggle, for the purpose of<br />

modifying his memory and apparently the memories of his Muggle neighbours as well, all<br />

in an e�ort to cover up a rather massive attack by ghosts. Whether <strong>this</strong> use of memory<br />

modi�cation was an attempt to enforce the Statute of Secrecy or another attempt to cover<br />

up Ministry incompetence is highly debatable. <strong>The</strong> Quibbler suspects the latter.<br />

Apparently on Monday morning Mr Blottsweller awoke to discover that his “freezer”<br />

was not working, and had not been working for several days. A “freezer” is a complex<br />

Muggle device: a metal box using lekalricity to simulate a freezing charm. Apparently<br />

Muggles use <strong>this</strong> device to prevent food spoilage. <strong>The</strong> cause of the failure of Mr<br />

Blottweller’s freezer has not been revealed, though it is quite probable some form of<br />

“Muggle-Baiting” was involved (with yet another MoM cover up). Mr Blottsweller had<br />

been away on holiday for a week. “Nothing for it,” he told an undercover Quibbler<br />

investigator posing as a parcel delivery worker. “It all had to go. A couple of trash<br />

barrels of rotting food. Rather a stench, you know.”<br />

Not having Scourgify or Evanesco spells, Muggles must physically dispose of such<br />

things by a cooperative e�ort of rubbish collectiion taking place at regular intervals.<br />

Mr Blottsweller’s collection was scheduled to take place Wednesday morning. He<br />

placed he rubbish in bins set along the kerb. “<strong>The</strong> whole neighbourhood just reeked,”<br />

said neighbour, Syl<strong>via</strong> Pottswaller. “Disgusting.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quibbler is produced by the usual Gang<br />

of Suspects from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Leaky</strong> <strong>Cauldron</strong>:<br />

CrazyChlojo, danae24, Doris TLC, Dragonslinger,<br />

Dreamteam, Evreka, Hagiographer13,<br />

Harry’s Horntail, Ihearprofessorsnape, Isabel,<br />

libbysmom, lirene, LunasLion, Lunesta, Makani,<br />

Mary Wanguard, Moose_Starr, Red Scharlach,<br />

rowena r, Rudius Hagrid, SeverineSnape, Severitis,<br />

wordsaremagic<br />

As we all know, ghosts are attracted by such foul<br />

conditions, apparently hoping that they may experience<br />

some actual sensations remembered from life. It is<br />

possible that hundreds of ghosts may have descended<br />

upon the neighbourhood although none of the<br />

neighbours report anything unusual other than the<br />

stench.<br />

This absence of memory seems clear evidence<br />

that Ministry of Magic obli<strong>via</strong>tors were involved,<br />

since it is highly unlikely that ghosts could resist such<br />

a “feast.” Naturally, any direct evidence of a gathering<br />

of ghosts would be covered up. This absence of<br />

evidence is clear proof of a cover up. One can<br />

imagine the terror of these Muggles, who are, of<br />

course, unaware of the essentially harmless nature<br />

of ghosts. <strong>The</strong> Quibbler is pleased that no memory<br />

remains, but condemns the Ministry of Magic for<br />

hushing up the whole a�air.<br />

Well known ghost, Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington<br />

of Hogwarts, denied any involvement but did add,<br />

“We ghosts simply do not discuss the lives of others<br />

who are also dead. Unwritten code of loyalty, you know.<br />

Though, I wouldn’t put anything past that Headless<br />

Hunt bunch—unprincipled group of arrogant ru�ans!”<br />

As always, <strong>The</strong> Quibbler will continue to sni� out all<br />

evidence of corruption and cover-up by government<br />


Aberforth’s Page 3 Girls<br />

(left to right) Kirsa, Freja, Ermalinda.<br />

Simple, fun-loving country girls with a certain<br />

continental sophistication.<br />

Dung’s Heap: Kulture and Klass<br />

Dear Readers:<br />

I am not sure that the following document<br />

was what Mundungus intended to send. It<br />

may be that he confused <strong>this</strong> with whatever<br />

he had written. In any case, <strong>this</strong> is what the<br />

owl delivered, so I will share it with you.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Xeno<br />

