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(3) When the investigating judge finds that the investigation has been completed, heshall notify thereof the subsidiary prosecutor or the private prosecutor and caution themthat they need to file an indictment or private prosecution within fifteen days, and if theyfail to do so, it shall be deemed that they have abandoned prosecution, and theproceedings shall be terminated by a ruling. The investigating judge is also required toissue this caution when the chamber (Article 24 paragraph 6) rules against a proposal bythe subsidiary prosecutor or private prosecutor for amendment of the investigationbecause it holds that the case has been clarified sufficiently.Article 260Where an investigating judge requires the assistance of internal affairs authorities (crimelaboratory and other assistance) or of other public authorities in connection with theconduct of the investigation, they shall be obligated to render the required assistance. Atthe request of the investigating judge, enterprises or other legal persons are required torender assistance for the performance of investigatory actions which may not bedeferred.Article 261When so required by the interests of morality, law and order, national security, theprotection of minors or the private lives of participants in proceedings, or where it isnecessary in view of particular circumstances due to which public exposure could bedetrimental to the interests of justice, officials performing certain investigatory actionsshall order persons being interrogated or questioned, or those attending investigatoryactions or examining the files of the investigation, to maintain the confidentiality ofcertain facts or data of which they learnt on the occasion, and instruct them thatdivulging secrets represents a criminal offence. This order shall be shall be entered inthe record of the investigatory action, or designated on the files being examined, with thesignature of the person instructed.Article 262Where the chamber is deciding during the investigation, it may seek necessaryexplanations from the investigating judge, the parties and defence counsel, and maysummon them to state their positions orally at a session of the chamber.Article 263(1) The investigating judge may order persons who disturb law and order during theconduct of an investigatory action even after being cautioned to pay fines of up to500,000 RSD each. Where the participation of such persons is not necessary, they maybe removed from the location of the investigatory action.(2) Accused persons may not be fined.(3) Where the public prosecutor is violating law and order, the investigating judge shallact pursuant to the provision of Article 299 paragraph 10 of this Code.

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