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2) if the statutory limit for prosecution has lapsed or the offence is included inan amnesty or pardon, or where there are other circumstances thatpermanently bar prosecution;3) if there is no evidence that the accused person committed the criminaloffence.(2) If the investigating judge finds the grounds for terminating the investigation referredto in paragraph 1 of this Article, he shall notify the public prosecutor thereof. If the publicprosecutor does not notify the investigating judge within eight days that he is abandoningprosecution, the investigating judge shall ask the chamber to rule on the termination ofthe investigation.(3) The ruling on the termination of the investigation shall be delivered to the publicprosecutor, the aggrieved and the accused person, who shall immediately be released, ifhe is in detention. The public prosecutor and the aggrieved may appeal against theruling.(4) If the aggrieved was the only one to file an appeal against the ruling on thetermination of the investigation, and the appeal is upheld, it shall be deemed that bylodging his appeal the aggrieved has taken over prosecution.(5) Where it finds that only temporary obstacles for prosecuting the accused person exist(Article 252 paragraph 1), the chamber shall issue a ruling suspending the investigation.(6) When the reasons which led to the suspension cease to exist, the investigating judgeshall resume the investigation.Article 255(1) The investigating judge shall before concluding the investigation obtain data on theaccused person specified in Article 89 paragraph 1 of this Code, if they are missing orneed to be checked, as well as data about earlier conviction of the accused, and if theaccused is still serving a penalty or other sanction which involves deprivation of liberty –data on his conduct during the service of the penalty or other sanction. If required, theinvestigating judge shall obtain data about the past life of the accused person and hispersonal circumstances, as well as on other circumstances relating to his personality.The investigating judge may order medical or psychological examinations of the accusedperson, if needed to amend data on the personality of the accused person.(2) If there exist the necessary conditions for pronouncing an aggregate penalty whichwill include penalties from earlier convictions or rulings on punishment, the investigatingjudge shall ask for the files of the cases in which the aforesaid decisions werepronounced, or certified copies of such final decisions.Article 256(1) Where before concluding the investigation the investigating judge finds that it wouldbe in the best interest of the parties and defence counsel to be informed about important

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