Dear Mr. Fletcher:<br />

Aurors of the Ministry of Magic’s Muggle<br />

Liaison/Protection Department have filed an official<br />

report that you have used a partial transfiguration<br />

spell to impersonate a ghost in the presence of a<br />

family of Muggles in East Dulwich. It is true that the<br />

spell only transformed some Muggle lace curtains<br />

into a glowing shroud, but there was still a definite<br />

use of magic.<br />

While our aurors suspect that you may have been<br />

attempting a burglary, the fact that nothing was<br />

taken makes assessment of you motives impossible.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, at the very least you are in violation of<br />

the Statute of Secrecy. <strong>The</strong> normal procedure at <strong>this</strong><br />

point would be to dispatch aurors to take you and<br />

your wand into custody.<br />

However, since you are currently in St. Mungo’s as a<br />

result of the burns you have received when the wand<br />

in your back pocket discharged and caused the curtains<br />

to explode, taking you into custody is hardly necessary.<br />

We are, of course, pleased to hear that the<br />

burns on your buttocks are being successfully treated<br />

by St. Mungo’s healers and that you will soon be<br />

released.<br />

Nevertheless, you are required to attend a hearing at<br />

the Minstry on the 15th of next month to investigate<br />

the matter further.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Muggles involved have, of course, had their<br />

memories modified. <strong>The</strong>y were naturally terrified at<br />

the sight of an exploding ghost, but they are none the<br />

worse for the experience<br />

Have a nice day!<br />

Mafalda Hopkirk<br />

Malfalda Hopkirk<br />


Ministry of Magic

As a result of Xeno Lovegood’s<br />

plea for wizards to help their coexisting<br />

Muggle neighbours with<br />

the “Global Swarming” a few<br />

months ago, at least some wizards<br />

and witches have racked their<br />

brains. One of those who rose to<br />

the challenge was Mr Oddy<br />

Thinker, the famous Teer. Although<br />

it’s unfamiliar ground for<br />

Mr Thinker to plan ahead (instead<br />

of analysing the past) <strong>this</strong> seemed<br />

much too important to shy away<br />

from, Mr Thinker explains. And, as<br />

usual, his extraordinary ability to<br />

think outside of the box may now<br />

have brought us the ultimate solution!<br />

Mr Thinker went straight to his<br />

Muggle aunt to learn more of <strong>this</strong><br />

threat, and how it worked and,<br />

after some initial confusion, she<br />

was able to straighten out a few<br />

things. Apparently the problem<br />

isn’t as much “Global<br />

Swarming’”as “Global’s Warming”<br />

– which in turn, cause all the<br />

Swarming going hay-wire. So to<br />

stop it, we need to find a way to<br />

cool the Globe down. What better<br />

way to do <strong>this</strong>, than to lower the<br />

temperature in the deserts?<br />

As these happen to also be some<br />

of the most poverty ridden areas,<br />

the solution needs to be cheap<br />

and easy to maintain. “<strong>The</strong> solution<br />

I’ve reached have all those<br />

benefits, ” Mr Thinker says,<br />

bowing to our reporter, “what<br />

better way to cool down an area, than<br />

to have Dementors patrol it? <strong>The</strong>y Considering that they’ve been<br />

freeze the air around them, by just treated like the worst of scum for<br />

showing up! This ingenious idea of generations, <strong>this</strong> would be the De-<br />

mine also, finally, defines a good purmentors’ chance to get a place to call<br />

pose for the – so far – foulest of crea- home. Like the prisoners deported to<br />

tures. About time, really, that they got Australia during the 18th and 19th<br />

a part of the Earth where they are wel- centuries, who later helped shape<br />

come!“<br />

the country into its modern state, the<br />

When <strong>The</strong> Quibbler’s reporter Dementors might become respected<br />

questioned whether they WOULD, members of the world if they help to<br />

really, be welcomed by the resident cool down the deserts, and hence<br />

Africans, Mr Thinker jo<strong>via</strong>lly replied: stop the Warming and Swarming!<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Africans need a stop to the Can we afford to let <strong>this</strong> chance go?<br />

