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B. PRELIMINARY PROCEEDINGSChapter XIXTHE INVESTIGATIONArticle 241(1) An investigation shall be instituted against a certain person if reasonable suspicionexists that that person has committed a criminal offence.(2) Evidence and data shall be collected during the investigation that are required fordeciding whether an indictment may be issued or the proceedings discontinued.Evidence shall be collected during the investigation for which there exists a danger that itmight not be possible to adduce that evidence during the trial, or that its adduction wouldbe rendered more difficult, as well as other evidence that might be of benefit to theproceedings, and whose adduction, in view of the circumstances of the case, appearsappropriate.Article 242(1) Investigations shall be conducted on a request of the public prosecutor.(2) Requests for conducting an investigation shall be submitted to the investigating judgeof the competent court.(3) The request shall contain the following: the person data of the suspect, thedescription of the act from which proceed the legal elements of a criminal offence, thelegal designation of the criminal offence, the circumstances leading to reasonable doubtthat the person committed the criminal offence, and the existing evidence.(4) Requests for conducting an investigation may contain proposals for examiningcertain circumstances, for conducting certain actions and for questioning certain personsin connection with certain issues, and the prosecutor may also propose that the suspectbe placed in detention.(5) The public prosecutor shall submit to the investigating judge the criminal complaintand all files and records already undertaken. At the same time the public prosecutorshall may also submit to the investigating judge objects which may serve as evidence, ormay specify the locations of such objects.Article 243(1) When the investigating judge receives a request for conducting an investigation, heshall examine the files and if he agrees with the request, issue a ruling on the conduct ofan investigation which shall contain the data referred to in Article 242 paragraph 3 of thisCode. The ruling shall be delivered to the public prosecutor and the accused.

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