Action Plan 25Feb13 v8 SH - Imperial College Faculty of Medicine

Action Plan 25Feb13 v8 SH - Imperial College Faculty of Medicine Action Plan 25Feb13 v8 SH - Imperial College Faculty of Medicine
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Imperial College, School of Public Health - Athena Swan Action Plan, 2010/11-2012/13ActionDescriptionof actionAction takenalready &outcome atMar 2010Furtheractionplanned atMar 2010Progress LogYr 1 2010/11Progress LogYr 2 2011/12Progress LogYr 3 2012/13ResponsibilityTimescale SuccessMeasure1 Baseline Data & Supporting Evidence1.1.1 Preparation ofchecklist ofadditionalinformation tobe gathered &responsibleindividualsidentified1.2.1 Monitoring oftraining onequality &diversity1.2.2 Reviewingprogress &preparing anupdatedaction plan forpresentationat SECDraft completechecklistprepared Jul2010Action agreedby SEC, datacollection inprogressProgressreviewedagainst 2009action plan.New plan waspresented toSEC in May2010To implementin Sep 2010SchoolAdministratorto reviewinformation &remind staffmembers ofrequirementfor trainingTo repeat insubsequentyearsA checklist needed to be prepared aboutwhich data was needed in relation to theStatistical Annex. The deadline was Jul 2010so this is urgent. The details of data to becollected are included in the Action plan. NWhas requested quarterly data from Oct 2011on short listing & appointed candidates for allvacancies in the School. NW submitted datato SPHOCEquality & diversity training needed to bearranged in collaboration with HR for all seniormembers of staff every 5 yearsAction plan is being updated by FAL (v2 &3).No written report/updated action planpresented to SEC but given to HoSData collectedquarterly from HRSH attendedPromoting Equality &Diversity training & willarrange bespoketraining event for SPHAction plan is beingupdated by SH (v5).Report to be given toSEC & Faculty Jan2012Data collectedquarterly fromHRData available2010-112011-12SH to requestat SECwhether tohold at SAF orseparateeventActionupdated bySH. Reportsgiven to SEC& FacultyroutinelySA Sep 2010,updatedMay 2011SASAReportingin Feb2011Annuallyfor MaySECmeetingChecklistprepared & inuse byOpportunitiesCommitteeMonitoredduring annualdatacollection. Aimfor 90%compliance infirst yearReviewundertaken inSpring 2011 &12. Secondaction planpresented atSEC by May2011 & 122 Career Transition Points2.1.1 EnsuringmixedrecruitmentpanelsAlreadyembeddedOngoingmonitoringforcomplianceActionedMonitored & actionedas appropriateMonitored &actioned asappropriateSAMay2010Monitoredduringannual datacollectionKeyActioned Overdue Ongoing Revision of original actionUpdated by S Halder, 25.02.13. v8. Page 1 of 7.

