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the proceedings who agrees to deliver them to the intended recipient, if the authorityholds that in such a manner their reception has been ensured.(2) The persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be informed aboutsummons for trial or another summons, as well as decisions to postpone a trial or otherscheduled actions, by telegram or by telephone, by electronic mail or other electronicmessage-transmission medium, provided that the means of communication can providefor the authority issuing the summons feedback information that the person has receivedthe summons or notice, if it can be assumed in view of the existing circumstances thatthe notification effected in this manner will be received by the intended recipient.(3) An official note shall be made in the files about the summons and service of adecision effected in the manner referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.(4) Detrimental consequences prescribed for omission may take effect against a personwho has pursuant to paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of this Article been notified, or to whomthe decision was addressed, only when it is established that that person received thesummons or decision in due time and had been instructed of the consequences ofomission.Article 170(1) Examination, transcription, copying, and recording of particular criminal files may beallowed to any having a justified interest.(2) When proceedings are pending the authority conducting them is responsible forissuing permission for the actions referred to in paragraph 1, and after the proceedingsare concluded, the president of the court or an official designated by the president. If thefiles are held by the public prosecutor, actions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Articleshall be permitted by the public prosecutor.(3) If the public is excluded from the trial or the right to privacy would be grossly violated,the actions referred to in paragraph 1 may be denied or made conditional on a ban onthe public use of the names of the parties to the proceedings. Appeals against denyingaccess may be filed, but they do not stay execution.(4) The provisions of Article 60 and Article 74 of this Code also apply to actions referredto in paragraph 1 in respect of private prosecutors, subsidiary prosecutors, the aggrievedand defence counsel.(5) Accused persons or suspects interrogated pursuant to the provisions of this Code oninterrogation and the defence counsel are entitled to examine files and objects servingas evidence.Chapter XIBRIEFS AND RECORDSArticle 171

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