Warming and Swarming as much as <strong>The</strong> answer to that depends on<br />

the rest of us. No-one can deny <strong>this</strong> who you ask, apparently. When <strong>The</strong><br />

would be a step in the right direction, Quibbler spoke to the African<br />

and they already have so many dangers Wizard Mokago Mbele, he paled<br />

in that part of the world, one more considerably, claiming the area had<br />

dangerous creature won’t be any big enough problems without having to<br />

deal. Besides, if Mr Lovegood and my deal with a bunch of Dementors as<br />

aunt are right, not stopping the Warm- well, thank you very much! Mr<br />

ing will be dangerous too.”<br />

Thinker, however, plans to raise the<br />

Mr Thinker also speaks of the im- question to the Ministry of Magic<br />

portance of giving everyone a fair and demand that they help see it<br />

chance. He thinks that we must see the done! <strong>The</strong> Quibbler will keep you<br />

benefits of the race of Dementors as posted in how <strong>this</strong> goes, as always.<br />

well!<br />

By Evreka

Aurors Behind the Rise<br />

of the Dark Lords<br />

<strong>The</strong> famous statistician Ding Diagram has uncovered a<br />

shocking connection between the number of active<br />

Aurors and the amount of trouble from Dark Arts practitioners.<br />

Far from being our society’s ultimate defence<br />

against worshippers of the Dark Arts, Aurors clearly feed<br />

the violence and increase the problems! As surprising as<br />

<strong>this</strong> revelation is, the evidence from Mr Diagram’s statistics<br />

is overwhelming.<br />

Mr Diagram has studied the ratio between the<br />

number of Aurors and their activities on the one hand,<br />

and the amount of troubles from Dark Art lovers, including<br />

all self-procclaimed “Dark Lords” and their activities<br />

on the other. <strong>The</strong> research covers several European countries<br />

during the last century. This impressive statistics<br />

clearly shows that the number of Dark Arts lovers is<br />

directly proportional to the number of active Aurors!<br />

“However disbelieving one feels at first, “ Mr Diagram<br />

says, “it is impossible to disregard the fact that the three<br />

periods with the most active Aurors coincide with the<br />

times when the worst Dark Lords in memory have been<br />

‘Rising’.” And, indeed, anyone trying to shrug <strong>this</strong> off as<br />