<strong>Imperial</strong> <strong>College</strong>, School <strong>of</strong> Public Health - Athena Swan <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, 2010/11-2012/13<strong>Action</strong>Description<strong>of</strong> action<strong>Action</strong> takenalready &outcome atMar 2010Furtheractionplanned atMar 2010Progress LogYr 1 2010/11Progress LogYr 2 2011/12Progress LogYr 3 2012/13ResponsibilityTimescale SuccessMeasure1 Baseline Data & Supporting Evidence1.1.1 Preparation <strong>of</strong>checklist <strong>of</strong>additionalinformation tobe gathered &responsibleindividualsidentified1.2.1 Monitoring <strong>of</strong>training onequality &diversity1.2.2 Reviewingprogress &preparing anupdatedaction plan forpresentationat SECDraft completechecklistprepared Jul2010<strong>Action</strong> agreedby SEC, datacollection inprogressProgressreviewedagainst 2009action plan.New plan waspresented toSEC in May2010To implementin Sep 2010SchoolAdministratorto reviewinformation &remind staffmembers <strong>of</strong>requirementfor trainingTo repeat insubsequentyearsA checklist needed to be prepared aboutwhich data was needed in relation to theStatistical Annex. The deadline was Jul 2010so this is urgent. The details <strong>of</strong> data to becollected are included in the <strong>Action</strong> plan. NWhas requested quarterly data from Oct 2011on short listing & appointed candidates for allvacancies in the School. NW submitted datato SPHOCEquality & diversity training needed to bearranged in collaboration with HR for all seniormembers <strong>of</strong> staff every 5 years<strong>Action</strong> plan is being updated by FAL (v2 &3).No written report/updated action planpresented to SEC but given to HoSData collectedquarterly from HR<strong>SH</strong> attendedPromoting Equality &Diversity training & willarrange bespoketraining event for SPH<strong>Action</strong> plan is beingupdated by <strong>SH</strong> (v5).Report to be given toSEC & <strong>Faculty</strong> Jan2012Data collectedquarterly fromHRData available2010-112011-12<strong>SH</strong> to requestat SECwhether tohold at SAF orseparateevent<strong>Action</strong>updated by<strong>SH</strong>. Reportsgiven to SEC& <strong>Faculty</strong>routinelySA Sep 2010,updatedMay 2011SASAReportingin Feb2011Annuallyfor MaySECmeetingChecklistprepared & inuse byOpportunitiesCommitteeMonitoredduring annualdatacollection. Aimfor 90%compliance infirst yearReviewundertaken inSpring 2011 &12. Secondaction planpresented atSEC by May2011 & 122 Career Transition Points2.1.1 EnsuringmixedrecruitmentpanelsAlreadyembeddedOngoingmonitoringforcompliance<strong>Action</strong>edMonitored & actionedas appropriateMonitored &actioned asappropriateSAMay2010Monitoredduringannual datacollectionKey<strong>Action</strong>ed Overdue Ongoing Revision <strong>of</strong> original actionUpdated by S Halder, 25.02.13. <strong>v8</strong>. Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 7.

<strong>Imperial</strong> <strong>College</strong>, School <strong>of</strong> Public Health - Athena Swan <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, 2010/11-2012/13<strong>Action</strong>Description<strong>of</strong> action2.1.2 IntroducingSchool-wideinductionsystem2.2.1 Request foradjustment<strong>of</strong> promotionforms withinthe <strong>Faculty</strong>2.2.2 Ensuringthat theacademicpromotionscommittee isnot all male2.3.1 Ensuringthatappraisertraining isup-to-date<strong>Action</strong> takenalready &outcome atMar 2010Existingexample <strong>of</strong>induction packto be suppliedto SchoolAdministratorfor reviewData collectionon appraisaltraining inprogressFurtheractionplanned atMar 2010SA to review& present toSECTo sendbefore endJul 2010To beimplementedin the nextpromotionround (Dec2010)SA to adviserelevant staffmembers <strong>of</strong>need forrefreshertrainingProgress LogYr 1 2010/11A School-wide induction pack was needed &the existing pack should be reviewed &presented to SEC. Induction packs have nowbeen withdrawn by local HR & local inductionpacks seem sufficient due to specific localrequirementsFAL requested changes to the FoMAcademic Promotions Form. <strong>Action</strong>edThe gender <strong>of</strong> the membership <strong>of</strong> the Dec2010 Academic Promotion Committee wouldbe confirmed with HoS to ensure this actionwas implemented & actionedAppraisal training needed to be arranged incollaboration with HR for all senior members<strong>of</strong> staff. Combining it with the equality &diversity training was suggested. NWrequested staff appraisal training records inJun 2011.Progress LogYr 2 2011/12SA provided welcomeletter & School orgchart to be approvedby SECProgress LogYr 3 2012/13Welcomeletter andorg chart tobeimplementedwith localinductionpacksResponsibilitySA supportedby DAs<strong>Action</strong>ed <strong>Action</strong>ed HoS &SPHOCTimescale SuccessMeasureNov 2010Jul 2010Inductionpack to bepresented toSEC forapproval inSep 2010 &implementedacross theschool inNov 2010Letter sent &responsereceived<strong>Action</strong>ed <strong>Action</strong>ed HoS & SA Dec 2010 MixedacademicpromotionsCommitteeAT requesting staffappraisal trainingrecords, Jan 2012.Sep12, stillrequirerecords fromPCPH,GCD,ICTU,NARSA to monitor& enforceUpdatedtrainingcompleted by Jul2011An up-todaterecord<strong>of</strong> appraisertraining,reviewed onan annualbasis by SA.We will aimfor at least90%compliance.Key<strong>Action</strong>ed Overdue Ongoing Revision <strong>of</strong> original actionUpdated by S Halder, 25.02.13. <strong>v8</strong>. Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 7.

