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investigating judge shall ex officio or acting on a proposal by the parties issue a ruling onthe exclusion of these statements from the files immediately, and no later than theconclusion of the investigation, or the issuance of the consent of the investigating judgefor an indictment to be filed without the conduct of an investigation (Article 244paragraph 1). A special appeal against this ruling is allowed.(2) After the ruling becomes final, the excluded records shall be sealed in a separatecover and kept by the investigating judge apart from the other files, and may not beexamined or used in the proceedings.(3) After the completion of the investigation, and the issuance of the consent for anindictment to be filed without the conduct of an investigation (Article 244 paragraph 1),the investigating judge shall act pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of thisArticle also in respect of all information which was within the meaning of Article 235paragraph 2 and Article 226 paragraph 1 of this Code provided to the public prosecutorand the police by citizens, except the record referred to in Article 226 paragraph 9 of thisCode. Where the public prosecutor files an indictment without the conduct of aninvestigation (Article 244 paragraph 6), ha shall deliver files containing such informationto the investigating judge, who shall act in accordance with the provisions of this Article.Article 179(1) The investigating judge may order the conduct of an investigatory action recorded byaudio or video recording equipment. The investigating judge shall previously notifythereof the person being interrogated or questioned.(2) Video recordings may not be made at trials, except where especially permitted forindividual trial hearings by the President of the Supreme Court of Cassation. Whererecording at the trial has been authorised, the chamber may decide on justifiablegrounds that certain parts of the hearing may not be recorded.(3) The recording shall contain the data referred to in Article 175 paragraph 1 of thisCode, data needed to identify the person whose statement is being recorded and dataon the capacity in which that person is being interrogated or questioned. Wherestatements made by several persons are being recorded, the recording shall be made sothat it can be clearly seen from it who gave which statement.(4) At the request of the interrogated or questioned person, the recording shall be playedback immediately, and any corrections and clarifications made by that person shall berecorded.(5) The record of the investigatory action or the trial shall contain the fact that recordingwas made, the identity of the person who made it, that the person being interrogated orquestioned had previously been informed about the recording, that the recording wasplayed back and where it is kept, unless it has been attached to the case file.(6) The investigating judge or the president of the chamber may order the recordingtranscribed in full or in part. In such case the transcript shall be examined, certified andattached to the record on the conduct of the investigatory action.

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