coincidence will have to reconsider. First the 1940’s<br />

when an increasing number of Aurors in central Europe<br />

coaxed Grindelwald into an attempt to gain power, then<br />

the 1970’s when our Brittish Aurors managed the same<br />

with You-Know-Who. At first You-Know-Who wasn’t so<br />

very bad, but as the number of Aurors grew alarmingly<br />

and they became more aggressive, so did he. “And it<br />

wasn’t even an Auror who ended the Battle of the<br />

70-80’s, but a small kid! I mean to say, it’s highly suspicious<br />

the Aurors could not stop the mayhem if they really<br />

tried when a mere baby could! ” Mr Diagram says shaking<br />

his head. “And the evidence don’t end there. While You-<br />

Know-Who is widely known to have made his come-back<br />

to life in June 1995, he remained largely passive, even<br />

peaceful, for over a year. At the end of that year, however,<br />

the Aurors once again swarmed over our country –<br />

and sure enough it didn’t take long until we had a fullyfledged<br />

riot upon us! And again, he was finally stopped,<br />

not by an Auror but by a mere 17 year-old young man.“<br />

Asked why the Aurors would want to increase the trouble<br />

instead of cease it, Mr Diagram explains that a statistician<br />

only brings forth the statistics whereas other<br />

researchers are involved in explaining the ‘howcome’.<br />

Spend some time with the Crafty Witches<br />

http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/features/crafts<br />

When we add in the long peaceful decades with<br />

few, passive Aurors and the peace we have all enjoyed<br />

then, there is only one conclusion to draw: to achieve<br />

lasting peace we need to get rid of our Aurors, or at<br />

least spread them out as thin as possible over our<br />

country. Keeping them at the Ministry in droves, is to<br />

beg for trouble!<br />

When <strong>The</strong> Quibbler sought Mr Shacklebolt to hear<br />

how the Ministry would go about decreasing the<br />

Aurors and how quickly it could be done, he refused<br />

an interview but suggested that Mr Diagram might do<br />

some ‘research’ on the difference between cause and<br />

effect.<br />

Mr Diagram shrugged <strong>this</strong> off, “Clearly the man is<br />

at a loss for counter-arguments, but hopefully he’ll<br />

come around before the Aurors create yet another<br />

Dark Lord Rising…”<br />

-By Evreka

Letters to the Editor<br />

Mr Editor Lovegood!<br />

Currently visiting I am with good friends<br />

in Godric’s Hollow, recovering from nasty<br />

hit by Bludger over the summer when I see<br />

your so called newspaper! Not too surprised<br />

should I be of any conclusions by a<br />

man choosing to use Grindelwald’s sign as a<br />

token, but in fact I am.<br />

I never thought to see even a selfproclaimed<br />

journalist like you not to be<br />

able to tell of the significance of the punctuation!<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is, actually, a telling difference<br />

between a top saying K.RUM and one<br />

saying KRUM. Not to mention that any top<br />

of mine says V.KRUM.<br />

Karl Rum happens to be as famous a<br />

dragon wrestler as I am famous Seeker. He<br />

seeks them out to find sparring partners,<br />

but I still have nightmares of my one encounter!<br />

Certainly hope I do not have of<br />

ever meeting such a creature again!<br />

A full apology shall I expect in your next<br />

edition!<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Seeker Viktor Krum<br />

Dear whoever you are:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quibbler stands by its original story. I<br />

have personally met and spoken with the real<br />

Victor Krum, at a wedding a number of years<br />

ago. I do not believe that you are he. First, the<br />

real Victor Krum is almost fearless, as anyone<br />

who saw his performance at the Triwizard<br />

Tournament will tell you. Your claims about<br />

having nightmares give you away.<br />

Second, Victor Krum speaks with a heavy<br />

accent. Your command of English grammar is<br />

obviously too good to be from Krum.<br />

Dear Readers:<br />

Recently Flourish and Blotts bookstore sent us<br />

the following article in an attempt to promote<br />

a new product. We of <strong>The</strong> Quibbler are quite<br />

concerned about the dangers of <strong>this</strong> product.<br />

We suspect it to be another Ministry of Magic<br />

attempt at mind control. We will let you be the<br />

judge.<br />

Radically New Educational Experience!<br />

Today Flourish and Blotts announced exclusive retail<br />

rights to a totally new idea in education: <strong>The</strong> Simulated<br />

Experiential Memory Implantation Text.<br />

<strong>The</strong> concept of embedding specific memories<br />

("mnemones," the program developers have dubbed<br />

them) into a book is, of course, not a new magical technology,<br />

but a new application of an existing magic that<br />

in the past has, unfortunately, been associated only<br />

with the Dark Arts. <strong>The</strong> developers assure the public that<br />

no Dark Arts are involved and that all texts will be<br />

reviewed for safety by an independent board of warlocks.<br />

First, the student—or rather the student's parent or<br />

guardian—selects the appropriate texts (no texts will be<br />

sold directly to any underage witch or wizard). For example,<br />

the text may be something like Magical Fungi of<br />

the Scottish Highlands by Professor Neville Longbottom<br />

(the developers are currently attempting to negotiate<br />

an agreement to do <strong>this</strong> very text with the famous professor.)<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the student will open the small text, with<br />

what essentially look like blank pages. <strong>The</strong> student will<br />

sign his or her name on the first page (after that, no<br />

other student can use the same book).<br />

<strong>The</strong> text will then ask, in writing, "are you ready at <strong>this</strong><br />