<strong>Imperial</strong> <strong>College</strong>, School <strong>of</strong> Public Health - Athena Swan <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, 2010/11-2012/13<strong>Action</strong>Description<strong>of</strong> action2.3.2 Addressingthe unevendistribution<strong>of</strong> individualteachingcontributions2.3.3 Collection <strong>of</strong>data onadministrative duties &outreachactivities2.3.4 Teaching,clinical &administrative activitydata to bemadeavailable onthe SchoolIntranet<strong>Action</strong> takenalready &outcome atMar 2010Data foracademic year2009/10 havebeen collected& are beinganalysedFurtheractionplanned atMar 2010Dir <strong>of</strong>Education toreviewresults &begincorrection <strong>of</strong>imbalancesfor academicyear 2010/11– tocomplete for2011/12Collection tobegin Sep2010,imbalancesto beaddressedover period<strong>of</strong> award<strong>Plan</strong>nedwhenintranet islaunched inJan 2011Progress LogYr 1 2010/11Dir <strong>of</strong> Education is currently looking intouneven teaching contributionsProgress LogYr 2 2011/12Dir <strong>of</strong> Education “datafor 2010/11 is poorrelating to teachingdistribution sounhappy to draw anyconclusions.Personally teachinghours & PG workloadappear to bear norelation to reality”Progress LogYr 3 2012/13Raw datareceived for2011/12. D<strong>of</strong>Ed wantssummary todo analysis?AT to collate data AT to collate data AT to collatedataTeaching, clinical & administrative activitydata would be made available once theintranet is ready. The accuracy <strong>of</strong> the datafrom <strong>Faculty</strong> should be improved & thiswould be raised at SEC. It was suggestedthat data be inputted by individuals via theintranet once it was readyThere will not be a School Intranet but SPHis consulting with FoM Web Manager to havepages on its website only accessible to SPHstaff/students. The data will be thusavailable. The existing School website &School Sharepoint site are sufficient. TheSchool website will be updated & training isbeing arranged for website editorsTraining arranged forwebsite editors -actioned.Teaching website yetto be updatedTeachingwebsite yetto beupdatedResponsibilityDir <strong>of</strong>EducationDirectors <strong>of</strong>PG & UGTeachingTimescale SuccessMeasureBeginOct2010,completeby Oct2011Sep 2010An annualrecord <strong>of</strong>teachingcontributions, with fairbalance <strong>of</strong>activitieswithin 2academicyearsAn annualrecord <strong>of</strong>thesecontributions, with fairbalance <strong>of</strong>activitieswithin 3academicyearsSA Jan 2011 Informationon staffactivitiesavailable forviewing byall members<strong>of</strong> the SchoolKey<strong>Action</strong>ed Overdue Ongoing Revision <strong>of</strong> original actionUpdated by S Halder, 25.02.13. <strong>v8</strong>. Page 3 <strong>of</strong> 7.

<strong>Imperial</strong> <strong>College</strong>, School <strong>of</strong> Public Health - Athena Swan <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, 2010/11-2012/13<strong>Action</strong>Description<strong>of</strong> action<strong>Action</strong> takenalready &outcome atMar 2010Furtheractionplanned atMar 20102.3.5 Pay review Datacollection tobegin inearly 2011Progress LogYr 1 2010/113 Career Development, Provision <strong>of</strong> Support & Encouragement3.1.1 Ensuringappraisalsare <strong>of</strong>feredto all staffmembers3.2.1 Conductinga survey <strong>of</strong>factorsinfluencingcareerdecisions atthe end <strong>of</strong>PhDsHoS & SA toensure thatall staffmembersare <strong>of</strong>feredappraisal inthe first 3months <strong>of</strong>the nextacademicyearEmail surveyto beprepared inSep 2010Considered at pay relativity exerciseProgress LogYr 2 2011/12Request info from MHto submit to SPHOCProgress LogYr 3 2012/13Request inf<strong>of</strong>rom MH tosubmit toSPHOC andfor 2011/12ResponsibilityHoS, SPHOC,supported bySA47% compliance 27% compliance SA to enforce,supported byDAsAwaiting survey from Director <strong>of</strong> PG Studies(Requested in Feb, Mar, Jun)Awaiting survey fromDirector <strong>of</strong> PGStudies (Requestedin Feb, Mar, Jun).Survey completed byJM, PC, SS butawaiting 2 EducationCommittee’s approvalfor survey to bedistributedDirector <strong>of</strong> PGStudiessupported bystudentrepresentativesTimescale SuccessMeasureApr 2011Dec 2010&annuallythereafterCompleted byOct eachyearInformationincluded inreport toSEC in May2011-necessity foranyadjustmentsto beconsideredin nextaction planupdateAnnualrecord <strong>of</strong>appraisals,held by SAAiming for atleast 90%compliancein 2010Datagathered &collatedannually tocontribute toeach year’saction planupdateKey<strong>Action</strong>ed Overdue Ongoing Revision <strong>of</strong> original actionUpdated by S Halder, 25.02.13. <strong>v8</strong>. Page 4 <strong>of</strong> 7.

