International Application Form - Leeds City College

International Application Form - Leeds City College

International Application Form - Leeds City College

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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Application</strong> <strong>Form</strong>It is essential that all sections of this form are completed by the applicant to ensure that it is processed.Please read the guidance notes carefully before completing this application form.YOU MUST INCLUDE THESE DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION:• A copy of all educational qualifications and transcripts relevant to the course• A copy of your passport• Proof of English language – e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, A Levels, GCSEs, O Levels• A personal statement saying why you want to study this course with us• A reference from your school or <strong>College</strong>FMS05Section 1: Personal DetailsYou must give us a full address, telephone number andemail. Please make sure we can read this information easily.Students under 18 may need care arrangements in the UK.If you need more information about this, please contact us.Section 2: QualificationsWrite your most recent qualifications first. If you are stillwaiting for results, write ‘pending’ instead of grades.Section 3: Which Course Are You Applyingto Study?Please write the exact course details – shown on thewebsite or in the prospectus.<strong>International</strong> students may only study full time, at:• Level 3 (child students Level 1 or 2)• Foundation Degree• Hons Top UpSection 4: English LanguageApplicants must meet a minimum level of English for eachlevel of study. Please see the UK Border Agency website forthe latest Secure English Language Test (SELT) approvedlist. Our English language entry requirements are:• Level 3 study:IELTS 6.0; PTE (Academic) 59; Cambridge FCE(grade A/B) or equivalent SELT• Foundation degree:IELTS 6.0; PTE (Academic) 59; Cambridge CAE(grade A/B) or equivalent SELT• Hons Top Up:IELTS 6.5; PTE (Academic) 59; Cambridge CAE(grade A) of equivalent SELT(Previous study in English may be considered)Section 5: Work ExperienceTell us about your work experience or training.Please explain any gaps; e.g. for studySection 6: Personal StatementTell us why you want to study the course; why you aresuitable for it and your plans on completion.Section 7: FundingA deposit of 50% of the course fee is required to secure yourplace on a course if an offer is made; the remaining 50%is to be paid on enrolment. Deposits will only be refundedin cases of visa refusal where the student is then unable tocome to the UK. Applicants must also have enough funds tocover their living expenses when applying for a student visa.Please visit www.ukvisas.gov.uk for more information.Section 8: ReferenceYour referee should be your most recent teacher/lecturerand the reference needs to be on letter headed paper.Section 9: Accommodation<strong>Leeds</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>College</strong> does not have any studentaccommodation. If you need to arrange accommodation, wecan help you to find somewhere suitable.Section 10: Additional SupportPlease tell us if you need any extra help to successfullycomplete your studies.Section 11: Further InformationPlease make sure that you have attached all the supportingdocuments required for your application.Section 12: DeclarationYour application will not be processed unless it is signedand dated.You will be required to bring original copies of transcriptsand certificates when you enrol.By signing this application form you acknowledge that youunderstand and agree to your details being disclosed tostaff within the college and to relevant authorities deemednecessary by the college.If you accept an offer and fail to attend without explanation,the relevant authorities will be informed.Disclaimer: our international procedures are dependant upon current UK Border Agency directives.The information given in this form may be subject to change at any time.

Section 1: Personal details<strong>Application</strong> Number (for college use only)Date Received:<strong>International</strong> <strong>Application</strong> <strong>Form</strong>It is essential that all sections of this form are completed by the applicant to ensure that it is processed.Please read the guidance notes carefully before completing this application form.Family Name ............................................................................................. Country of Birth ........................................................Other Name(s) .......................................................................................... Nationality .................................................................Age ................ Date of Birth: ....... /........ /........ Gender: Male FemaleHome address (your address in the country where you aregoing to apply for a student visa)............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Telephone Number ..................................................................Email ........................................................................................Please tick your ethnic group:31 - English / Welsh / Scottish/ Northern Irish / British32 - Irish33 - Gypsy or Irish Traveller34 - Any Other Whitebackground35 - White and BlackCaribbean36 - White and Black African37 - White and Asian38 - Any Other Mixed / multipleethnic backgroundUK Contact Person (if any)Name of contact...................................................................................................Address of contact:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Please tick: Relative Friend Guardian(required by all students who will be under the age of 18 at the start of their course)Telephone Number ...................................................................Email ........................................................................................39 - Indian40 - Pakistani41 - Bangladeshi42 - Chinese43 - Any other Asianbackground44 - African45 - Caribbean46 - Any other Black / African /Caribbean background47 - Arab98 - Any other ethnic groupSection 2: QualificationsName of university/college/school attended Subjects and levels studied Grades obtained Dates attended

Section 3: Proposed Programme of StudyAll details as shown in the college prospectus or on our website.Year: .......................................... Course title: ...........................................................................................................................Course Level: Level 3 Foundation Degree Hons Top Up Campus ......................................................................Course Code: ...................................... Full time Part time (Child students can study lower than level 3)Section 4: English LanguagePlease provide details of your English Language qualifications (tick box and write overall band score)IELTS Score ............................PTE (Academic) Score ............................Cambridge FCE Score ............................Cambridge CAE Score ............................Other (please state) ............................................................................................................... Score ............................Section 5: Work ExperienceDates (from - to) Name of employer/training body Job title & nature of work/trainingSection 6: Personal StatementA personal statement of at least 250 words must be attached, explaining why you are applying for the course, why you feelyou are suitable and what your future educational/career plans are.Section 7: FundingWho will pay your fees?........................................................................................................................................................................................................Section 8: ReferencePlease attach one reference letter on letter headed paper. Your referee must have knowledge of your academic ability.Section 9: AccommodationDo you need help to find accommodation? Yes NoIf not, please give details of your accommodation arrangements................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Section 10: Additional SupportDo any of the words listed here describe you? Additional support is available in <strong>College</strong> for the following:BlindDeafPhysical disabilityMedical ConditionMental ill healthLearning difficultiesOther ..................................................................................................................................................................Will you need support with any of the above? Yes NoIf yes, what? ..........................................................................................................................................................Section 11: Further InformationWhere did you first hear about the college?................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Please make sure that you have attached the following documents to your application:Copy of passport photo pageEducational certificates and transcriptsEnglish Language certificatesPersonal statementReference letterPlease note that we cannot process your application unless it is completeSection 12: DeclarationI confirm that the information given on this form is correct and complete and that no relevant information has been omitted.I understand that this application or any subsequent place on a course at <strong>Leeds</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>College</strong> may be withdrawn if theinformation provided is found to be incomplete, inaccurate or misleading.Applicant’s signature..................................................................................................... Date...................................................Data Protection Act 1998 - In order to properly administer your studies and fulfil its associated statutory obligations,<strong>Leeds</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>College</strong> will process the personal details collected via this form (including disclosure to specific external bodies)strictly within the limits of the Data Protection Act 1998.Please return your complete application to:<strong>International</strong> Admissions Office<strong>Leeds</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>College</strong>Park Lane Campus<strong>Leeds</strong> LS3 1AAUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0)113 216 2489Or Email:Email: lesley.powell@leedscitycollege.ac.uk

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