time?" If the student replies "yes," the book will draw the<br />

student into a memory experience of walking through<br />

the Scottish Highlands with the famous herbologist as he<br />

lectures on the various magical species found there,<br />

showing the student where to look and how to gather<br />

and preserve each specimen. <strong>The</strong> memory experience<br />

is multi-sensational. That is, it contains, sounds, sights,<br />

and smells; yet, the experience is completely safe. (If,<br />

for instance, they come upon a dangerous Acromantula,<br />

there is no danger of actually being eaten, and at<br />

the same time they get to watch how an expert deals<br />

with the unexpected.)<br />

At the present, the developers, using the company<br />

name "MnemonesRUs" have developed texts only in<br />

Astronomy and Muggle Relations (students are walked<br />

through the daily lives of Muggles while shopping, banking,<br />

etc.). <strong>The</strong>re are plans for other subjects in addition<br />

to the Herbology text already mentioned: Arithmancy,<br />

and Magical Creatures are also on the list.<br />

Currently there are no plans for non-educational<br />

texts, at least until the Ministry of Magic sets forth some<br />

regulations regarding the potential for obscene content.<br />

What do you think of <strong>this</strong> insidious attempt to<br />

bypass the basic elements of the learning experience<br />

and to shape the mind by devious means?<br />

Post your comments--as well as any questions,<br />

concerns, or responses here:<br />

http://www.leakylounge.com/October-2008-<br />

Quibbler-t65264.html&pid=1695215#entry1695215<br />

If you think you have an article or story worth<br />

submitting, send it here:<br />


Where’s Gilderoy?<br />

Oh my goodne�, I seem to have done it again. It seems to be quite warm here but the people here are so nice and loud<br />

and colourful and obviously recognise me, no doubt due to my many adventures and triumphs which are described in<br />

some books I seem to have wri�en, strange that I can't quite remember all the details. I was invited to someone's<br />

house, very strange, th� were cooking meat on some strange device that looked like an outdoor Floo grate. ��<br />

invited me to share their meal and it was rather tasty, I must say. �e views �om the garden � the house are amazing,<br />

I can see <strong>this</strong> strange building that looks like a giant dropped a pile � enormous white sea shells by the water<br />

side. �� call it the Orpa... Oprah... well Muggles go there to to listen to music, or so I'm told, and there's a large<br />

bridge that goes over the river. As I turn to watch the city, I get dizzy in the glowing sun... and<br />

...suddenly I seem to be out in the countryside, or "backout" as I heard one<br />

? wizard call it, near a large red mountain with a f lat top and I can see some<br />

strange two-headed animals, one head is in the usual place but then there's<br />

a smaller head, poking out � its middle as well! Must be the result � some<br />

wizard's �perimental breeding. Oh dear its jumping and heading rather<br />

quickly <strong>this</strong> way, well I'd b�er get out � its way and find shade somewhere, you can't win Witch Weekly's most Charming<br />

Smile Award five times if you're all wrinkled! ... Ooops-a-dai�, how did <strong>this</strong> happen? I find myself in a boat, together<br />

with l�s � weird looking Muggles some � whom wear bathing suits and a strange chimn� �om their mouths and up<br />

above their heads. �� also have some strange gla�es and now th� dive into the water! I'm being ushered to the rail,<br />

and as I look down into the turquoise water, I see strange <strong>format</strong>ions below the surface, as if we're above a beautiful<br />

underwater mountain with interesting wildlife. I simply must get down to <strong>this</strong> wonderful place, so well befi�ing to my<br />

own good looks, I jump but before I hit the water, the world d�olves in �ont � me and once again I get <strong>this</strong> suffocating<br />