<strong>Imperial</strong> <strong>College</strong>, School <strong>of</strong> Public Health - Athena Swan <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, 2010/11-2012/13<strong>Action</strong>Description<strong>of</strong> action3.3.1 Encouragingparticipationin careerdevelopmenttraining forpostdoctoralworkers<strong>Action</strong> takenalready &outcome atMar 2010Informalencouragement to femalepostdocsduringdepartmenttraining &social eventsFurtheractionplanned atMar 2010Emailinformationon trainingopportunitiesin Sep 2010(along withsurvey 3.2.1)Progress LogYr 1 2010/11FAL sent an email in Jul 2010 encouragingwomen postdoctoral researchers to takeadvantage <strong>of</strong> career developmentopportunitiesMRC Centres hosted a postdoc careers dayJun 2011Progress LogYr 2 2011/12SA sent emails andlink on web pageencouraging femalepostdoctoralresearchers toparticipate inLeadershipDevelopmentprogramme (iLead),apply for FemaleAcademicsDevelopment Centreand informed <strong>of</strong> theBritish Federation <strong>of</strong>Women Graduates(BFWG) regarding aResearchPresentations Dayand ScholarshipsProgress LogYr 3 2012/13ResponsibilityFALTimescale SuccessMeasureMay2010 &ongoingIncrease intraininguptake4 Organisation & Culture4.1.1 ClarifyingHoDs’ &researchgroupleaders’responsibilities4.2.1 Monitoring &improvingthe genderbalance <strong>of</strong>committeesData collectedfor May 2010 –FAL made thisavailable toHoSLetter fromHoS to HoDs& researchgroupleaders – tobe followedupduringsenior staffappraisalsHoS toimplementpositivemeasureswhererequiredSA to provide draftData on committee memberships continuesto be monitored to ensure an even gendercontribution across the School. A committeepage on the intranet where agendas &minutes could be available. This would beraised at SECSA to provide letter tobe approved by HoS.HoS verbalisesresponsibilities inmeetings such asH&S responsibilities.Monitored & actionedas appropriate? HoS Oct 2010&annuallythereafterMonitored &actioned asappropriateFAL, HoS &SAMayeachyearLetter sentannuallyGenderbalance oncommitteesshouldreflect that <strong>of</strong>School StaffmembersKey<strong>Action</strong>ed Overdue Ongoing Revision <strong>of</strong> original actionUpdated by S Halder, 25.02.13. <strong>v8</strong>. Page 5 <strong>of</strong> 7.

