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(7) The lawyers’ list referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article shall be compiled by the barassociation in a Serbian Cyrillic alphabet order of lawyer’s surnames. Where a defencecounsel is appointed ex officio, the internal affairs authority is required to abide by theorder of names on the list. An internal affairs authority deviating from the order of nameson the lawyers’ list is required to make an official note of the reasons for the deviation.(8) The lawyers’ list referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article shall be posted on the barassociation’s internet site and shall contain data on the lawyers’ engagement.Article 230Persons found committing a criminal offence which is prosecutable ex officio may bedeprived of liberty by anyone. Persons deprived of liberty must be immediately handedover to an investigating judge or internal affairs authority, and if that is not possible, oneof those authorities must be notified. The internal affairs authority shall act in accordancewith Article 227 of this Code.Article 231(1) Authorised officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to send personsfound at the site of the commission of a criminal offence to the investigating judge or toretain them at the site until the arrival of the investigating judge if such persons couldprovide information of importance for the conduct of criminal proceedings and if it isprobable that questioning them at a later date would either not be possible or wouldentail long delays or other difficulties. Such persons may not be retained at the site ofthe commission of a criminal offence for longer than six hours.(2) Where necessary for identification purposes or in other cases of interest for thesuccessful conduct of the proceedings, internal affairs authorities may, with the priorapproval of the investigating judge, photograph the suspect, take his fingerprints, makethe suspect’s photograph public, and perform other actions required for establishingidentity.(3) Where it is necessary to establish the identity of a person or persons who leftfingerprints on certain objects, the internal affairs authorities may, with the prior approvalof the public prosecutor, fingerprint persons who could have come into contact withthose objects.(4) Persons against whom any of the actions referred to in this Article were undertakenare entitled to lodge complaints to the competent public prosecutor or the immediatelysuperior internal affairs authority.Articles 232 and 233(erased)Article 234

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