feeling pre�ing in on meeeee.......<br />

Dear Luna!<br />

How do you go about marrying a<br />

pumpkin head? I carved mine into a<br />

lovely young man‛s head and then<br />

bewitched it to come alive. And Mr<br />

Pumpkin is just as kind and funny<br />

and lovely and sweet as I could<br />

ever hope for! We love each other<br />

intensely and I just want it to be<br />

official! He first worried about<br />

presenting me with a ring, but I‛m<br />

sure I can conjure a body for him<br />

as well, the only problem is what if<br />

we won't be able to find anyone<br />

who will tie us into matrimony?<br />

What if whoever agrees to perform<br />

the ceremony hurts Mr Pumpkin's<br />

feelings with snide remarks? Any<br />

advice would be most appreciated!<br />

Miss Pump Charmer<br />

Oh my! Miss Pump, I am afraid I really don’t know<br />

very much about the etiquette involved in cross<br />

species or cross kingdom nuptials--Rolf and I<br />

served chocolate cupcakes with pumpkin juice,<br />

but I fear that might not be appropriate in <strong>this</strong><br />

case.<br />

If it is anti-fruit and vegetable prejudice you<br />

fear, I would suggest that you bewitch some other<br />

plant to perform the ceremony, perhaps a potato.<br />

Yes, as a rule potatos are very reliable and<br />

polite, not at all given to rude comments.<br />

And while many people are vegetarians and<br />

serve no meat at their wedding party, I would suggest<br />

that you serve only meat, so as not to offend<br />

the potential guests (carrots, melons, and such).<br />

I would say “have a pudding,” but since many<br />

puddings are flavored with plant extracts such as<br />

chocolate or vanilla, that might not be appropriate.<br />

Treat yourself to a leg of lamb!<br />

Sincerely,<br />


Wizudoko<br />

Xeno‛s Puzzle Page<br />

E A D C G H F<br />

G B F A<br />

B E I C<br />

E C D H<br />

B F H<br />

F E G I<br />

I H C A<br />

B I D C<br />

G A F B D E I<br />

Padma was delighted to get owl responses from five old Hogwarts classmates<br />

(including Terry). Since she hadn‛t seen any of them for several years, she<br />

suggested that they get together for a meal. Three friends wanted to meet<br />

Padma for dinner, while the other two wanted to meet for lunch. Padma and<br />

each of her friends selected a date on which to meet and a restaurant in<br />

which to dine. No two friends selected either the same date or the same<br />

restaurant. Each restaurant is located in a different town (including Hogsmeade).<br />

1. Hannah will be meeting Padma for dinner at the Wand and Pitcher in<br />

Godrics Hollow.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> dinner date with Hermione is set for October 1. Susan is not the<br />

person meeting Padma at the Three Broomsticks.<br />

3. Padma will meet someone at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Leaky</strong> <strong>Cauldron</strong> in London exactly 12<br />

days after she meets with Mandy.<br />

4. One of Padma‛s friends will meet her for dinner at McDonalds in Merton<br />

exactly 12 days after her dinner date with Susan at the restaurant in<br />

Perth.<br />

From the in<strong>format</strong>ion provided, determine the friend Padma is meeting<br />

for each meal and the date (September 1, September 7, September 13,<br />

September 19, or October 1) they have chosen to meet, as well as<br />

the restaurant they have selected (one is the Green Dragon) and<br />

the town it is located in. (Note: there are 30 days in September)<br />

Friend Date Restaurant Town<br />

This simple transposition cipher<br />

is intended for our non-Ravenclaw<br />

readers (who are definitely not<br />

“square”).<br />

Ollivander‛s Observation:<br />






If you can solve <strong>this</strong> simple cipher, or the<br />

logic puzzle below, write up your solution<br />

and post it at<br />


Listen to PotterCast at<br />

http://pottercast.the-leaky-cauldron.org/<br />

THE place for Harry<br />

Potter essays<br />

http://www.the-leakycauldron.org/features/essays<br />

Trick, or Treat?<br />

Cornelius Cooks<br />

Creepy Crawly Cakes<br />

Ingredients for cakes<br />

4 eggs<br />

225g/8oz sugar<br />

225g/8oz self-raising �our<br />

225g/8oz butter, melted<br />

For the icing<br />

170g/6oz icing sugar<br />

110g/4oz butter<br />

55g/2oz cocoa powder, sifted<br />

To decorate<br />

Spiders, cockroaches, other beetles (squeamish Muggles<br />

could use marzipan, chocolate or plastick versions)<br />

Method<br />

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4/Moderate Dragon<br />

heat and prepare two 12-hole tartlet tins with fairy cake<br />

cases.<br />

2. Cast a whisking spell on the eggs and sugar until light and<br />

�u�y.<br />

3. Gradually add the �our and the butter, folding the mixture<br />

together gently.<br />

4. Pour the mixture carefully into the fairy cake cases.<br />

5. Bake the cakes for 10-15 minutes, until golden on top and a<br />

skewer carefully inserted into one of the cakes comes out<br />

clean. Allow to cool for ten minutes on a wire rack before<br />

removing from the tin.<br />

6. To make the icing, use a whipping spell on the icing sugar,<br />

butter and cocoa powder.<br />

7. Once the cakes are cool, ice them liberally.<br />

8. Decorate the cakes with spiders and cockroaches (if using real<br />

ones, stun them �rst to stop them crawling away)<br />

Suggest a caption for <strong>this</strong> image, posting it at<br />

http://www.leakylounge.com/October-2008-Quibbler-t65264.html&pid=1695215#entry1695215<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ministry of<br />

Magic reminds you<br />

that unlicensed<br />

breeding of magical<br />

creatures is ILLEGAL<br />

Join the fun at<br />


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