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(8) For the purpose of clarifying certain technical or other professional questions askedin connection with the evidence collected and during interrogation of the accused personor the performance of other investigatory actions, the investigating judge may askpersons from appropriate professions to provide the necessary explanations about suchquestions. If during such clarifications the parties are present, they may ask that personto provide clarifications. If so required, the investigating judge may seek information froma respective professional institution.(9) The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 8 of this Article shall also apply to investigatoryactions performed before the issuance of a ruling on the conduct of an investigation.Article 252(1) The investigating judge shall issue a ruling suspending the investigation if after thecommission of the criminal offence the accused person develops a mental illness or amental disorder or other serious illness which prevents him from participating in theproceedings or there appear circumstances which temporarily preclude prosecution (ifthere are no motions or approvals for prosecution or requests by authorisedprosecutors).(2) If the abode of the accused person is not known, the investigation may besuspended, or where the accused person is at large, or otherwise inaccessible to thepublic authorities, the investigation shall be suspended only on a motion by the publicprosecutor, if the proceedings are being conducted at his request.(3) Before the investigation is suspended, all evidence on the criminal offence of theaccused person which can be obtained shall be collected.(4) After the obstacles which caused the suspension cease to exist, the investigatingjudge shall resume the investigation.Article 253The investigating judge shall issue a ruling terminating the investigation when the publicprosecutor during the investigation or after its conclusion declares that he will abandonprosecution. The investigating judge shall notify the aggrieved about the terminationwithin the following eight days (Article 61).Article 254(1) The investigation shall be terminated by a ruling by the chamber (Article 24paragraph 6) which decides on any issue in the course of the investigation in thefollowing cases:1) if the offence with which the accused is being charged is not a criminaloffence, and the necessary requirements for ordering a security measure donot exist;

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