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6) a statement of reasons indicating the state of the matter according to theresults of the investigation, the evidence on which the decisive facts aredetermined, presenting the defence of the accused person and theprosecutor’s position on the accounts of the defence.(2) If the accused person is at large, the indictment may contain a motion to orderdetention, and if the accused is in detention, a motion for his release may also be made.(3) A single indictment may encompass several criminal offences or several accusedpersons only if pursuant to the provisions of Article 33 of this Code a single proceedingsmay be conducted and a single judgement rendered.Article 267(1) The indictment shall be submitted to competent court in as many copies as there areaccused persons and their defence counsel (Article 69 paragraph 2) and one copy forthe court.(2) Immediately upon receiving the indictment, the president of the chamber beforewhich the trial will be held shall examine whether the indictment has been drawn upproperly (Article 266), and if he established that it has not, he shall return it to theprosecutor to rectify the shortcomings within three days. On justifiable grounds, at therequest of the prosecutor, the chamber may extend the time limit. Where a subsidiaryprosecutor or private prosecutor miss the aforesaid time limit, it shall be deemed thatthey have abandoned prosecution, and the proceedings shall be terminated.Article 268(1) Where a subsidiary prosecutor submits an indictment without the conduct of aninvestigation (Article 244 paragraph 6), or where a private prosecution has beeninstituted in connection with a criminal offence for which no investigation was conducted,except where private prosecution has been instituted for a criminal offence subject tosummary proceedings, the president of the first-instance chamber shall, if he finds nogrounds for prosecution due to the existence of the circumstances referred to in Article274 paragraph 1 items 1) and 2) of this Code, seek a decision from the chamber (Article24 paragraph 6).(2) Where a subsidiary prosecutor, in contravention of the provisions of Article 244paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Code, files an indictment without the conduct of aninvestigation in connection with a criminal offence punishable by a term of imprisonmentof over five years, it shall be deemed that he has submitted a request for the conduct ofan investigation.(3) Subsidiary prosecutors and private prosecutors are entitled to file appeals against theruling of the chamber.Article 269

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