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(5) If during the interrogation the public prosecutor does not file a request for the conductof an investigation, and fails to do so within the following 24 hours from the hour whendetention was ordered, the investigating judge shall release the person detained.(6) If within 48 hours of the submission of a request for the conduct of an investigationthe investigating judge does not issue a ruling on an investigation, he is required torelease the detained person.(7) After a person deprived of liberty is brought before an investigating judge, thatperson, his defence counsel, a member of the family, common-law spouse or otherperson with whom the accused lives in an extramarital or other lasting association mayrequest that the investigating judge order a physician to examine the person. Such arequest may also be submitted by the public prosecutor. If a request has been made, theinvestigating judge shall issue a ruling designating the physician who shall perform theexamination. The investigating judge shall attach that ruling and the record ofinterrogation of the physician to the investigation file.Article 229(1) Persons deprived of liberty pursuant to Article 227 paragraph 1, as well as suspectsreferred to in Article 226 paragraphs 7 and 8, may by exception be retained in thecustody of the internal affairs authority for the purpose of collecting information (Article226 paragraph 1), or interrogation, no longer than 48 hours following the time ofdeprivation of liberty, or the time of response to a summons.(2) The internal affairs authority shall immediately or no later than two hours followingthe detainment in its custody issue a ruling on the detainment and deliver it to the personconcerned. The ruling shall contain a designation of the offence the suspect allegedlycommitted, the grounds for suspicion, the date and time of deprivation of liberty, orresponse to summons, and the time of commencement of the detainment in custody.(3) The suspect and defence counsel may appeal against the ruling on detainment incustody, which shall immediately be delivered to the investigating judge. Theinvestigating judge is required to rule on the appeal within four hours of its reception. Anappeal does not stay execution of the ruling.(4) The internal affairs authority is required to promptly notify the investigating judge ofthe detainment in custody. The investigating judge may request that the internal affairsauthority escort the person retained to him immediately.(5) Suspects are entitled to the rights prescribed by Article 226 paragraph 8 of this Code.(6) Suspects must have defence counsel as soon as the internal affairs authority issuesa ruling on detainment in custody. Where a suspect does not retain a defence counselby himself, the internal affairs authority shall provide one ex officio, in accordance withthe order of names on a list submitted by the respective bar association. Suspects’interrogations shall be postponed until the arrival of their defence counsel, but by nomore than eight hours. If the presence of a defence counsel cannot be secured by thattime limit, the internal affairs authority shall release the suspect or promptly escort him tothe competent investigating judge.

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