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(6) The dispatch of a request, complaint or appeal by a person deprived of liberty and aperson in detention may not be banned. Documents of this type shall be sent andreceived in sealed covers, which shall be sealed and opened before the detainee, andsolely for the purpose of examining the contents of the cover rather than the contents ofthe documents.(7) After the indictment is filed and until the judgement becomes final, the president ofthe chamber shall be responsible for performance of the authorisations referred to inparagraph 1, 2 and 4 of this Article.Article 151(1) The investigating judge, or the president of the chamber, may impose on detaineesdisciplinary sanctions of restricting visits. The restriction does not include a detainee’scommunication with his defence counsel. Detainees may not be punished before beinginformed about the disciplinary transgressions of which they are accused, before theyare given an opportunity to present their defence, and before the case has beencarefully examined by a court.(2) Appeals against the ruling on a penalty imposed pursuant to paragraph 1 of thisArticle may be filed with the chamber (Article 24 paragraph 6) of the competent courtwithin 24 fours of the moment of receiving the ruling. Appeals do not stay execution ofrulings. The chamber shall rule on appeals within eight days of receiving them.Article 152(1) Supervision of detainees is performed by the president of the court duly authorised.(2) The president of the court or a judge designated by the president is required to visitdetainees at least once every week and, if he finds it necessary, without the presence ofthe warden and warders inform himself about how the detainees are being fed andprovided with other necessities, and how they are treated. The president or the dulydesignated judge is required to promptly notify the ministry responsible for the judiciaryabout the irregularities detected during the visit of the prison, and the ministry is requiredto within 15 days from receiving the notification notify the president of the court or thejudge about measures taken to rectify them. The designated judge may not be aninvestigating judge.(3) The president of the court and the investigating judge may visit all detainees at anytime, talk to them and receive complaints from them.Article 153More detailed regulations on detention shall pursuant to the provisions of this Code beissued by the Minister of Justice.Chapter IXRENDERING AND PRONOUNCING DECISIONS

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