<strong>Imperial</strong> <strong>College</strong>, School <strong>of</strong> Public Health - Athena Swan <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, 2010/11-2012/13<strong>Action</strong>Description<strong>of</strong> action4.2.2 Keepingcommitteemembershipinformation& minutes onthe SchoolIntranet4.3.1 Creating aSoPHintranet4.3.2 Increasingthe visibility<strong>of</strong> womenthroughpresentations duringSchoolEvents4.4.1 Organisingan opendiscussion <strong>of</strong>core workinghours4.4.2 Holding atleast onefamilyfriendlydaytimesocial eventeach year<strong>Action</strong> takenalready &outcome atMar 2010Structure <strong>of</strong>intranet inplanningprocessFurtheractionplanned atMar 2010To beimplementedwhen theintranet goeslive inJanuary2011To be builtduring late2010Beginning inSchool event2010Duringschool eventin Nov 2010Trip toLondon Zooto be heldSep 2010Progress LogYr 1 2010/115 Flexibility across the working day, working year, working lifeCurrently held at School local shared drive.SA in conjunction with FoM Web Managerwill add to SPH websiteSPH website to be developed & updatedFAL & SA encouraged at Jan 2011 SEC &subsequent meetings more women would beinvolved in the School launch<strong>SH</strong> suggested Women in Public Healthlecture series. FAL to raise at SEC in Apr2010No appropriate forum for discussionSuccessful trip to London Zoo in Oct 2010,with 85 participants. Feedback on lack <strong>of</strong>networking opportunities would be taken intoconsideration for the next eventProgress LogYr 2 2011/12Added to SPHwebsite bar teachingcommitteemembershipThe School website iscontinually updated &training arranged forwebsite editorsSPH Athena SWANlecture held on27Jun12. Hostspeaker Dame SallyDavies, “Women’shealth, equity andpublic health”To be raised at SAFin 2012Trip to Natural HistoryMuseum in Jun 12with 32 participants.Photos to beuploaded ontowebsiteProgress LogYr 3 2012/13Responsibility? SA Jan 2011&monthlythereafterThe Schoolwebsite iscontinuallyupdatedSPH AthenaSWANlecture to beheld earlymidJun2013 ideallyat 2pm andreception t<strong>of</strong>ollow<strong>SH</strong> torequest atSECwhether tohold at SAFor separateeventTrip toLondonAquarium inFeb 13 halfterm with 88participantsTimescale SuccessMeasureRegularlyupdatedintranetinformationSA Jan 2011 Intranet goeslive onscheduleFAL & SA Nov 2010& termlythereafterIncreasednumber <strong>of</strong>femalespeakers &discussionleadersSA Nov 2010 Results to bediscussed atSEC – toinformSchoolpolicies &proceduresSA Sep 2010&annuallythereafterGoodweather &good fun(preferablywith icecream!)Key<strong>Action</strong>ed Overdue Ongoing Revision <strong>of</strong> original actionUpdated by S Halder, 25.02.13. <strong>v8</strong>. Page 6 <strong>of</strong> 7.

<strong>Imperial</strong> <strong>College</strong>, School <strong>of</strong> Public Health - Athena Swan <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, 2010/11-2012/13<strong>Action</strong>Description<strong>of</strong> action5.1.1. Collectinginformationonarrangements formaternitycover &return towork5.2.1 Providingrole modelsforcombiningwork &family life<strong>Action</strong> takenalready &outcome atMar 2010FAL hasprovidedrelevantdocuments todistribute t<strong>of</strong>emale staffJul 2010Furtheractionplanned atMar 2010Email survey<strong>of</strong> stafftakingmaternityleave 2008-2010 to beorganisedAppropriatestaff pr<strong>of</strong>iles& contactson intranet inJan 2011Progress LogYr 1 2010/11Maternity information obtained for 2008-2010Distributed The Changing Status & Number<strong>of</strong> Women in Science & Engineering at MIT& Mothers in Science 64 ways to have it allto all female staff Jun 2011Distributed info on The Daphne JacksonTrust and networking opportunities to allfemale staffReceived 3 female staff pr<strong>of</strong>iles & awaitingmale staff pr<strong>of</strong>iles before adding to the SPHwebsiteProgress LogYr 2 2011/12List requested fromHR for staff takingmaternity leaveduring 2010/11received. Surveydistributed in Sep12.Received 3 femalestaff pr<strong>of</strong>iles &awaiting male staffpr<strong>of</strong>iles before addingto the SPH website. 2female pr<strong>of</strong>iles needto be replacedProgress LogYr 3 2012/13ResponsibilitySATimescale SuccessMeasureApr eachyearResults toinform actionplan updatesSA Jan 2011 Informationon rolemodelsmadeavailablethrough theintranetNotesHoS = Head <strong>of</strong> SchoolHoD = Head <strong>of</strong> DepartmentFAL = Female Academic Lead, Dr Alex BlakemoreSA = School Administrator, Sapna HalderDA = Departmental AdministratorSPHOC = School <strong>of</strong> Public Health Opportunities CommitteeSEC = School Executive CommitteeSAF = School Academic Forum<strong>SH</strong> = Sapna HalderNW = Nikki WhitelockAT = Alyson ThornhillMH = Matt HegerKey<strong>Action</strong>ed Overdue Ongoing Revision <strong>of</strong> original actionUpdated by S Halder, 25.02.13. <strong>v8</strong>. Page 7 <strong>of</strong> 7.

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